Bit će para i za INU i za dioničare i za državu:
Pogrešno, cijene se dižu jer INA para nema i mač kreditora visi joj nad glavom, naplata cijelog kredita odjednom mogla bi uskoro biti izvršena nad INAom!
Ne znam samo kako će taj rast cijena pomoći INI kad postoje konkurentske benzinske postaje u HR, a u našem susjedstvu da ne pričamo. ja ću u nedelju u šoping preko grane (jer HR dućani ne smiju raditi zbog glupe odluke naše vlade!!!) i tamo ću natankati pun rezervoar benze (jer je INA sad bezobrazno digla cijene dok nafta i dalje pada!!). Onu iduću nedjelju napravit ću to isto, a bagra neka pokuša oderati druge ovce, mene više neće!!!
HR devize sve više idu preko grane (zato nam je drastično pala naplata PDV-a), a ovi lopovi neka mozgaju zašto????
ja isto idem u shoping u nedjelju u mrsku sloveniju. nekad sam imao domoljublja da kupujem u hrv ali nakon ove pljačke u 2008, hanfine šutnje, vladine izgubljenosti… nemam više para da kupujem hrvatsko.
sad idem preko grane pa makar za jednu lipu.
ima li netko informacije koliko je INA legal na interventnom uvozu plina?,35434.html
Ova plinska kriza je pogodovala INI.
Sada će u kratkom roku prodati plinski business i okrenuti se svom temeljnom poslu, a to je upstream plina i nafte i downstream nafte. Kao i MOL.
Prihodi od prodaje plina po tržišnim cijenama npr 240 dolara/1000m3 daje prihod od cca 500 milijuna dolara. Naravno od toga treba odbiti naknade za koncesiju.
Nezvao se ja Lorimer, a sigurno se ne zovem tako, ovo ocjenjivanje sam je izmislio. Samo je bilo predviđeno za direktore, čalnove NO, menadžere. Jer loše poslovanje, kud je loše za tvrtku tako je loše i za radnike, stoga ne treba radnike dvaput kažnjavat, oni će i onako biti zbog loših rezultata izbačeni sa posla, frka je da se menadžerima, direktorima i dripcima zabrani obavljanje dužnosti na preiode 1,3 i 5 godina. Netko bi moraona večernju školu kod mene. Ovo je rupa. Kao i rukovoditeljstvo INE. Katastrofa. Nije mi jasno što su zaposlili novih 749 radnika???
Plina ima jedino mu je mana što ne će sam iz zemlje da izađe i da se proda:
Malo o konkurenciji:
1.) OMV prodaje oko 70 benzinskih stanica u Austriji ( imaju oko 550 benziskih stanica u Austriji )
2.) OMV ima oko 2500 benzinskih stanica u 13 zemalja
3,) Ulagat će u modernizaciju benzinskih stanica s VIVA dućanima i kafićima
4.) Vrijednost dionice se trenutno kreće oko 17,5 do 18,5 EUR-a što je blizu najniže cijene unatrag zadnjih 6 mjeseci.
Hungary PM in talks with Qatar on LNG supply prospects
Friday, 23, January 2009 11:36:00 AM
Hungary’s Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány met Qatari deputy PM and Minister of Energy Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiya in Doha on Thursday to discuss prospects of transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, Hungarian news agency MTI reported. The aim of the visit to Oman and Qatar was to reduce Hungary’s energy dependence, Gyurcsány said.
Businessmen from national oil and gas group MOL, who accompanied the PM, met businessmen in Qatar to discuss potential LNG purchases, Zsolt Hernádi, MOL’s CEO told MTI.
He said Qatar appeared to show interest in a Hungarian proposal to supply the LNG terminal, which is to be set up on the Croatian island of Krk, with Qatari LNG. MOL plans to take part in the construction of the terminal, along with Croatian fuels company INA and OMV of Austria[/b].
Croatian and Hungarian pipeline networks must still be linked before Hungary can benefit from Qatari gas supplies.
“Once the LNG terminal at Rijeka is built and the Croatian and Hungarian networks are connected, LNG can provide a real alternative to costly pipeline building plans. At the moment, however, we see the news neutral as we have no concrete information about the plans," commented Péter Tordai, analyst at KBC Securities.
Trading in Hungary MOL shares suspended, Croatian deal suspected (2)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Trading the shares of Hungarian fuels group MOL has been suspended on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE). The reason is still unknown, but it certainly was not excessive price swings, since MOL’s share price has been holding steady.
Turnover in MOL shares have been way under the average up until the suspension.
We have no information as to what the trigger of the suspension might have been, but we give the highest probability to a deal between the company and the Croatian government about MOL acquiring a majority stake in INA and/or the detachment of INA’s gas business (to be bought by the state).
We are awaiting a statement from the BSE.
The BSE said it suspended trading in MOL at the request of the company, which is to make an extraordinary announcement. No further detail has been disclosed.
Trading in Hungary MOL shares suspended, Croatian deal suspected (2)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Trading the shares of Hungarian fuels group MOL has been suspended on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE). The reason is still unknown, but it certainly was not excessive price swings, since MOL’s share price has been holding steady.
Turnover in MOL shares have been way under the average up until the suspension.
We have no information as to what the trigger of the suspension might have been, but we give the highest probability to a deal between the company and the Croatian government about MOL acquiring a majority stake in INA and/or the detachment of INA’s gas business (to be bought by the state).
We are awaiting a statement from the BSE.
The BSE said it suspended trading in MOL at the request of the company, which is to make an extraordinary announcement. No further detail has been disclosed.
Hvala na kolcu i par pitanje.
1. Zašto se nije suspendirala trgovina Inom?
2. Zašto nitko nije obavjestio ZSE?
3. Šta radi HANFA?
Ina je izlistana i u Londonu a prodaja Okoli i izdvajanje pliskog businessa su vrlo važne materijalne činjenice.