IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


Skoro pola milijuna kuna  novog posla.



Čestitke IGH-u.


Tunel Učka, najbrži cestovni spoj Istre i ostatka Hrvatske, otvoren 27. rujna 1981.

Skoro pola milijuna kuna novog posla.




drukeri na ignore: bisakovi, serislav,, neumoran, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKlf7Llcl5U&list=LLzzxP81UKsk5js-Yy0dtuHw&index=79



Posao je dobila nekakva  mikro-mini tvrtka Core d.o.o. sa šest zaposlenih.  Valjda su ponudili cijenu po kojoj je teško očekivati da se dobije nekakav suvislo odrađen posao. A IGH je tu prethodno već odradio ozbiljan dio posla i bili su upoznati s problematikom.




Petnaest milijunčeka.





Još posla



Struka na okupu.



Pola milijuna kuna.



Di su pare za male dioničare? Pokupio Veliki ćelo,trebalo mu za malog ćelu.

E moj narode….

Robert Petrosyan• 1stCEO Institut IGH d.d.2h • 






- JV lead by IGH d.d. awarded a new Contract – Development of conceptual project, environmental impact assessment, justification studies and obtaining a location permit for the construction of the A1 highway Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik, sector Metković-Dubrovnik.


- IGH d.d. awarded a new Contract – Technical and financial control, framework agreement for two years, consisting of:

Group 1: Technical and financial control of projects for the purpose of structural and complete reconstruction of earthquake-damaged family houses of estimated usability PN1/PN2 and N1/N2 for level 3

Group 2: Technical and financial control of projects for the structural reconstruction of earthquake-damaged multi-apartment, residential-business and commercial buildings of estimated usability PN1/PN2 for level 2

Group 3: Technical and financial control of projects for the purpose of structural reconstruction of earthquake-damaged multi-apartment, residential-business and commercial buildings of estimated usability PN1/PN2 for level 3

Group 4: Technical and financial control of projects for the purpose of structural reconstruction of earthquake-damaged multi-apartment, residential-business and office buildings of estimated usability N1/N2 for level 3

Group 5: Technical and financial control of projects for the purpose of complete reconstruction of earthquake-damaged multi-apartment, residential-business and commercial buildings of estimated usability PN1/PN2 for level 2

Group 6: Technical and financial control of projects for the purpose of complete reconstruction of earthquake-damaged multi-apartment, residential-business and commercial buildings of estimated usability PN1/PN2 and N1/N2

for level 3

Congrats to IGH Team!

2 hours ago

New Report
