Ima već negdje objavljeno od koga je sve preuzeta zemlja na trasi pristupnih cesta za Pelješki. Bilo na RTL Potrazi neku večer.
Jedino ako se nađe kakav padobranac ali sveopća atmosfera na burzi neće tako skoro biti optimistična.
Najnovija objava na njihovoj stranici
Stručnost Instituta IGH za međunarodna priznanja kvalitete hrvatskih luka
*Hydroelectric power plant Senj 2*
Institut IGH d.d. and Elektroprojekt Consulting Engineers signed a HRK 5 million (VAT exclusive) worth contract as part of the development of a Detailed design for the HPP Senj 2.
Services will include managing and implementing all soil mechanics investigations.
HES Senj, built in the 1960s, uses the hydro potential of the Lika and Gacka rivers in two hydroelectric power plants, HPP Sklope and HPP Senj. The catchment area of the river Lika has an area of 1125 km2, and the Gacka 584 km2. With its average production of 1050 GWh/year, HES Senj ranks among the most important sources of electricity in the Republic of Croatia.
HEP d.d. as the final client, with the realization of the project, intends to use the remaining hydro potential in the basins of Lika and Gacka by upgrading the existing hydropower system.
The project will enable:
- increasing power and electricity production
- flood protection downstream of lake Kosinj
- increase in agricultural production downstream from the lake Kosinj
- secure water supply of the North coast, which gives this project a multifunctional character
#InstitutIGH #IGH #hydropower #energy
Photo: Wikipedia
Autor članka je Niko Poznat. Zanimljivo. A i gdje se tu spominje Igh. Znam da na nizinskoj prugi nije…
Traži se iskusni Nadzorni inženjeri – FIDIC inženjeri.
Traži se iskusni Nadzorni inženjeri – FIDIC inženjeri.
Autor članka je Niko Poznat. Zanimljivo. A i gdje se tu spominje Igh. Znam da na nizinskoj prugi nije…
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