HT (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska HT (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 25.11.2024. u 20:09
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Počinje upis za atlantic, fondovi misle da će mali dat t-com u bescjenje da bi imali vulu za atlantic, zato je cijena takva kakva je, al su se mal zahebali jer promet je mizerija, sam je par papaka pristalo na njihovu igru. Mislim da korekcija u Lononu nema nikakve veze s ovim, mi smo posebna priča…

Surround all arround when it hits the ground


Slažem se.
Neiskusni investitori prodaju, iako ne više tako jako kako prije što dokazuje promet od samo 11 mlijuna kuna (u petak više od 60 milijuna), a fondovi i svi ostali koji dokupljuju se vesele što mogu kupovati na 385 kn. Ne bi me čudilo čišćenje pred kraj trgovanja. Poput onog u petak. I dalje vrijedi da ove dionice ne treba prodavati. Na 385 kn odlična prigoda za kupnju.

@asdf… Slažem se. Neiskusni investitori prodaju, iako ne više tako jako kako prije što dokazuje promet od samo 11 mlijuna kuna (u petak više od 60 milijuna), a fondovi i svi ostali koji dokupljuju se vesele što mogu kupovati na 385 kn. Ne bi me čudilo čišćenje pred kraj trgovanja. Poput onog u petak. I dalje vrijedi da ove dionice ne treba prodavati. Na 385 kn odlična prigoda za kupnju.

Misilm da ekipa koja danas prodaje po ovim cijenama je danas i stavila naloge.Zato je tako mali promet.To su oni koji su htjeli prodati još prvi dan, ali nisu znali kako ili nisu mogli. Ostatak ekipe koja ima registrirane dionice čeka na daleko većem targetu.Tako će biti još neko vrijeme, po mojoj procjeni cijeli tjedan, dok se istovare ovi kojima se žuri.



Slažem se.
Neiskusni investitori prodaju, iako ne više tako jako kako prije što dokazuje promet od samo 11 mlijuna kuna (u petak više od 60 milijuna), a fondovi i svi ostali koji dokupljuju se vesele što mogu kupovati na 385 kn. Ne bi me čudilo čišćenje pred kraj trgovanja. Poput onog u petak. I dalje vrijedi da ove dionice ne treba prodavati. Na 385 kn odlična prigoda za kupnju.

Samo nek prodaju. ja sam si zacrtao kao gornju granicu dokupa 390 i nisam ocekivao da cu danas moci po 386. Kad je vec bila prilika iskoristih ju. E sad sam totalno bez casha [smiley2]

dokupila danas po 385,
(al’ i neki dan po 390), ljudima očito ne igra par kuna na 63 komada……
samo nek prodaju, što se mene tiče može i ispod 380[smiley1]

Samo nek prodaju. ja sam si zacrtao kao gornju granicu dokupa 390 i nisam ocekivao da cu danas moci po 386. Kad je vec bila prilika iskoristih ju. E sad sam totalno bez casha [smiley2]

i ja danas dokupio po 386,60…..sad bi još ali također ostadoh bez keša. A što je najgore lako moguće da idemo i još dole jer nema neke velike aktivnosti kupaca na 385

Kupnja Cijena
1475 385,00
28 384,50
96 384,04
874 384,03
1155 384,02
Cijena Prodaja
385,50 63
385,99 63
386,00 252
386,01 63
386,55 62

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A Green Shoe, also known by its legal title as an “over-allotment option” (the only way it can be referred to in a prospectus), gives underwriters the right to sell additional shares in a registered securities offering if demand for the securities is in excess of the original amount offered. The Green Shoe can vary in size up to 15% of the original number of shares offered.

This provision of many underwriting agreements is named after the now-defunct Green Shoe Company, whose IPO in the 1930s included the first use of such a provision.

The Green Shoe option is popular because it is the only SEC-permitted means for an underwriter to stabilize the price of a new issue post-pricing. Issuers will sometimes not permit a greenshoe on a transaction when they have a very specific objective for the offering, and do not want the possibility of raising more money than planned. The term “Green Shoe” comes from the Green Shoe Company, which was the first company to permit this practice to be used in an offering, and as such is used as a proper noun.

[edit] How it works
The mechanism by which the Green Shoe option works to provide stability and liquidity to a public offering is described in the following example:

A company intends to sell 1 million shares of their stock in a public offering through an investment banking firm (or group of firms which are known as the syndicate) whom the company has chosen to be the offering’s underwriter(s). When the stock offering constitutes the first time that the stock will be available for trading in a public market, it is called an IPO (initial public offering). When there is already an established market for the shares and the company or its owners are simply selling more of their non-publicly traded stock, it is called a follow-on offering.

The underwriters function as the broker of these shares and find willing buyers among their clients. A price for the shares is determined by agreement between the sellers (the company’s owners and directors) and the buyers (the underwriters and their clients). A part of the responsibility of the lead underwriter in running a successful offering is to help ensure that once the shares begin to publicly trade, they do not trade below the offering price.

When a public offering trades below its offering price, the offering is said to have “broke issue” or “broke syndicate bid”. This creates the perception of an unstable or undesirable offering, which can lead to further selling and hesitant buying of the shares. To manage this possible situation, the underwriter initially oversells (“shorts”) to their clients the offering by an additional 15% of the offering size. In this example then, the underwriter would sell 1.15 million shares of stock to their clients. Now when the offering is priced and those 1.15 million shares are “effective” (become eligible for public trading), the underwriter is able to support and stabilize the offering price bid (which is also known as the “syndicate bid”) by buying back the extra 15% of shares (150,000 shares in this example) at the offering price. They are able to do this without having to assume the market risk of being long this extra 15% of shares in their own account, as they are simply “covering” (closing out) their 15% oversell short.

So far this example has described a portion of the dynamics of a public offering where there is a need to stabilize the offering by supporting the bid at the offering price to ensure that it does not trade below or “break the offer”. The circumstance of utilizing the “Green Shoe” is as follows:

If the offering is successful and is in strong demand such that the price of the stock immediately goes up and stays above the offering price, then the underwriter is left in the circumstance of having oversold the offering by 15% and is now technically short

If the offering is successful and is in strong demand such that the price of the stock immediately goes up and stays above the offering price, then the underwriter is left in the circumstance of having oversold the offering by 15% and is now technically short those shares. If they were to go into the open market to buy back that 15% of shares, the company would be buying back those shares at a higher price than it sold them at, and would incur a loss on the transaction.

This is where the over-allotment (Green Shoe) option comes into play: the company grants the underwriters the option to purchase from the company up to 15% of additional shares than the original offering size at the offering price. Now, if the underwriters were able to buy back all of its oversold shares at the offering price in support of the deal, they would not need to exercise any of the Green Shoe. But if they were only able to buy back some of the shares before the stock went higher, then they would exercise a partial Green Shoe for the rest of the shares. And, if they were not able to buy back any of the oversold 15% of shares at the offering price (“syndicate bid”) because the stock immediately went and stayed up, then they would be able to completely cover their 15% short position by exercising the full Green Shoe.

Razmišljam u petak da dokupim il ne, reko ostavit ću za ponedjeljak. Ne da mi vrag mira i stavim 10 000 milja na kladi da će Hamilton bit svjetski prvak… Sad bar ne moram razmišljat o dokupu. Novac kvari ljude, a ja dobričina…ajme

Surround all arround when it hits the ground

Razmišljam u petak da dokupim il ne, reko ostavit ću za ponedjeljak. Ne da mi vrag mira i stavim 10 000 milja na kladi da će Hamilton bit svjetski prvak… Sad bar ne moram razmišljat o dokupu. Novac kvari ljude, a ja dobričina…ajme

I onda se ljudi pitaju zašto HT oscilira u pravilnim razmacima. Upravo zbog ovakvih investitora kojima je osnovna dilema da liu lovu ulupati u kladionicu ili burzu.
Ali jednoga smo se riješili jer je zaradu na jednom paketu spizdio na kladionici.
Dobro je znati da fondovima netko pomaže da se riješimo ovih novih nazovi-investitora[smiley1]

Čuvajte se poduzaća na čijem su čelu SVETE KRAVE. SVETE KRAVE ne vole promjene: one vole da se posao odvija kako se uvijek odvijao i često su slijepe u krizi. T. E. Deal & A. A. Kennedy

HDZ vodi po zadnjoj anketi tak da HT pići na nekih 350kn….to ti je politika

..stoga sam danas ponosan čovjek jer sve što sam izgradio danas sam svojim potpisom predao hrvatskoj državi...

… Dobro je znati da fondovima netko pomaže da se riješimo ovih novih nazovi-investitora[smiley1]

a takvih investitora oko HT-a je barem 200.000

New Report
