Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
HT | 38,50 | 90.514 | 2,351 | 38,60 | 38,80 | 0,78% |
Najs riport! [cool]
[March 23, 2010]
Croatia Telecommunications Report Q2 2010 – New Market Report Published
(M2 PressWIRE Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Croatia Telecommunications Report Q2 2010 : New Company and Market Analysis For this Q210 edition of the Croatia Telecommunications Report, we have amended slightly our forecasts for the country’s mobile, fixed-line and internet markets. Our forecasts are broadly unchanged, although we have reined in our expectations for the mobile market amid rising saturation levels and slack consumer spending, while the fixed-line sector has been characterised by a steeper drop in subscriber numbers than had previously been anticipated. Meanwhile, growth prospects in the broadband arena remain robust.
Incumbent T-Hrvatski Telekom (T-HT) continues to dominate all three sectors, though it is facing increasing challenges from alternative operators on all fronts and is gradually seeing its market shares being eroded. In the mobile sector, its T-Mobile division lost ground to prepaid-focused rival Tele2 in 2009, despite the newcomer’s decision in Q209 to disconnect nearly 30% of its user base deemed to have been inactive. Telekom Austria-backed Vipnet exhibited robust growth in 9M09, but noted a net subscriber loss in Q309, which stopped it from making the most of a lacklustre performance from TMobile and narrowing the gap between the two. We believe that there were 6.354mn mobile subscribers in Croatia at the end of 2009, a y-o-y increase of 8.1% and a penetration rate of 143.3%. The mobile operators remain reluctant to disclose data relating to the usage of their 3G networks, although figures for non-voice mobile service revenues disclosed by T-Mobile indicate that the usage of the types of value-added services accessed by next generation networks is rising at a healthy pace. The national regulatory authority suggests that the number of HSPA/UMTS subscribers grew by 79% in the year to September 2009, yielding a subscriber base of more than 242,100. Even allowing for the possibility that this figure includes a number of inactive customers, this still reinforces our view that future growth opportunities in the mobile segment lie in migrating customers to higher value 3G services. In the meantime, though, while Tele2 continues to focus heavily on the prepaid segment, the others will also look to at least growing their low-cost users at respectable rates. By 2014, we expect that there will be 1.514mn 3G subscribers in Croatia, which would represent 21.1% of the overall mobile user base at that time.
Even while the fixed-line market declined by 2.3% in 2009, interest in broadband services remained strong, with user numbers growing by 27% to 669,000. We forecast that the number of broadband subscribers will reach 1.3mn by 2014, or a penetration rate of 28.5%. T-HT is also the dominant player here, but it is ceding market share to newcomers, particularly those offering voice services as well. IPTV is quickly becoming a key differentiator for alternative broadband operators, and 2009 ended with five IPTV services on the market, following launches by Amis and Optima.
poštovana gospodo zanima me da li dioničari ht-a stječu pravo na dividendu ako na dan skupštine prodaju dionicu(naravno zbog kasnije povoljnije kupnje)
pa zamolio bih Vas ako mi može netko reći nešto o tome???????????
unaprijed hvala!
neko krenio da se opet nakrca [thumbsup]
ja ocekujem top na 329,89kn a onda pad na303,85 naravno poslije dividende……
poštovana gospodo zanima me da li dioničari ht-a stječu pravo na dividendu ako na dan skupštine prodaju dionicu(naravno zbog kasnije povoljnije kupnje)
pa zamolio bih Vas ako mi može netko reći nešto o tome???????????
unaprijed hvala!
Da.Mozes je prodati i dva dana ranije tj. 19.04.2009. i imas pravo na dividendu.Zadnji dan za stjecanje prava na dividendu je 16.04.2010.g.
nebi me iznendailo da je sutra rasprodaja.
Namjerno dizanje cijene pred sam kraj da bi se sutra moglo iskrcati do 318.00 kn kao i prišlih tjedana.
Oćekivam sutra i prekosutra pad dionice HT….mislim tkvz,korekciju
Sutra ćemo sve znati …lp
Hm zanimljivo, DT već posjeduje 20% Srpskog telekoma (Srpski +RS telekom + CG telekom), a njihova vlada uskoro raspisuje natječaj za kupnju 40 % novog udjela, pa ako DT to kupi, postaje vlasnik 60 % Srpskog telekoma, eto nove koke u DT kokošinjcu.
Eh, idem odmah vidjeti stanje na LSE DTa
ako se povijest ponovi sa ht-om svi bismo mogli zaraditi dvostruki pa čak i trostruki iznos dividende .
ja očekujem uskoro jaku korekciju nakon koje slijedi uzlet pa rasprodaju koja slijedi nakon skupštine ,ali to je samo moje mišljenje.
Hm zanimljivo, DT već posjeduje 20% Srpskog telekoma (Srpski +RS telekom + CG telekom), a njihova vlada uskoro raspisuje natječaj za kupnju 40 % novog udjela, pa ako DT to kupi, postaje vlasnik 60 % Srpskog telekoma, eto nove koke u DT kokošinjcu.
Eh, idem odmah vidjeti stanje na LSE DTa
Ovo definitivno nije dobro za HT. Po svoj prilici ćemo se morati odreći udjela u HTu Mostar zbog prevelike koncentracije DTa u BiH.
Preispitao bih komentar na temelju kojeg ste donjeli zakljucak. Telekom Srbije ili kako se vec zove je u 80% vlasnistvu Vlade Rep Srbije a 20% neke grčke firme. Procjenjuje se da ce radnicima ici oko 12% a gradjanima oko 15%. Uz to 40% ide u prodaju nekom velikom igraču. Dakle tada bi eventualno to izgledalo ovako: 40% DT, 20% grčka firma, 15% gradjani srbije, 12% radnici telekoma srbije, 13% vlada srbije. O koncentraciji u BiH ne znam i kako to sve ide posredno, no ovo bi trebali biti tocni podaci. Dakle, DT posjeduje 20% čega molim pojašnjenje????
u redu, nasao sam link. znaci ipak je DT i preko grcke firme unutra vec. zanimljivo kako su njemci odradili balkan.