Građevinari u regiji gube posljednje poslove

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Neka naši građevinari odu na Hvar da vide kako treba biti izgrađena cesta ( gradio STRABAG između Polica i Jelse )
ČISTA PETICA i gotovo 6 mjeseci prije roka!!!!

Jupiter trine Uranus: Split-second action

This influence gives you a strong need to express yourself by doing something that is different from your normal routine. You need to experience a new kind of freedom in your life and to discover dimensions of living that you have not known before. This may take the form of a search for inner truth on the metaphysical or philosophical level, or it may take the more external form of a new activity in your life.

You are much more receptive to new ideas during this time, and you should be a bit careful about getting into something solely because it is a novelty.

However, for the most part this desire for the new is constructive and will probably be quite good for you. This is an influence that prevents you in a positive way from getting into a rut.

Sometimes this influence can denote a sudden opportunity or a piece of good luck that seems to come completely out of the blue and take you by surprise. Often it is a sudden change or an event that gives you a new chance in some way. It could be a sudden windfall or promotion or even a sudden chance encounter that works out to your benefit.

If such an event occurs, take advantage of it. This is one of the few times when you shouldn’t stop to ponder carefully before acting. Such a decision often requires split- second action.

This is also one of the few influences that can be very lucky in gambling. But remember that it will have this effect only if you are reasonably fortunate in such matters anyway.

If you are usually unlucky at gambling, this influence will probably not affect you positively. This influence also enables you to grasp new ideas quickly. You can learn subjects faster now than at other times, and you see very quickly the patterns in anything. On occasion this influence can signify a fortunate discovery or invention.

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