Droge su koristili i slavni genijalci: Ovo su njihova iskustva

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to što je članak vjerojatno prepisan iz nekog stranog izvora nije nikakvo opravdanje za netočnost. neki od navednih su bili ovisnici, a neki nisu no svi su zajedno strpani u ‘ovisnike o drogama’ što nema veze s istinom.

pokojni Jobs nije ”genijalac”, nego ENTJ s svim manama i vrlinama koje iz toga proizlaze http://www.16personalities.com/entj-personality

ENTJ strengths

High self-confidence. ENTJ personalities trust in their abilities and do not hesitate to express their opinion. They are confident being in the center of attention.

Strategic thinkers. ENTJs have no difficulties making long-term plans and approaching problems from several different angles.

Energetic. People with this personality enjoy leading people and putting plans in action. This energizes and motivates them.

Charismatic and inspiring. ENTJs find it easy to convince and inspire other people, mostly because of their high self-esteem and strong opinions.

Very efficient. ENTJ personalities loathe inefficiency, irrationality and laziness, seeking to root out such behavior wherever they go.

Strong-willed. ENTJs tend to be very determined individuals, who rarely give up and abandon their vision, regardless of the opposition.

ENTJ weaknesses

Stubborn and dominant. ENTJs can be quite inflexible and seek to win all debates and arguments, doing their best to promote their vision and ideas.

Arrogant. People with this personality type are usually able to accumulate a lot of knowledge and make well-informed decisions – however, they may also look down on people who are less competent or unwilling to argue their points.

May be cold and ruthless. ENTJs are obsessed with efficiency and rationality when it comes to work and professional goals. They will often ignore personal circumstances and dismiss sensitivities and emotions as irrelevant.

Poor handling of emotions. ENTJs are very rational – not surprisingly, they are likely to have difficulties understanding and expressing their feelings. They may also inadvertently hurt their partners and friends in emotionally charged situations.

Impatient. ENTJ personalities are quick thinkers and may lose patience very quickly when dealing with people who need more time to make a decision.

Intolerant. People with this personality type see little value in ideas that are based on emotional arguments or address issues that they do not consider important – and an ENTJ will not hesitate to make that clear to those around them.

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