Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska DIOK (DIOKI d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


vratit ću se jednog dana.
s razlogom…
pozdrav diokijevcima ma gdje bili i ma kakve snove snili. [cool]

hate red

Ja bi rekao da je ovdje posrijedi silovanje.

I da je dosegnuta potpora. Vrišteća pozitivna divergencija. Ako ovdje nije dno ne znam gdje je.

never surrender

Imao bi pitanje….

Na Omišlju kod uvale Blato, je to zemljište Dioki-a??

Idemo malo o bliskoj budućnosti, travanj 2010. Počinje probna proizvodnja VCM-a, kapaciteta 200 000 t/g, vjerojatno najznačajnije postrojenje, (za sada) u Diokiju sa velikom stopom profitabilnosti. Ukoliko uzmemo u obzir cijenu etilena 1050 usd/t, kao sirovinske baze za proizvodnju VCM-a, čija cijena je 860 usd/t, mnogi bi upitali kako ???
Najjednostavnijim rječnikom pokušavam objasniti.
Etilen C2H4
Vinil-klorid C2H3CL
RAM ili (relativna atomska masa) za navedene kemijske elemente, po periodičnom sustava je slijedeća:
C (ugljik) 12
H (vodik) 1
CL (klor) 35
Znači uvrstivši RAM u kemijsku formulu, dobivamo slijedeće rezultate mase:
C2H4 = 12×2 + 1×4= 28
C2H3CL= 12×2 + 1×3 +1×35= 62
U prijevodu od 28 t. etilena dobivamo 62 t. vinil-klorida. Trenutna cijena klora je oko 200 eura/t, a ima ga u izobilju na tržištu (npr. Slovenija-Hrastnik). Vrlo lako dolazimo do zaključka, o visokoj profitabilnosti proizvoda. PVC ostavljam za analizu u 1Q 2011. kada bude aktualan.

Kojim postupkom se dobiva EDC?

U prijevodu od 28 t. etilena dobivamo 62 t. vinil-klorida. Trenutna cijena klora je oko 200 eura/t, a ima ga u izobilju na tržištu (npr. Slovenija-Hrastnik). Vrlo lako dolazimo do zaključka, o visokoj profitabilnosti proizvoda. PVC ostavljam za analizu u 1Q 2011. kada bude aktualan.

Nekada se u Kaštel Sućurcu proizvodio klor kloroalkalnom elektrolizom!

[quote name=OPORTUNIST

Kojim postupkom se dobiva EDC?

U modernijim postrojenjima novije generacije VCM-a ,kao što je ovaj u Omišlju, EDC dobiva se postupkom OKSIKLORINACIJE.
C2H4 + 2HCL + ½ O2 = CLCH2CH2CL + H2O
Karakteristika ovog postupka, je visoki postotak iskoristivosti, slikovito rečeno. 28 kg. etilena + 72 kg HCL(klorovodične kiseline)= 98 kg EDC-a.
U daljnjem postupku termalnim krekiranjem na 500 C, tlakom od 15-30 bara..itd. dolazi do razlaganja na CH2CHCL + HCL ,( VCM + HCL koji se u zatvorenom sistemu vraća nazad u proces).
Nije lako za pratiti, ali sava kad si već pitao…
Što se tiče kloralkalne elektrolize, ne baš jeftino postrojenje uz veliku potrošnju el. energije, a klora ionako na tržištu ima dosta i povoljno.

Malo sam dosadan ali ako možeš malo više detalja!
Izluči iz ovoga dolje što dobivamo sada a što početkom slijedeće!
Unaprijed hvala.

Sava prijatelju, bespotrebno je kem. proces "secirati na treću decimalu", kad je to većini naporno, dosadno i slabo razumljivo. Fundamentalno i jedino važno, a svima jednostavno, može se sažeti u par rečenica.
VCM respektabilnog kapaciteta od 200 000 t/g, profitabilno je i zahtjevno postrojenje, dobre konjukture, jer baš ne pršti tržištem previše istih, ne toliko radi tehnološke složenosti, koliko zbog izuzetne osjetljivosti (IPERIT-bojni otrov, plikavci, glavni sastojak klor).
Btw. brodogradilište 3. MAJ, ima narudžbu domaćeg naručitelja za dva specijalna tankera, namjena, prijevoz opasnih kemikalija. Pitam se za koga?!

Btw. brodogradilište 3. MAJ, ima narudžbu domaćeg naručitelja za dva specijalna tankera, namjena, prijevoz opasnih kemikalija. Pitam se za koga?!

To je najavio Edi Kučan prije nekoliko dana – razgovara se s jednim domaćim brodarom o dva priobalna Tankera za naftu,naftne prerađevine i kemikalije – nosivost oko 3.500 DWT.
Kijac i Sepen su koštali oko 18,2 milijuna eura – ovo bi moglo biti oko 30 milijuna eura. [cool]
I mislim da je to prvenstveno za naftne derivate.
Kada ovoliko ulažu u brodarstvo očito je vrlo isplativo.
Kada će se nešto u ZG zalomiti – neka investicija? [cool]
Ti reče da se zatvara polako – zar se ne bi trebali dioničari detaljnije informirati o takvim stvarima?

Nije – trenutno – vezano uz Dioki ali je poučno!
Posebice o cijeni jedne tvornice PVC-a – 330.000 tona godišnje = 650 milijuna eura!

17 February 2010 15:15 [Source: ICIS news]

By Franco Capaldo

LONDON (ICIS news)–Sibur has set its sights to expand throughout 2010 and beyond, with development projected to happen within all of its main business divisions, the Russian petrochemical company said on Tuesday.

Sibur said it would invest between roubles (Rb) 30bn ($999m, €726m) and Rb32bn in 2010, compared with the Rb29bn it spent in 2009 to develop the company, however the company added that this sum would be modified every quarter of the year as the situation in the economy and market changed.

“After 2015 Russia will be the leading producer of petrochemical raw material. Until this time Sibur must become a global company," said CEO Dmitry Konov.

“Global not in sense of size, but in the sense of global quality of our products,” Konov added.

Sibur wanted to increase the output of organic synthesis products 25.6% to 1.22bn tonnes in 2010 and that the main challenge and task for the company was to build new facilities which represented a visible size on the global market, as most of its current plants that produce the product were built 30 to 40 years ago, a spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that Sibur would decrease polymers output 5.7% to 563,000 tonnes/year in 2010.

Sibur’s key projects for 2010 included the construction of a 500,000 tonne/year polypropylene production complex in Tobolsk, in the Tyumen Region. The plant, which required an investment of about Rb60bn, has been largely financed through loans from Vnesheconombank (VEB) and was expected to come on stream in the fourth quarter of 2012, the spokesperson said

In 2009, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts for the project were made with Tecnimont and Linde.

Sibur also said that in the first quarter of this year it would start construction of a 330,000 tonne/year polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plant in the Nizhny Novgorod region to come on stream in 2012. In June 2007, Sibur formed a joint venture, RusVinyl LLC, to build the PVC plant, which has been expected to cost around Rb26.8bn (€650m).

RusVinyl is owned on parity basis by Sibur and SolVin, in which Solvay owns 75% and BASF has a 25% stake.

Additionally Sibur said construction of its 220,000 tonne/year ethylbenzene facility, with a 135,000 tonnes/year capacity styrene production, and a new production of expandable polystyrene with 50,000 tonnes/year capacity at Sibur Khimprom has been planned for completion by the end of 2010, the spokesperson said.

Within its hydrocarbon feedstock business, Sibur has been looking to intensify the work it does with oil and gas companies and invest in its hydrocarbon feedstock division, which provides the raw material for the stages of petrochemical reaction.

Discussions have taken place with leading Russian oil companies Rosneft and Gazprom Neft, over further opportunities for constructing gas processing plants in western and eastern Siberia, the spokesperson added.

In 2010 the company has planned to increase production of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by 3% year on year to 3.4m tonnes/year, increase production of dry gas 2% to 15.2bn cubic metres, and produce 4.2m tonnes/year of natural gas liquids (NGL), which would be a 17% rise from 2009.

The spokesperson said that Sibur aimed to produce 20bn to 21bn cubic metres/year of associated petroleum gas (APG) by 2012.

Additionally, Sibur’s construction of a port for the export of LPG and light oil products at the sea trading port of Ust-Luga, in the Leningrad region of northwestern Russia, would start this year with start-up of the complex expected in the fourth quarter of 2012.

At the end of last month Sibur was granted government approval to build the project, estimated to cost around Rb3.9bn, which would be capable of transporting 1.5m tonnes/ye

Kolege (Oportunist, Sava a da kupite koju dionicu osim sto raspravljate o kemijskim procesima. 2 dana bez prometa a cijena niska, jos cemo u onom sporednom zavrsit. Ja bi uzel jos ali sredstva mi zarobljena.

Nije bolest sve što boli

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