Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska DIOK (DIOKI d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

opet jedna runda ispraznog lupetanja pod krinkom diplomatsko-energetske diplomacije

Sve ce to narod platiti[emo_bijesan]

Croatia and the Changing Map of Europe
Ivo Josipovic
President of Croatia
Thursday, May 15th – Evening Program

Croatia’s biggest asset has always been its stunning coastline. It has a vibrant tourist industry, enormous agricultural potential, and an economy that is integrated into the European Union. Energy may be the next big economic driver for Croatia. An LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk is on the list of EU energy infrastructure top priorities for financing. Its completion will strengthen the North-South Gas Corridor, which links Central Europe’s gas systems from Poland to Croatia, and enhance European energy diversity and security. The terminal, along with fuel, is a step towards independence from the political pressure of existing suppliers.

President Ivo Josipovic is a law professor, professor of harmony, composer, and only the third person to serve as President of Croatia. As President, he called for a new social and legal framework to address corruption and injustice, which was critical for Croatia's successful accession to the European Union in July 2013. Josipovic played a key role in the Western Balkans post-conflict ethnic and international reconciliation and normalization.

Vaš link …

Program Sponsored by:

Delegation to The USA

Croatia and the Changing Map of Europe
Ivo Josipovic
President of Croatia
Thursday, May 15th – Evening Program

Croatia’s biggest asset has always been its stunning coastline. It has a vibrant tourist industry, enormous agricultural potential, and an economy that is integrated into the European Union. Energy may be the next big economic driver for Croatia. An LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk is on the list of EU energy infrastructure top priorities for financing. Its completion will strengthen the North-South Gas Corridor, which links Central Europe’s gas systems from Poland to Croatia, and enhance European energy diversity and security. The terminal, along with fuel, is a step towards independence from the political pressure of existing suppliers.

President Ivo Josipovic is a law professor, professor of harmony, composer, and only the third person to serve as President of Croatia. As President, he called for a new social and legal framework to address corruption and injustice, which was critical for Croatia's successful accession to the European Union in July 2013. Josipovic played a key role in the Western Balkans post-conflict ethnic and international reconciliation and normalization.

Vaš link …

Program Sponsored by:

Delegation to The USA

Hehehe, Sava,Diokia više nema,ali se političari i naš “Sava” dalje bave energetskim temama
na okruglim stolovima i “večericama”!!!

Croatia and the Changing Map of Europe
Ivo Josipovic
President of Croatia
Thursday, May 15th – Evening Program

Croatia’s biggest asset has always been its stunning coastline. It has a vibrant tourist industry, enormous agricultural potential, and an economy that is integrated into the European Union. Energy may be the next big economic driver for Croatia. An LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk is on the list of EU energy infrastructure top priorities for financing. Its completion will strengthen the North-South Gas Corridor, which links Central Europe’s gas systems from Poland to Croatia, and enhance European energy diversity and security. The terminal, along with fuel, is a step towards independence from the political pressure of existing suppliers.

President Ivo Josipovic is a law professor, professor of harmony, composer, and only the third person to serve as President of Croatia. As President, he called for a new social and legal framework to address corruption and injustice, which was critical for Croatia's successful accession to the European Union in July 2013. Josipovic played a key role in the Western Balkans post-conflict ethnic and international reconciliation and normalization.

Vaš link …

Program Sponsored by:

Delegation to The USA

Hehehe, Sava,Diokia više nema,ali se političari i naš "Sava" dalje bave energetskim temama
na okruglim stolovima i "večericama"!!!
Kaze Sava da cevape i avion placa EU[emo_plazi]

Dosad probrano pet strateških projekata za državu teških 15 do 20 mlrd. kuna

ovo već znaju napamet i oni u preostalom dijelu amazonske prašume

Croatia and the Changing Map of Europe
Ivo Josipovic
President of Croatia
Thursday, May 15th – Evening Program

Croatia’s biggest asset has always been its stunning coastline. It has a vibrant tourist industry, enormous agricultural potential, and an economy that is integrated into the European Union. Energy may be the next big economic driver for Croatia. An LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk is on the list of EU energy infrastructure top priorities for financing. Its completion will strengthen the North-South Gas Corridor, which links Central Europe’s gas systems from Poland to Croatia, and enhance European energy diversity and security. The terminal, along with fuel, is a step towards independence from the political pressure of existing suppliers.

President Ivo Josipovic is a law professor, professor of harmony, composer, and only the third person to serve as President of Croatia. As President, he called for a new social and legal framework to address corruption and injustice, which was critical for Croatia's successful accession to the European Union in July 2013. Josipovic played a key role in the Western Balkans post-conflict ethnic and international reconciliation and normalization.

Vaš link …

Program Sponsored by:

Delegation to The USA

Hehehe, Sava,Diokia više nema,ali se političari i naš "Sava" dalje bave energetskim temama
na okruglim stolovima i "večericama"!!!
Kaze Sava da cevape i avion placa EU[emo_plazi]

…An LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk is on the list of EU energy infrastructure top priorities for financing…..

I 650m eura za LNG terminal daje EU – ili veći dio od toga!

evo evo sad će, samo što nije…

INTERVIEW – General Electric keeping eye on gas projects in SEE, LNG plans in Croatia
May 16, 2014 11:20 CEST

ZAGREB (Croatia), May 16 (SeeNews) – General Electric (GE) is keeping an eye on the progress of the licensing round for off-shore blocks in the Adriatic sea, on the planned liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal on Croatia’s Krk island and on overall opportunities for gas projects throughout Southeast Europe (SEE), the company’s chief executive officer for SEE said.

“We follow with interest the decisions related to the LNG regasification terminal in Krk as well as the off-shore exploration activities in the Adriatic for several reasons. First of all, these projects would allow Croatia and the region to diversify their sources and routes of gas supply,” Gaetano Massara told SeeNews in an interview on the sidelines of The Tenth Annual International Conference on the Real Estate Market in Croatia held recently in Zagreb.

“This LNG terminal should be seen as a European project, not only as a Croatian undertaking. We are glad that the project has been earmarked as a European Project of Common Interest. We hope that this recognition will be followed by an allocation of funding from the EU for the project implementation.”…….

U Dioki se vratio najvrijedniji čovjek i radnik. Velecijenjeni i nezamjenjivi Pavelić! Sad će sve biti bolje!!!!

Kad se Pavelić vratil i zakaj?

U Dioki se vratio najvrijedniji čovjek i radnik. Velecijenjeni i nezamjenjivi Pavelić! Sad će sve biti bolje!!!!

na koje radno mjesto.
Postavljaju novu upravu??

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