nema nikakvih vijeti o devonu i hypu, prošli tjedan su kao trebali poslati pismo namjere
Hahahaha,po koji puta već???
I koji sada?Ne više Rusi?Ameri?Maltežani?Aboriđani?
I po ko zna koji put je izgubljeno više od 50% vrijednosti dionice u 1-2 tjedna. A kladim se da onima koji su kupovali po 6,8 to nije bila prva kupnja ove dionice. Treba izaći iz kutije
nema nikakvih vijeti o devonu i hypu, prošli tjedan su kao trebali poslati pismo namjere
Nije ni za očekivati da se pucne prstima i sve riješi – sama činjenica da USA Senat raspravlja o energetici i LNG -u u ovom dijelu Europe dovoljno kazuje o strateškim odrednicama.
Nije ni za očekivati da se Dioki Grupa koja je idejni tvorac cijele priče u Hrvatskoj isključi iz svega a da netko drugi pobere maslo.
Posebice u kontekstu da su sve nekretnine i infrastruktura u rukama Dioki Grupe.
A LNG je ključna energetska odrednica barem do 2050. godine
Prilično je neozbiljno pisati postove tipa: što se brineš za dionicu koju nemaš i sl.
Dioničari se često povode osjećajima i nisu spremni prihvatiti bolne činjenice.
A činjenice su definitivno da je:
– otvoren stečaj, a time su postojeći vlasnici izvlašteni i samo teoretski se mogu nadati višku vrijednosti nakon namire vjerovnika,
– za 7 dana se dionica delistira.
Kad je Mirna predala zalbu za stecaj prije par tjedana u ponedjeljak tek je u petak stigla obavjest na ZSE. Izgleda da toliko treba da se neka novost objavi
Upravo zbog ovog ispod – STRATEGIJA!
Nije ni za očekivati da se pucne prstima i sve riješi – sama činjenica da USA Senat raspravlja o energetici i LNG -u u ovom dijelu Europe dovoljno kazuje o strateškim odrednicama.
Nije ni za očekivati da se Dioki Grupa koja je idejni tvorac cijele priče u Hrvatskoj isključi iz svega a da netko drugi pobere maslo.
Posebice u kontekstu da su sve nekretnine i infrastruktura u rukama Dioki Grupe.
A LNG je ključna energetska odrednica barem do 2050. godine.
March 26th, 2014
U.S. ready to export liquefied natural gas to CEE, says U.S. official
The US is ready to help out countries in central and eastern Europe by exporting liquefied natural gas to them (LNG), John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said late on Tuesday after meeting Anita Orban, Hungary’s ambassador for energy security.
Noting President Barack Obama’s recent attendance of the nuclear summit in The Hague, Boehner told Orban: “I hope he uses this as an opportunity to discuss how we can help the Europeans reduce their dependence on Vladimir Putin. Expediting the approval of US natural gas exports would send a clear signal that Russia’s energy stranglehold on Europe will not continue.”
“The best way we can help them is to circumvent their vulnerability by meeting their energy needs,” Boehner said, referring to central and eastern Europe.
Orban told MTI that she had noted at her meeting with Boehner that the Washington ambassadors of the Visegrad Group had sent a letter to the leaders of Congress at the beginning of March, urging them to support the release of a permit to export LNG to Europe, especially for the purpose of securing the energy security of the CEE. She thanked Boehner for reacting supportively.
“There is an historic opportunity ahead of us now, because the situation in Ukraine is a wake-up call,” she said.
March 26th, 2014
U.S. ready to export liquefied natural gas to CEE, says U.S. official
The US is ready to help out countries in central and eastern Europe by exporting liquefied natural gas to them (LNG), John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said late on Tuesday after meeting Anita Orban, Hungary’s ambassador for energy security.
Noting President Barack Obama’s recent attendance of the nuclear summit in The Hague, Boehner told Orban: “I hope he uses this as an opportunity to discuss how we can help the Europeans reduce their dependence on Vladimir Putin. Expediting the approval of US natural gas exports would send a clear signal that Russia’s energy stranglehold on Europe will not continue.”
“The best way we can help them is to circumvent their vulnerability by meeting their energy needs,” Boehner said, referring to central and eastern Europe.
Orban told MTI that she had noted at her meeting with Boehner that the Washington ambassadors of the Visegrad Group had sent a letter to the leaders of Congress at the beginning of March, urging them to support the release of a permit to export LNG to Europe, especially for the purpose of securing the energy security of the CEE. She thanked Boehner for reacting supportively.
“There is an historic opportunity ahead of us now, because the situation in Ukraine is a wake-up call,” she said.
To nema nikakve veze s Dioki-em u stečaju koji se za nekoliko dana delistira!!!
Samo da Vas podsjetim!!!
Ovo ima velike veze s Diokijem u stečaju i koji se delistira(?)
March 26th, 2014
U.S. ready to export liquefied natural gas to CEE, says U.S. official
The US is ready to help out countries in central and eastern Europe by exporting liquefied natural gas to them (LNG), John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said late on Tuesday after meeting Anita Orban, Hungary’s ambassador for energy security.
Noting President Barack Obama’s recent attendance of the nuclear summit in The Hague, Boehner told Orban: “I hope he uses this as an opportunity to discuss how we can help the Europeans reduce their dependence on Vladimir Putin. Expediting the approval of US natural gas exports would send a clear signal that Russia’s energy stranglehold on Europe will not continue.”
“The best way we can help them is to circumvent their vulnerability by meeting their energy needs,” Boehner said, referring to central and eastern Europe.
Orban told MTI that she had noted at her meeting with Boehner that the Washington ambassadors of the Visegrad Group had sent a letter to the leaders of Congress at the beginning of March, urging them to support the release of a permit to export LNG to Europe, especially for the purpose of securing the energy security of the CEE. She thanked Boehner for reacting supportively.
“There is an historic opportunity ahead of us now, because the situation in Ukraine is a wake-up call,” she said.
Vrijednost zemljišta i koncesije raaaaaaste!
Vrijednost Dina Petrokemije na Omišlju raaaaaaste!
Ovo ima velike veze s Diokijem u stečaju i koji se delistira(?)
March 26th, 2014
U.S. ready to export liquefied natural gas to CEE, says U.S. official
The US is ready to help out countries in central and eastern Europe by exporting liquefied natural gas to them (LNG), John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said late on Tuesday after meeting Anita Orban, Hungary’s ambassador for energy security.
Noting President Barack Obama’s recent attendance of the nuclear summit in The Hague, Boehner told Orban: “I hope he uses this as an opportunity to discuss how we can help the Europeans reduce their dependence on Vladimir Putin. Expediting the approval of US natural gas exports would send a clear signal that Russia’s energy stranglehold on Europe will not continue.”
“The best way we can help them is to circumvent their vulnerability by meeting their energy needs,” Boehner said, referring to central and eastern Europe.
Orban told MTI that she had noted at her meeting with Boehner that the Washington ambassadors of the Visegrad Group had sent a letter to the leaders of Congress at the beginning of March, urging them to support the release of a permit to export LNG to Europe, especially for the purpose of securing the energy security of the CEE. She thanked Boehner for reacting supportively.
“There is an historic opportunity ahead of us now, because the situation in Ukraine is a wake-up call,” she said.
Vrijednost zemljišta i koncesije raaaaaaste!
Vrijednost Dina Petrokemije na Omišlju raaaaaaste!
haha sve raste ,ali jedno si zaboravio moral radnika je odavno pao i je.eno je srozano zdravlje tih istih radnika,,…dobro je znati da je samo zemljiste u pitanju ,a proizvodnja jeli ju je caliskan pokrenuo NE,dali čermak NE,dali će fantomi iz kazahsana čisto sumnjam..[emo_zloban]e moj sava nema te na daleko…