Danas bili u posjet Dini :Mihaljevic,Kamberovic, dva vatrogasca i dva zastitara koji jedini primaju placu a gdje su Kazanstanci….? Nema ih jer njih jedino interesira teren za Lng kojeg bi dobro preprodali a ne pokretanje Dine…!Nekoga bi trebalo osuditi kao Sanadera za ovoliko odugovlacenje i laganje…!
Zar mislite da su potencijalni strani investitori samaritanci.
Ipak,ako je i u jednom trenutku u ovoj stećajnoj agoniji nešto moglo podići vrijednost imovine Diokija onda je to ukrajinska kriza.I da li bi se moglo
dogoditi ćudo pa da se prvi put u povijesti nove Hrvatske/mislim i bivše Juge/dogodi da se i vlasnicima dionicama nešto isplati.
Trebalo je ovo daleko prije u stečaj,svaki dan odgode stvara dodatne gubitke.
Sada LNG ,Omišalj i KRK postaju strateški važan alternativni energetski pravac,a kao zaštita od ruskog mede.
Ako pišem pozitivno ne znači da sam unutra.Noću ni mrtav,po danu se uvijek može igrati.
Volio bih da zaradite što više i to ne dnevno -špekulativno i da Sava postane vaš
lider,naravno u pozitivnom aspektu,ali…….
još petnaestak radnih dana i gotova je ovdje priča, zato pazite da vas ne uvuku u ovu igru “tko zadnji magarac”
Drugari iz USA su produžili u Budimpeštu a u svezi LNG-a iz USA i terminala na Krku!
Hungary pushes for natural gas import from US
MTI – Econews
Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 8:00 AM CET
Vaš link …
A druga ekipa ( Devon? ) omekšava Hypo Group u Klagenfurtu?
State Secretary for Foreign Trade discusses Hungarian-American economic cooperation and European energy security
March 12, 2014 10:16 AM
Hungarian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó met United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy Amos Hochstein on Tuesday to discuss Hungarian-American economic cooperation and Europe’s energy security.
The State Secretary said that allowing US natural gas exports to Europe would significantly enhance energy security for Hungary and Europe and asked the US officials to pass on Hungary’s request for the US to come to a decision on the issue as soon as possible. At present, there are two proposals before US congress to enable the export of American gas to allied countries.
He also highlighted the fact that Hungary has played a key role in European energy supply thanks to its geographical location and due to its major storage capacity, adding that LNG terminals to be built in Croatia would be indispensable for the region’s energy security.
Regarding bilateral ties, the negotiating partners both said they regarded economic cooperation as successful. Bilateral trade increased by 24 percent to over USD 5 billion last year, while Hungarian exports grew by 34 percent to USD 3.3 billion.
(Prime Minister’s Office)
Kazahstanci spremni uložiti milijarde u Dinu?
Kazahstanci su navodno spremni samo u raščišćavanje vlasničkih odnosa uložiti 60 milijuna eura, a do 2020. u nova postrojenja za proizvodnju etilena i drugih plastičnih masa 1,3 milijardi eura
Objavljeno 10.28, 12.03.2014.
State Secretary for Foreign Trade discusses Hungarian-American economic cooperation and European energy security
March 12, 2014 10:16 AM
Hungarian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó met United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy Amos Hochstein on Tuesday to discuss Hungarian-American economic cooperation and Europe's energy security.
The State Secretary said that allowing US natural gas exports to Europe would significantly enhance energy security for Hungary and Europe and asked the US officials to pass on Hungary's request for the US to come to a decision on the issue as soon as possible. At present, there are two proposals before US congress to enable the export of American gas to allied countries.
He also highlighted the fact that Hungary has played a key role in European energy supply thanks to its geographical location and due to its major storage capacity, adding that LNG terminals to be built in Croatia would be indispensable for the region's energy security.
Regarding bilateral ties, the negotiating partners both said they regarded economic cooperation as successful. Bilateral trade increased by 24 percent to over USD 5 billion last year, while Hungarian exports grew by 34 percent to USD 3.3 billion.
(Prime Minister's Office)
gledajte cnn popodne,trebalo bi opet biti o mogucoj gradnji LGN terminala u jadranskom moru,najizglednije da ce to biti u hrvatskoj da se smanji ovisnot europe o rusija a i plin bi trebao ici do ukrajine jer je do najblizi i najsigurniji moguci dovod plina,rusija je opet poskupila plin a EU-u je vec “puna kapa”..
State Secretary for Foreign Trade discusses Hungarian-American economic cooperation and European energy security
March 12, 2014 10:16 AM
Hungarian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó met United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy Amos Hochstein on Tuesday to discuss Hungarian-American economic cooperation and Europe's energy security.
The State Secretary said that allowing US natural gas exports to Europe would significantly enhance energy security for Hungary and Europe and asked the US officials to pass on Hungary's request for the US to come to a decision on the issue as soon as possible. At present, there are two proposals before US congress to enable the export of American gas to allied countries.
He also highlighted the fact that Hungary has played a key role in European energy supply thanks to its geographical location and due to its major storage capacity, adding that LNG terminals to be built in Croatia would be indispensable for the region's energy security.
Regarding bilateral ties, the negotiating partners both said they regarded economic cooperation as successful. Bilateral trade increased by 24 percent to over USD 5 billion last year, while Hungarian exports grew by 34 percent to USD 3.3 billion.
(Prime Minister's Office)
gledajte cnn popodne,trebalo bi opet biti o mogucoj gradnji LGN terminala u jadranskom moru,najizglednije da ce to biti u hrvatskoj da se smanji ovisnot europe o rusija a i plin bi trebao ici do ukrajine jer je do najblizi i najsigurniji moguci dovod plina,rusija je opet poskupila plin a EU-u je vec "puna kapa"..
To nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa Dioki-em u stečaju koji će uskoro biti delistiran!
Ekipa, zasto se u tekstu navodi "bivši vlasnik Diokia – Robert Ježić"?
Pitanje je da li je ikada bio VLASNIK – možda je vlasnik Dioki Holding AG, a na računu su deponirane dionice Diokija.
Za ponovno pokretanje proizvodnje, tvrdi Giacometti, ključan će biti dogovor kazahstanskih ulagača s Hypo bankom, koja pod hipotekom ima zemljište u Omišlju i potražuje 23,5 milijuna eura. Riječ je o zemljištu na kojem je trebao biti smješten LNG terminal, čija budućnost uopće nije izvjesna.
Giacometti kaže da su Kazahstanci spremni platiti tu zemlju, a nakon čeg bi tu istu zemlju mogli prodati državi za LNG terminal, što je zapisano u predstečajnoj nagodbi Dine.
Pa zar nije HEP trebao kupiti ovo zemljište po PSN Dine, što će sada platiti Kazahstancima recimo 40 milja eura za isto da budu sretni i kazahstanci i Hypo? Vrijei li uopće PSN Dine, tko će to potpisati?