Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska DIOK (DIOKI d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

što je to danas, nitko neće DIOK?

…svi su već zauzeli startne pozicije…stranci pogotovo…
…do pucnja je još vrlo malo…

…usput…blokada je danas na 533,21…
…igra se po pravilu…tko će prije…[smiley][smiley][smiley]

prilagođenost duboko bolesnom društvu, nije mjerilo zdravlja...

Najbolje ponude [ DIOK-R-A ]
Kupnja Cijena
50 500,00
50 490,02
20 480,00
20 478,00
50 477,02

Cijena Prodaja
509,90 40
510,00 20
513,09 11
513,10 25
515,00 148
519,99 189

imamo prag na 515,00 i na 519,99

prilagođenost duboko bolesnom društvu, nije mjerilo zdravlja...

kupnja koja je transparentna ne odražava pravo stanje…
…prodaja se boji spustiti niže jer su kupci prestali stavljati se na bid…čekaju negdje u prikrajku i zaskoče svakoga tko se imalo odvaži spustiti…

…ovo je dobro…jako dobro…

prilagođenost duboko bolesnom društvu, nije mjerilo zdravlja...

Ukupno 174.498,11 kuna
Za pravog investitora “Piece of Cake”
Ovo su ti umjetne granice za usporavanje rasta cijene. Dokaz tome je i sadašnje stanje k/p i činjenica da se se nalog na 519,99 prepolovio
500,00 50
485,00 71
480,00 20
478,00 20
465,08 25

514,49 19
514,50 100
515,00 37
518,00 1
519,00 100

515,00 93 11:14:51
515,00 18 11:14:51
513,10 25 11:14:51
513,09 11 11:14:51
513,09 11 11:14:51
513,09 11 11:14:51
513,09 11 11:14:51
510,00 20 11:14:51
509,90 34 11:09:07
509,90 6 11:05:07
508,85 8 10:46:48
508,80 38 10:40:14
508,80 7 10:26:42

Nastavljamo dalje u revijalnom tonu

Pa naravno da su nalozi 0d 150-200 dionica sitni ako gledamo na nekog veceg investitora. Sta je to 10-15 tisuca eura. Sitno-ne mogu to nazivati pragom! Nego, zanima me ako mozemo vidjeti ukupan omjer K/P neka netko stavi da vidimo odnos u odnosu na prosle dane! Ajde, neka netko stavi. thanx!


In a strict sense, there wasn't any risk-if the world had behaved as it did in the past.

Najbolje ponude [ DIOK-R-A ]
Kupnja Cijena
43 510,00
68 507,00
30 506,00
18 505,00
30 502,00

Cijena Prodaja
514,50 15
515,00 37
516,00 130
518,00 1
519,00 100

…evo i vidljiva kupnja se formirala iznad 500…
…bit će tu borbe…[thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup]

prilagođenost duboko bolesnom društvu, nije mjerilo zdravlja...

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Eko Kvarner: LNG Terminal At Least 30km from the Shore
EKO Kvarner
The Eko Kvarner association believes that the decision of the Government of Croatia to establish a working group for the construction of LNG (liquid natural gas) is wise and sensible. According to Eko Kvarner, the establishment of the Working Group creates the necessary conditions for quality selection of location of the Terminal, provided that all activities of the LNG are fully transparent.

Eko Kvarner greeted the proposal to build LNG Terminal on the Croatian coast from the very beginning, since it would provide solution to many, energy related and environmental problems, but has insisted that the forced decision to select the Petro-chemical complex in Omisalj as location for the terminal is now well thought out, fully non-transparent and without an important consideration of the security aspects.

For that reason, Eko Kvarner demanded that all information relevant to the process of adoption of the decision are made available to the public, via the internet, with the exceptions of parts that may be classified as business or security secrets. The association points out that two LNG terminals are being prepared simultaneously (in Omisalj and near Trieste), which would significantly increase the traffic of ships with hazardous cargo in the area.

Eko Kvarner believes that the best solution would be a construction of a joint, off shore terminal (at least 30 km off the shore), if possible in the area that already has a high concentration of gas drilling platforms in the Adriatic. This would decrease the danger presented by the rising number of ships carrying dangerous cargo, both to the environment or the local population.

If the decision is made, after all, to build the LNG terminal on-land, Eko Kvarner shall insist that it is removed at least 8 kilometres from the nearest bigger settlement of similar facility.

According to the association, just like with the “Druzba Adria” project, the democratic principles of public participation, in force in the EU, have been neglected or violated. Therefore, Eko Kvarner again addressed the European Green Party for assistance and presentation of the case in front of the European Parliament.

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Eko Kvarner believes that the best solution would be a construction of a joint, off shore terminal (at least 30 km off the shore), if possible in the area that already has a high concentration of gas drilling platforms in the Adriatic.

Eko Kvrner promiče talijanske interese; jako zanimljivo!
Pa kad se govori o prodanim dušama i stoki sitnog zuba to je nekomu jako smiješno!


A sta je Polancecova izjava o lng terminalu maknuta sa vjesnika? NEMA VISE TE VIJESTI U RUBRICI GOSPODARSTVO?? NI U ARHIVI??

bećarina: ” http://www.vjesnik.hr/html/2008/03/28/Clanak.asp?r=gos&c=1 ” A sta je Polancecova izjava o lng terminalu maknuta sa vjesnika? NEMA VISE TE VIJESTI U RUBRICI GOSPODARSTVO?? NI U ARHIVI??

Imaš ……
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