što je anricome, opet si zakasnio s ulaskom??? [emo_smijeh]
sami vidite da se po asku skida
da nema trejdanja jer se ne rasipa po bidu
ipak st dugo na ZSE nebih želio da pametujem
za probiti 20 kn ostalo je još 1404 dionice [emo_smijesak]
probijeno 20 kn! [emo_palacg]
One-day conference (a round table)
A one-day, open conference is organized in Warsaw with the participation of experts and decision-makers from the V4, Croatia and Romania as well as representatives of the European Commission.
Warsaw, PL
Vaš link …
PISM is the leader of the „North-south gas corridor and the V4 energy security” project
The Polish Institute of International Affairs has received the Standard Grant of the International Visegrad Fund for the project “North–South Gas Corridor and V4 Energy Security”. PISM’s partners in the project are the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (Budapest, Hungary), Central European Policy Institute (Bratislava, Slovakia) and International Institute of Political Science of Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).
The project will start with a conference to be organized in Warsaw in March 2013 with the participation of experts and decision-makers from the V4 countries, Croatia and Romania as well as representatives of the European Commission. Following the conference, in autumn 2013, a report will be published in which the authors will seek to define the conditions and interests of each state participating in the North-South Gas Corridor project. An important part of the report will be the recommendations to governments.
The coordinator of the project is Dariusz Kałan, a Central Europe analyst with PISM’s EU Programme.
Upravo sve prodao ali nisam siguran jesam li dobro napravio, čestitam svima!
ja nikad ne drukama samo sam realan ,ovi što danas prodaju imaju zaradu 100%.Pametnome dosta:)
Ovo nema veze sa nekim imaginarnim trejdom na kojem se navlaci bez neke realne podloge. Zar je cudno sto cijena dionice firme koja je pred stecajem i ima realnu (da ne kazem sada vec vrlo vjerojatnu) mogucnost da se osovi na noge i postane profitabilna, raste 100%.
I vi to dobro znate, samo se pravite [emo_namigusa]
što je anricome, opet si zakasnio s ulaskom??? [emo_smijeh]
zar nisam u pravu
a kako si bio u pravu kad si o padu pisao pri cijeni od 18,50 kn a nakon toga je otišla sve do 20,95 kn!
ne kažem da do kraja dana ne može pasti na 18-19 kn radi kapitalizacije dobiti, ali u startu si debelo promašio [emo_smijeh]