DDJH (Đuro Đaković Holding d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska DDJH (Đuro Đaković Holding d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

po ovom što vi ovdije pišette taj đuro izgleda najperrspektivnija dionica svih vremana,ali vidim da se fondovi baš ne tuku za ovu dionicu što mi je dovoljan pokazatelj da je u pitatanju euforija forumaša,ili neznam kako da to protumačim.


neznam koliko još poslova treba da se veliki zaintersiraju za ovu likvidnu dionicu.[smiley1]

Đuro me upropastio psihički i materijalno.

evo još jednan đurin posao most trenutno u izgradnji


Đuro me upropastio psihički i materijalno.

Dosta razmišljam o Fimi.Napravili su strašan posao s DDJH.Zaradili su ogormnu lovu bez da je DDJH potpisao ikakav posao i s BOV i Kuvajt!Uglavnom sve je bilo u rukama medija koji su grijali i hladili kad ih je volja!
Fima je dokaz da se lova može okrenuti i ako od svega ne bude ničeg al imaš zato medije koji stvaraju sliku!
Zato sve svjetske njuške(mijarderi) imaju svoje novine,radio,TV…

O čemu ti to??? Zna se odavno da đuro svakako dobiva posao bez obzira
bili u igri Finci ili Amerikanci i to je sto posto sigurno. A sa Kuvajtom je rečeno da je toliko sigurno ko da pucaš penal a golman ti se makne s gola. Pa to bi pogodio i Zlatko Vujović. Dakle sve 5!

Dosta razmišljam o Fimi.Napravili su strašan posao s DDJH.Zaradili su ogormnu lovu bez da je DDJH potpisao ikakav posao i s BOV i Kuvajt!Uglavnom sve je bilo u rukama medija koji su grijali i hladili kad ih je volja! Fima je dokaz da se lova može okrenuti i ako od svega ne bude ničeg al imaš zato medije koji stvaraju sliku! Zato sve svjetske njuške(mijarderi) imaju svoje novine,radio,TV…

Mogu reć da je ovo stvarno realan zaključak.Istinski osvrt na situaciju tresla se brda rodio se miš.Sve je to nekako puno galame oko tog đure.Čovijek kaže stvarno istinu dionica se pumpa na poslovima koji još nisu ni potpisani a kamoli odrađeni. Što se tiče fondova unutra ih je bilo 5 samo u top10. equity, breza, maximum, lucidus, validus. problem je u tome što su svi fimini.Ajmo se malo pitat gdje su oni najveći bankarski fondovi u ovoj priči, izgleda da oni ne padaju na galamu.Da me netko krivo ne shvati i sam sam u toj dionioci sa 400 komada i tješi me to što ta dionica jako dobro odoljeva konstantnom pritisku na prodaji.

Đuro me upropastio psihički i materijalno.

Dosta razmišljam o Fimi.Napravili su strašan posao s DDJH.Zaradili su ogormnu lovu bez da je DDJH potpisao ikakav posao i s BOV i Kuvajt!Uglavnom sve je bilo u rukama medija koji su grijali i hladili kad ih je volja! Fima je dokaz da se lova može okrenuti i ako od svega ne bude ničeg al imaš zato medije koji stvaraju sliku! Zato sve svjetske njuške(mijarderi) imaju svoje novine,radio,TV…

Mogu reć da je ovo stvarno realan zaključak.Istinski osvrt na situaciju tresla se brda rodio se miš.Sve je to nekako puno galame oko tog đure.Čovijek kaže stvarno istinu dionica se pumpa na poslovima koji još nisu ni potpisani a kamoli odrađeni. Što se tiče fondova unutra ih je bilo 5 samo u top10. equity, breza, maximum, lucidus, validus. problem je u tome što su svi fimini.Ajmo se malo pitat gdje su oni najveći bankarski fondovi u ovoj priči, izgleda da oni ne padaju na galamu.Da me netko krivo ne shvati i sam sam u toj dionioci sa 400 komada i tješi me to što ta dionica jako dobro odoljeva konstantnom pritisku na prodaji. Ostaje mi nada da će ove priće sa kuvajćanima stvarno doći na neku ozbiljniju razinu,ako kojom srećom dođe do potpisivanja takvog ugovora onda me stvarno neće biti briga ni tko prodaje ni tko kupuje.

Đuro me upropastio psihički i materijalno.

evo kopam malo po internetu i naišo sam na “stare vijesti”, ali nije na odmet da se ponovi.

“Kuwait has for several years now had offers to upgrade its M-84 tanks under consideration, but has not, however, given positive answers to any of the offers, not even to the most serious ones coming from Poland and Serbia back in 2005. It has also not answered positively the US proposal to sell its M-84’s and replace them with more of the Abrams tanks already present in Kuwaiti armoured vehicle units. There are several reasons why Kuwait has shown great interest for Croatia. For Kuwait it was exceptionally important that the Djuro Djakovic Company maintained continuity and the development of its tank program with the M-84 over the past years, that tanks manufactured at Djuro Djakovic are used in Croatian Army units, that Croatia has continued to finance the program and that the Croatian Army will also use the new upgraded tank designated M-84D, for which it wants to close a deal with Kuwait on.

Besides that, the upgraded Croatian tank will have the same caterpillar treads made by German manufacturer Diehl that the Kuwaiti M-84 tanks already use, and which were installed just under two years ago, which demonstrates that Croatian product compatibility has been maintained with that of Kuwait.

Kuwait is very happy with the M-84 tanks manufactured back in the time of the former Yugoslavia because of their mobility in desert conditions, few breakdowns and much easier maintenance that is the case with the heavy American Abrams tanks, whose motors fail much more often in the desert. This happens because of a poorly designed air filtering system, allowing desert sand to enter the motor turbine, which is then starved of air, causing the motor to overheat and forcing a stop. When the turbine is ruined a new one takes up to a month to be delivered from the USA. The Abrams has poor mobility because of its weight and is an easier target, having a 2.5 square metres larger surface area than the M-84, which is in the large open spaces of the desert terrain, where there are no shelters, a significant problem. The M-84 is also ten tons lighter than the Abrams and can as such pass over all of the bridges trucks can use, which the Abrams cannot.

Besides that, the Abrams price tag is about US$ 5 million, which is double the price of a new M-84D. Kuwait has concluded that base production and a tank program of the upgraded M-84 been preserved only in Croatia, unlike in Serbia where a lack of financing and state support has seen only a single tank prototype designated M-84AB1 in three years, and the prototype has been in fact created in a factory that manufactures construction mechanisation, and not a tank program. The Serbian prototype is in fact the Russian T-90 tanks, as all of the components installed on the M-84 originate in Russia and Belarus. Kuwait is a country with probably the widest spectre of weaponry and military equipment when it comes to country of origin, all of which was done for political reasons, meaning good relations with the leading global powers.

In its armed forces it already has the Russian armoured vehicle BMP-3, the Chinese 155 mm howitzer, the British Warrior tank and the American Abrams. Entrusting the job to the Serbian manufacturer of the M-84AB1 tank with 80% of its parts of Russian origin would in fact mean paying for the upgrade and purchase of new Russian tanks, and that would upset the balance as far as origin of weaponry is concerned.

As we have learned from the defence ministry, the Slavonski Brod-based company is not considering collaborating on this project with Serbian companies as it already has a wide network of partners with whom it can completely round off the M-84D tank program. Unlike the M-84 tanks currently i

evo kopam malo po internetu i naišo sam na “stare vijesti”, ali nije na odmet da se ponovi.

“Kuwait has for several years now had offers to upgrade its M-84 tanks under consideration, but has not, however, given positive answers to any of the offers, not even to the most serious ones coming from Poland and Serbia back in 2005. It has also not answered positively the US proposal to sell its M-84’s and replace them with more of the Abrams tanks already present in Kuwaiti armoured vehicle units. There are several reasons why Kuwait has shown great interest for Croatia. For Kuwait it was exceptionally important that the Djuro Djakovic Company maintained continuity and the development of its tank program with the M-84 over the past years, that tanks manufactured at Djuro Djakovic are used in Croatian Army units, that Croatia has continued to finance the program and that the Croatian Army will also use the new upgraded tank designated M-84D, for which it wants to close a deal with Kuwait on.

Besides that, the upgraded Croatian tank will have the same caterpillar treads made by German manufacturer Diehl that the Kuwaiti M-84 tanks already use, and which were installed just under two years ago, which demonstrates that Croatian product compatibility has been maintained with that of Kuwait.

Kuwait is very happy with the M-84 tanks manufactured back in the time of the former Yugoslavia because of their mobility in desert conditions, few breakdowns and much easier maintenance that is the case with the heavy American Abrams tanks, whose motors fail much more often in the desert. This happens because of a poorly designed air filtering system, allowing desert sand to enter the motor turbine, which is then starved of air, causing the motor to overheat and forcing a stop. When the turbine is ruined a new one takes up to a month to be delivered from the USA. The Abrams has poor mobility because of its weight and is an easier target, having a 2.5 square metres larger surface area than the M-84, which is in the large open spaces of the desert terrain, where there are no shelters, a significant problem. The M-84 is also ten tons lighter than the Abrams and can as such pass over all of the bridges trucks can use, which the Abrams cannot.

Besides that, the Abrams price tag is about US$ 5 million, which is double the price of a new M-84D. Kuwait has concluded that base production and a tank program of the upgraded M-84 been preserved only in Croatia, unlike in Serbia where a lack of financing and state support has seen only a single tank prototype designated M-84AB1 in three years, and the prototype has been in fact created in a factory that manufactures construction mechanisation, and not a tank program. The Serbian prototype is in fact the Russian T-90 tanks, as all of the components installed on the M-84 originate in Russia and Belarus. Kuwait is a country with probably the widest spectre of weaponry and military equipment when it comes to country of origin, all of which was done for political reasons, meaning good relations with the leading global powers.

In its armed forces it already has the Russian armoured vehicle BMP-3, the Chinese 155 mm howitzer, the British Warrior tank and the American Abrams. Entrusting the job to the Serbian manufacturer of the M-84AB1 tank with 80% of its parts of Russian origin would in fact mean paying for the upgrade and purchase of new Russian tanks, and that would upset the balance as far as origin of weaponry is concerned.

As we have learned from the defence ministry, the Slavonski Brod-based company is not considering collaborating on this project with Serbian companies as it already has a wide network of partners with whom it can completely round off the M-84D tank program.

Unlike the M-84 tanks currently in Kuwaiti armoured units, the upgraded tank will have a thermovisual camera through which it will be able to detect all targets emitting heat at a distance of up to several kilometres from the tank, regardless of fog, night or if they are hidden in the shadow if some other object.”

evo još nekih informacija. To inače čitam na http://www.mycity.co.yu/Vojno-tehnicka-dostignuca/Modernizacija-kuvajtskih-M-84_8.html

Đuro Đaković will be producing the Degman under the serial production designation M-84D, essentially an M-95 Degman with significant adjustments.

Under 200 million USD modernization plan M-95 Degman will receive substantial upgrades. Cost of the program is estimated at 15 million Croatian kuna per tank, but depending on the additional packages cost might rise.

Altogethers new turret and new tracks are to replace existing turret and tracks, Turret will be made of composite armour (most likely laminate of high tensile steel and ceramics and tungsten). Turret will be powered by electric instead of hydraulic power source as it is the case now with the M-95. The new turret should provide minimum of 590mm Against Kinetic Energy (RHAe)ATG’s, however additional reactive armour will add substantial protection. New tracks will also be made in Croatia either under license from German firm Diehl who manufactures tank tracks for Leopard 2 or altogether newly designed tracks from local manufacturer.

Talks are ongoing with Rheinmetall to provide M-95 with the new 120mm cannon currently in use on leopard 2 depending on the cost of Rheinmetall L55 120mm cannon, M-95 might be armed either with the improved Croatian made 125mm cannon or German Rheinmetall L55 120mm cannon.

New optronic suite and sensors will also feature prominently in new improved M-95 (M84D) tank. New Fire control, laser rangefinder, stabilized panoramic observation and targeting system are just some of the improvements. New Thermal imaging camera for commander and driver so tank can operate at night and many more improvements. New 1200 hp power plant will also be installed in to new tanks giving strong power to weight ratio.

Nema straha za dionicare DDJH- sa sutrasnjim danom ulazimo u razdoblje snazijeg rasta. Sutra se u MORH-u predaju ponude za BOV, pa uskoro konsolidirano FI za 2006, kvartalno za 2007, posjeta ekipe seika iz Kuvajta, privatizacija dijelova holdinga, odluka Vlade o BOV- u …. sve ovo ce se odigrati do 15.7 tj. u narednih 60 dana…..[smiley2] Oni koji sutra ujutro kupe DDJH napravit ce dobar posao. [smiley2]

Kompa,sramim se priznati da ni pijan neznam mucati na engleskom, vjeujem da nisam jedini, molio
bi te da u kratko preneseš na hrvatskom što piše u tom članku. Hvala.

Nema straha za dionicare DDJH- sa sutrasnjim danom ulazimo u razdoblje snazijeg rasta. Oni koji sutra ujutro kupe DDJH napravit ce dobar posao. [smiley2]
A tko bu prodal i po kojoj cijeni? [smiley1]

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.

New Report
