šta se ovdje događa? otputovao šeik ili šta?
danas bi mogli gore, stigao je drugi u Dubrovnik, ako krene preko Bosne prema S.Brodu, kupuj, prije nego stigne do Doboja[emo_smijeh]
Evo polako kreće prića s oklopnim vozilima i oružnim stanicama, nadamo se do kraja mjeseca i dobrim vjestima iz malo bogatijih zemalja.
Što će biti s Đurom vidjet ćemo u nadolazećem periodu. Naime, ili će doći vijest koja će ga baciti na koljena ili će se vinuti u nebo…s obzirom da su izbori blizu pretpostavljamo da na koljena neće [emo_smijeh]
Izgleda da svi hoće ove oklopnjake…..
Gotovo da nema sansi da Patria bude izabrana u UAE kao 8×8 vozilo
25 Enigmi 8×8 u Jemenu
…25 Emirati-made Enigma eight-wheel-drive infantry fighting vehicles.
This is the first deployment of the 8×8 Enigma as the vehicle was first unveiled at the
Abu Dhabi International Defence Exhibition in February.
The vehicle, produced by Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Defense Technology, was set to undergo
trials this summer with the UAE armed forces, company CEO Mohamed Al Suwaidi told Defense
News during IDEX 2015.
[URL=http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/policy-budget/warfare/2015/07/23/saudi-yemen-land-forces-coalition-aden/30570663/]Enigma 8×8 u Jemenu[/URL]
Sources close to the UAELF command say that this command has now reactivated a project to buy 8×8 wheeled combat vehicles as the local production of such vehicles cannot meet the urgent needs of the UAELF at this stage.”
Zvuči logično, morali su iz političkih razloga dati priliku svojima, ali za sada, to je to.
Gotovo da nema sansi da Patria bude izabrana u UAE kao 8×8 vozilo
25 Enigmi 8×8 u Jemenu
…25 Emirati-made Enigma eight-wheel-drive infantry fighting vehicles.
This is the first deployment of the 8×8 Enigma as the vehicle was first unveiled at the
Abu Dhabi International Defence Exhibition in February.
The vehicle, produced by Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Defense Technology, was set to undergo
trials this summer with the UAE armed forces, company CEO Mohamed Al Suwaidi told Defense
News during IDEX 2015.
[URL=http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/policy-budget/warfare/2015/07/23/saudi-yemen-land-forces-coalition-aden/30570663/]Enigma 8×8 u Jemenu[/URL]
Ne nervirajte se , stignete još malo kupiti !