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2nd Annual Invest in International Shipping(20.03.2008. New York)

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Pomozite mi, šta je bolje sada po ovim cijenama uzeti, gledam ATPL i ULPL?

Pomozite mi, šta je bolje sada po ovim cijenama uzeti, gledam ATPL i ULPL?

Ako ste ozbiljan investitor ATPL je neupredivo povoljnija kupnja.Ali ako ste špekulant,ali vrlo
školovan i premazan svim mastima i ULPL dolazi u obzir.Jer takvih majstora kao što menađment
ULPL nema na tržištu kapitala.Kod ULPL se dobro zarađuje,ali pitanje je kada bi balon mogao puknuti.

Pomozite mi, šta je bolje sada po ovim cijenama uzeti, gledam ATPL i ULPL?

ako želiš sigurnu i vrlo podcijenjenu dionicu, sa visokom sigurnosnom maržom, definitivno je LPLH dionica za tebe. Poput Atlantske ima diverzificirani portfelj, ali ipak nešto bolje djelatnosti od Atlantske. Dakle, brodarski dio sa 10 brodova odlično gura i stvara cash, brodogradnja sigurno puno perspektivnija od aviokompanije Atlantske, a i turistički sektor perspektivniji jer na Lošinju nije takva konkurencija ko u Dubrovniku. Osim toga, viša dividenda nego kod Atlanske. Jedino čemu se kod ULPL možeš nadati je preuzimanje, a kolko mi se čini do toga će i doći. Sve u svemu, sve tri dionice su dobre, ali trenutno najbolja LPLH. Dobra je i TNLP, i o njoj ozbiljno razmisli.
IIR Group (LON:IIR) Outlook for dry-bulk shipping industry
June 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Global economic growth is the primary driver for the dry-bulk shipping industry. Over the past decade, emerging economies such as China, Brazil and India have seen robust economic growth which has resulted in significant demand for dry bulk products like coal, iron ore and agricultural products, providing a significant boost to the incumbent dry-bulk carriers.

Tonne mile demand has witnessed a significantly up-trend in recent years increasing at a CAGR of 6.8% during 2001 –2006, while ship supply has only increased 4.1% (Source: Drewry). This trend increased freight rates significantly over recent years, including FY 2007, driven by strong import demand from China and India for dry-bulk commodities from countries such as Australia and Brazil. China’s total imports from Australia grew at a CAGR of 28.7% in value during the period 2001 – 2006. In 2007, China’s imports from Australia increased 35.4%. China’s total imports from Brazil grew at a CAGR of 40.6% during the period 2001 – 2006 and 42.1% in 2007. India’s total imports of dry-bulk commodities increased 33.8% y-o-y for the 12 months ended June 2007 to 89,166.8 mn tonnes (Source: Bloomberg).

Going forward, demand for dry-bulk commodities is expected to remain firm from emerging economies. According to the International Energy Agency, China and India are expected to increase world coal demand from 2,892 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) in 2005 to 4,994 (mtoe) by 2030. According to the China Coal Industry Association (CCIA), China’s coal demand is expected to increase from 2.5 bn tonnes in 2007 to 3.0 bn tonnes in 2010. China became a net importer of coal in 2007 for the first time and its net coal imports are expected to increase to 133 mn tonnes by 2030 (Source: IEA). China relies heavily on coal in order to satisfy its energy needs. Approximately 70% of China’s energy needs were fulfilled by coal in FY 2007. Although the Chinese government passed a Renewable Energy Law on 01 January 2006, with the aim of increasing electricity from renewable sources, the effects of this legelislation are not expected to materialize for a few more years and therefore Chinese demand for coal is expected to remain firm in the short term. In India, National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), the country’s biggest power producer, is expected to require approximately 270 mn metric tonnes of coal every year until 2017 to increase its electricity generation. NTPC expects to import 5 mn tonnes of coal between now and 2012. China and India’s growing reliance on imported coal is expected to sustain dry-bulk freight prices.

Demand for iron ore from China has also remained robust. According to the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), global seaborne iron ore trade increased from 718 mn tonnes in 2006 to approximately 807 mn tonnes in 2007. Imports into China amounted to approximately 326.3 mn tonnes in 2006 and 383.6 mn tonnes in 2007, representing a y-o-y growth rate of 17.6% (Source: Bloomberg). In the first four months of FY 2008 alone China imported approximately 153.5 mn tonnes of iron ore. In FY 2007, Chinese iron ore imports accounted for approximately 48% of the global iron ore trade. Global seaborne iron ore trade is expected to increase to 829 mn in 2008 (Source: Drewry, April 2008). Moreover, in April, Chinese steelmakers agreed to a 65-71% increase in price for iron ore from Brazil’s Cia Vale do Rio Doce (Source: China Daily, 30 April 2008). We believe that China’s iron ore imports will remain high over next couple of years as it continues to focus on infrastructure development. In February 2008, Asia’s three largest steel manufacturers; Japan’s Nippon Steel and JFE Holdings Inc. (JFE) and South Korea’s POSCO agreed to a 65.0% y-o-y increase in iron ore prices for 2008 from Brazilian mining giant Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, setting the bench
IIR Group (LON:IIR) Outlook for dry-bulk shipping industry
June 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Global economic…

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jedino su problem grci i njihov engleski 🙂

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jedino su problem grci i njihov engleski 🙂

Ovaj Economou mi zvuci malo gej ?? Moze li to uticati na ATPL? [undecid] [huh]

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