Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

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Evo ako nekog zanima, promjena cijene brodarskih dionica u 6. mjesecu. Čestitam Uljanik plovidbi.

2.6. 2.830
19.6. 2.560

2.6. 4.340
19.6. 3.965

2.6. 2.100
19.6. 2.210

2.6. 420
19.6. 390

2.6. 626
19.6. 560

Prezentacija stvarno ambiciozne kompanije…..

vidim da ovdje ima ekperata
pogledajte forum TNPL pa komentirajte nedavne zarade tankera TNPL

Malo OPTIMA-izma za početak tjedna.


Iron ore miner Rio Tinto’s subsidiary Hamersley Iron has reached agreement on a new price settlement for the contract year beginning April 1, 2008 with China’s Baosteel, according to a statement from Rio Tinto. Baosteel will pay 96.5% more for Pilbara blend lump and 79.9% more for fines shipped from Australia. The new prices are 144,66 US cents per dry metric tonne of fines and 201.69 US cents per dry metric tonne of lump. Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have been negotiating for months with Chinese steelmakers in an attempt to secure higher price increases than the 65-71% awarded to Brazilian ore supplier Vale earlier this year, in order to reflect the freight differential between Brazilian and Australian supplies. The new prices will be the benchmark for all Rio’s long term contract sales for 2008-09.

Ipak su se dogovorili prije kraja mjeseca.Sad bi se i vozarine trebale normalizirati po obrascu viđenom proteklih godina.Izgleda da je Kinezima frka – lijepo ih oderali ovi iz Rio Tinta.


Iron ore miner Rio Tinto’s subsidiary Hamersley Iron has reached agreement on a new price settlement for the contract year beginning April 1, 2008 with China’s Baosteel, according to a statement from Rio Tinto. Baosteel will pay 96.5% more for Pilbara blend lump and 79.9% more for fines shipped from Australia. The new prices are 144,66 US cents per dry metric tonne of fines and 201.69 US cents per dry metric tonne of lump. Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have been negotiating for months with Chinese steelmakers in an attempt to secure higher price increases than the 65-71% awarded to Brazilian ore supplier Vale earlier this year, in order to reflect the freight differential between Brazilian and Australian supplies. The new prices will be the benchmark for all Rio’s long term contract sales for 2008-09.

Ipak su se dogovorili prije kraja mjeseca.Sad bi se i vozarine trebale normalizirati po obrascu viđenom proteklih godina.Izgleda da je Kinezima frka – lijepo ih oderali ovi iz Rio Tinta.

Nakon što su se dogovorili poćet će pojaćani prevoz.

Međutim,ovakav rast cijene željezne rudače od 80 % povećati će i cijenu ćelika,a samim time i podiže
cijenu novih brodova,a cijena starih za rezalište isto raste.Blago brodarima i vlasnicima dionica brodara,jer raste i NAV a i kapitalna vrijednost po dionici.Tko ima brod ima bogatstvo,a novi brod
postaje toliko skup da se postavlja pitanje koliko je rentabilno graditi novi,a potražnja za prevozom
i dalje raste.Ispada da će stare kante morati voziti sve dok bude moguće i da bi svjetska flota
trebala postajati sve starija.Stari ili novi brod,nema veze važno da se drži iznad površine.

izvještaj sa Baltic ex, za jučerašnji dan:

BDI 9211 (DOWN 217) BCI 13112 (DOWN 746) BPI 8796 (UP 97) BSI 6203 (DOWN 33) BHSI 2783 (DOWN 43)
Rates for headed south for the big ships with rates easing both in the east and the Atlantic, brokers said.
There was much talk again about Chinese/Australian ore price negotiations although it emerged today that Rio Tinto agreed a 79.88% price hike for fines and a 96% for lump ore with Bao Steel.
On the West Australia/China runs rate dropped to $29.50 with the Jean LD reported at this number with Glory Wealth. Charterers were already talking under this number.
The Heng Shan, 174,145-dwt 2007-built open 2-3 July Shekou fixed and failed with Armada for a West Australian round at $160,000 daily – a rate unlikely to be repeated in the short term.
Despite talk that CTM had indicated $50.00 last week for a second half July cargo from Richards Bay to Rotterdam, it was confirmed the charterer secured tonnage at $44.00 for this run. Modern tonnage was now rumoured indicating $41.00 earlier for similar business.
Atlantic rates too were easing with talk that the Antonis Angelicoussis, 177,855-dwt 2007-built, a Louis Dreyfus relet fixed and failed with a steel mill for a cargo from Tubarao to Qingdao at 81.00.
The Castillo de Simancas, 153,750-dwt 1985-built fixed on subjects for a transatlantic round, but little else emerged.
There was still period interest in the market although owners for now were talking little interest in short period. The Alpha Friendship, a 161,417-dwt 1996-built due August in the east, was rumoured fixed or close to fixing for 5 years trading, but details were sketchy. The ship was understood to have seen a rate in the low $80,000 daily range, but some said the ship eventually fixed to Fortescue Mining Group at a strong $85,000 daily. The rate was agreed about a week ago, sources said.

A positive start to the week for Panamaxes particularly in the Atlantic where new inquiry was still building, brokers said.
News from Argentina was more positive with strike action from the farmers apparently lifted and truckers withdrawing road blockades. Owners with tonnage in the area have already increased their rate ideas.
Volume was so far thin in the Atlantic in a typical Monday start but rates remained steady.
There were still long term period deals under negotiation although it emerged that the 72,870-dwt 1996-built Global Triumph fixed and failed with Rizzo-Bottiglieri-De Carlini for 23-25 months trading from 10-20 July in the east at $65,000 daily.
Hanjin allegedly booked the 2004-built 73,630-dwt Protefs for three years trading from September-October this year at $59,000 daily.

Short period rates improved with Glory Wealth taking the 74,200-dwt 2000-built Tian Zhu Feng from Cartagena 28-30 June for 5 to 6 months trading at a firmer $82,500 daily.
Earlier D’Amato took the 24-year old Santos Success, 66,864-dwt from Vado 23-25 June for 4 to 5 months trading at $61,500 daily for Atlantic redelivery or $69,000 daily for the east.
There was too some movement for single trips and it emerged that Norden at the end of last week booked the 74,143-dwt 2005-built Great Eagle from El Ferrol 24-26 June for a trip via Trombetas to Aughinish at $74,000 daily.
BCM fixed tonnage for a 5-11 July 55,000-tonne 10% petcoke cargo from the US Gulf to Thessaloniki, but little else emerged. The 64,896-dwt 1981-built Mitsa open US Gulf 1-10 July went on subjects, but little else emerged.
The Panaghia Kastrela, 64,664-dwt 1982-built open Fos prompt and the 61,981-dwt 1980-built Ledra both fixed, but little else emerged. The Ledra sailed 20 June from San Cyprian and was linked with an Italian charterer.
There was talk that Enel covered an 8-17 July Hampton Roads/Tarragona cargo, but emerged the cargo has been postponed.
The Nordmosel, 75,257-dw

nigdar ni bilo da ni nekak bilo

….On the China deal, Rio (ASX: RIO: quote) settled on an average price rise of 85 per cent for iron ore it sells to Chinese steel mills, which were led by Baosteel in the negotiations, beating the 71.5 per cent increase secured in 2005……..
The Chinese price gains came after Rio and BHP broke with tradition and declined to fall in line after Brazil’s Vale secured price gains of 65-71 per cent…..
Rio had argued with the Chinese that Australian iron ore miners were entitled to a higher price than Vale because Asian steel mills were paying a lot less to ship Australian ore as freight rates surged.
Rio, which is defending a $US160 billion takeover bid from BHP, was aggressive in holding out for a freight premium, and chief executive Tom Albanese had recently warned of an "urgent" need to settle before June 30, when some contracts could be suspended and the ore sold on to spot markets at a big premium.
The freight premium equates to $7.43 a tonne over the fines price secured by Vale, which is about half the long-term freight differential between Australia and Brazil but well below premiums of up to $60 a tonne under current freight rates

Nisam iz tog businessa , ali mi se čini da zadnja rečenica znači da je otvoren prostor za solidne vozarine na duge staze….

S obzirom na razliku u cijeni mislim da će najveća korist za brodare biti češća upotreba dužih putovanja



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