Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Čuj, kad bi postojala sigurna šablona za procjenu vrijednosti dionice, burza ne bi funkcionirala.

Ovako svatko ima svoje metode i procjene vrijednosti.
I onda se dvojica ne slože oko vrijednosti dionice, pa krene trgovanje…

P.S.: i još jednom pitanje: zašto je uz ovu temu vezan ticker ATPL?
Da li je moguće posložiti tickere svih brodara jedan ispod drugog, tema je baš usporedba.

No respect

Naravno, mozda sam ja sitnicav pa uocavam nelogicnosti u tekstu. Mozda poznajem sektor malo bolje od pisca pa me muce neke stvari – novi brodovi, novi prihodi, prodaja starih brodova itd… pa mi to sve izgleda nelogicno…

SLK, zakaj taj ticker? Pa to je vise nego jasno, to je nasa najbolja brodarska firma[tongue][lol]

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

SLK, zakaj taj ticker? Pa to je vise nego jasno, to je nasa najbolja brodarska firma[tongue][lol]

Ma da bi riječ rekao… [smiley]

No respect

BALTIC DRY INDEX 8.346,00 -214,00 -2,50 %
BALTIC PANAMAX 8.487,00 -143,00 -1,66 %
BALTIC SUPRAMAX 5.321,00 58,00 + 1,10 %

svega pomalo

drybulknewsletter 10.03.2008.

Dry Bulk Carrier Second-Hands Prices

dry bulk carriers orderbook

Intervju sa Akis Tsirigakis prvim čovekom
Star Bulk Carriersa
Demand to keep dry bulk rates firm
Friday, 14.03.2008, 12:22am (GMT)
Port congestion and strong demand from China and India should help dry bulk shipping rates stay strong throughout 2008, the top executive of dry bulk shipper Star Bulk Carriers Corp said.
‘I feel we are going to see a relatively strong 2008 overall, but with high volatility at times during the year,’ Akis Tsirigakis told Reuters in a telephone interview. ‘The demand is still coming from China predominantly, but India is becoming a more important player.’ He added that a US economic slowdown would affect demand from China and India, but said internal demand for commodities from those two developing markets should remain robust.
The company rents its ships to customers based in countries that include China, India, South Korea and the United States.
‘We’re talking about the industrialisation of 2.5 billion people,’ Mr Tsirigakis said. ‘I don’t think there’s any going back.’ The Baltic Exchange’s chief sea freight index, which gauges the strength of major trade routes for bulk commodities including iron ore and grains, rose nearly three-fold from the start of 2006 on the back of Chinese commodity imports. The index is currently down more than 20 per cent since reaching a peak in October, but has regained ground recently.
Athens, Greece-based Star Bulk has a fleet of nine vessels, with another due for delivery in April and Mr Tsirigakis said the company is ‘looking actively’ at acquiring more ships. ‘We have plenty of possibilities to lever up and buy a few more vessels,’ he said.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

WeberSeas Weekly Report 14.03.2008.

ZSE uživo: Potopljen Crobex i brodari

Crobex u ovom trenutku gubi čak 4,31 posto vrijednosti, krizu najviše osjećaju brodari i građevinci…. [bye]

DELUX,Brankica,Croman.Rekvijem,Lyux,vatreni,valentine,vodavoda,fajrunt,kanabis,lanicaCroman,=ista osoba

Bonita (76,623 dwt, 14/37.8L 15/37.8B, 2001-built) delivery Aughinish 25-30 Mar, redelivery worldwide, 20-21 months, $78,000 daily.

Ovi imaju povjerenja u tržište.
Kad bi ATPL-ovi Kinezi za koji mjesec bar dobili ovakve ugovore…….a možda ih već imaju ?

New Report
