prekjučer smo imali onaj članak o “anomaliji” u kojem stoji:
“For instance, you can get $157,000 – 167,000 a day to rent out a Cape sized vessel for a year, $135,000 a day if you go out 2 years, much better than the $116,391 at the current spot rate”
zašto diana onda sklapa toliko lošiji deal za capesize od 2010.?
dborak Ovo se nece dogoditi ove godine. Mozda ni sljedece… Pa ce Grk poslat brod u rezaliste kad su vozarine ovolike? Skandinavci ce se prvi rjesavat starudije ali ne u scrap vec prodajom nekim sporednim zicarima kad porastu cijene novogradnji. Ja mislim da će slijedeće 2-3 godine dry-bulkeri imati posla preko glave i vozarine će sigurno ići gore, a poslije će doć do zasićenosti tržišta i posla će bit samo za novije i brže brodove Evo pogledaj samo ovog Norvežana,ima u svom vlasništvu samo 2 broda a naručio je 28 novogradnji,od toga 13 brodova će mu bit isporučeno poslije 2010g. Tako da nema zime još barem 2-3g.[thumbsup]
Ovaj capesize Golden Nassim koji bi trebao biti isporucen Q22008 su narucili za 72milUSD a vec su ga prodali za 142milUSD. kapital + muda + timing = VELIKA ZARADA !!! [cool]
Evo 2 zanimljiva isječka članaka iz jučerašnjeg Lloyds Lista za dry (ATPL, JDPL, ULPL, LPLH, TNPL) i tanker (crude – TNPL, product – ULPL) segment…Pa tko što voli – nek izvoli…
Dry segment:
Bulker boom to continue this year
By Marcus Hand in Singapore – Friday 29 February 2008
The dry bulk shipping boom helped to nearly treble STX Pan Ocean’s net profits last year.
STX Pan Ocean expects the dry bulk shipping market will continue to boom in 2008.
The Singapore-listed shipowner said that it was confident of the underlying demand and supply fundamentals of the shipping industry, and the dry bulk market would continue its “supercycle” .
Global demand will offset US slump
Demand and single-hull conversions will sustain crude tankers but product tankers may suffer
Jerry Frank – Thursday 28 February 2008
JITTERY tanker markets only just recovering from last year’s prolonged slump can rely on global demand growth and the conversion of single hulls to absorb the affect of an US economic slowdown, according to top Norwegian analysts.
Fears that the gathering problems for the world’s largest economy will take a further toll on crude oil sea transport are off the mark, according to Oslo-based shipping analysts Carnegie Securities Research.
But the analysts added that the Atlantic product tanker markets could be in for a choppy ride.
Carnegie analyst Børge Johansen this week told industry delegates at the Lloyd’s List ship finance conference in Copenhagen that for every 1% decline in US demand for fuel (equivalent to around 200,000 barrels per day), only about 30% of this would hit the crude tanker trades.
“Slowing US petroleum demand will be absorbed mostly by products imports rather than crude imports and refinery runs,” he said.
This, together with other factors, has moulded Carnegie’s forecast for 2008 VLCC rates at $70,000 per day.This is well below the IMAREX FFA curve with spot prices at present in backwardation (higher than for later contracts), encouraging further demand for prompt delivery.
prekjučer smo imali onaj članak o “anomaliji” u kojem stoji: “For instance, you can get $157,000 – 167,000 a day to rent out a Cape sized vessel for a year, $135,000 a day if you go out 2 years, much better than the $116,391 at the current spot rate” zašto diana onda sklapa toliko lošiji deal za capesize od 2010.?
Zato sto nisu bedasti i zele se osigurati da ce isplatiti (i jos potom zaraditi) na narucenom capesizeu u roku od 5 godina. Opreza nikad dosta….
gorgija: ” prekjučer smo imali onaj članak o “anomaliji” u kojem stoji: “For instance, you can get $157,000 – 167,000 a day to rent out a Cape sized vessel for a year, $135,000 a day if you go out 2 years, much better than the $116,391 at the current spot rate” zašto diana onda sklapa toliko lošiji deal za capesize od 2010.? ” Zato sto nisu bedasti i zele se osigurati da ce isplatiti (i jos potom zaraditi) na narucenom capesizeu u roku od 5 godina. Opreza nikad dosta….
A platili su NOVI capesize 60mil USD !!! h a h a h a [lol] [lol] [lol]
jesi li izracunao hoce li im se isplatiti? Bojim se da nisi…
Evo nesto o cajnezima, znam da ime neke veze sa brodarima… Valjda.
“China Manufacturing Quickens as Production Resumes (Update2)
By Li Yanping and Theresa Tang
March 1 (Bloomberg) — Manufacturing activity in China, the world’s fastest-growing major economy, quickened in February as companies resumed production after the nation’s worst snowstorms in half a century.
The Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to 53.4 from 53 in January, the statistics bureau said today in an e-mailed statement. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion. “
Poučno štivo.
Često u komentarima trgovanja čitam ovakvu rečenicu:
‘Niti danas brodarskom sektoru nije pomogao porast BDI indeksa rasutog tereta od čak 281 bod.’
Jasam li ja lud, ili ispada da se kompletni brodarski sektor u Hrvata mjeri indeksom BDI?!?!
na žalost tako ti je.
pogledaj samo vrsne analitičate fondova i banaka, svi samo spominju BDI, jer su čuli samo za njega .
Često u komentarima trgovanja čitam ovakvu rečenicu: ‘Niti danas brodarskom sektoru nije pomogao porast BDI indeksa rasutog tereta od čak 281 bod.’ Jasam li ja lud, ili ispada da se kompletni brodarski sektor u Hrvata mjeri indeksom BDI?!?! [huh][undecid]
hohoho…pa nije da smo naucili fazana osnovama brodarstva[tongue][wink]…
Da, da… svi gledaju taj BDI… hjah, sto ces… evo cujem da se i na Korzu te u kaficima uz Dravu , nadugacko i nasiroko raspreda o BDI-u (inside info)…