Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Toknezev drago mi te vidjeti ponovio aktivnog. [thumbsup]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

jel moze netko do BDIa (cjelokupnog) da ga posta?

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

a što bi ono s pecanjem i ribom?

eno derbiyshire grca … jedva smo ga umirili …

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

ma fazancino kad te ja dohvatim u tvom kukuruzistu!!!

imam ja ribicki alat, al mi ne otvara stranicu… visoka tekhnologija me zahe…

Ma sto se brines za Derbyshirea, ukucaj ga pod google ….

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Baltic Exchange Daily Fixture/Index List 23/01/2008

BDI 6246 (DOWN 191) BCI 7848 (DOWN 223) BPI 6353 (DOWN 232)
BSI 4332 (DOWN 109) BHSI 2415 (DOWN 77)
Last published BDTI 1261 (DOWN 29) BCTI 984 (DOWN 14)

DRYS 58.05 +2.81 +5.09%

Sutra ce brodari na stare staze…[thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup]

Jedno kratko pitanje. Koja je dionica po vama povoljnija za kupnju. TNPL ili ATPL. Gledam p/e i P/BV je na strani TNPL. S druge strane ATPL ima bolji rast fundamenara od 2006 do 2007.

ATPL je puno likvidnija u zadnje vrijeme. Ima li nešto specifično za brodare što pogoduje ATPL više nego TNPL.

prvo pogledaj sto prevoze… a onda cijene vozarina… i to ti je tek prvi korak.

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

DRYS 58.05 +2.81 +5.09%

Sutra ce brodari na stare staze…[thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup]

Misliš u ponor? Pogledaj BDI. [bye]

Miro25: ” DRYS 58.05 +2.81 +5.09% Sutra ce brodari na stare staze…[thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup] ” Misliš u ponor? Pogledaj BDI. [bye]

Danas ce BDI isto UP…[thumbsup]

Blago tebi kad imas takve izvore informacija, koje jos nemaju niti u Londonu… mozes li staviti neki link?

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Asian Stocks Climb on U.S. Economic Stimulus Plan; Banks Gain

By Chen Shiyin and Patrick Rial

Jan. 25 (Bloomberg) — Asian stocks rose, driving the region’s benchmark to its biggest gain in six years, after South Korea’s economy expanded faster than estimated and the U.S. moved closer to approving tax rebates.

Bank of Communications Ltd. surged after Morgan Stanley recommended investors buy shares of HSBC Holdings Plc’s Chinese affiliate. BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s largest mining company, and PetroChina Co. advanced as copper, gold and crude oil prices rose. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index is set for a 0.8 percent drop this week, even after a 10 percent, three-day rally spurred by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s emergency interest-rate cut.

“While stimulative policies aren’t going to have an immediate economic impact, they are bringing us close to the conclusion of recent turmoil,” said Koshi Kumagai, a Tokyo-based fund manager at BNP Paribas Asset Management, which manages about $438 billion in assets worldwide.

The MSCI’s Asian index climbed 4.4 percent to 145.59 at 5:03 p.m. in Tokyo, poised for its steepest gain since March 4, 2002, and adding to a two-day, 5.6 percent advance. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index surged 6.7 percent, the region’s biggest increase.

Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Average added 4.1 percent to 13,629.16, the biggest advance since March 2002. South Korea’s Kospi index climbed for a third day. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 Index rose the most in a decade. The Philippine Stock Exchange Index surged after Moody’s Investors Service raised the debt rating outlook on the country to positive. All other Asian benchmarks gained.

Esprit Holdings Ltd. jumped in Hong Kong after business confidence unexpectedly rose in Germany, where the fashion retailer makes about half its sales. Wipro Ltd. paced gains by technology shares after Microsoft Corp., the world’s largest software maker, reported net income that topped analyst estimates.

Stimulus Plan

U.S. stocks rose yesterday, helping the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its biggest two-day rally since November, after lawmakers announced an agreement on an economic stimulus plan that will give tax rebates to 117 million families. In Europe, the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index surged 5.2 percent, its biggest gain since March 2003.

Bank of Communications advanced 12 percent to HK$9.89 in Hong Kong. Morgan Stanley raised its rating to “overweight” from “equal weight.” The bank said on Jan. 22 higher income from lending and fee-based services boosted its 2007 profit by more than 60 percent.

HSBC, Europe’s No. 1 bank by market value, added 4.4 percent to HK$120.50 in Hong Kong. Macquarie Group Ltd., Australia’s biggest securities firm, jumped 7.8 percent to A$69.02. Mizuho Financial Group Inc., the third-largest publicly traded bank by market value in Japan, surged 11 percent to 509,000 yen.


Stocks are rebounding from losses earlier this week after the Fed held an emergency meeting and cut its benchmark interest rate by the most in 23 years and New York regulators met with U.S. banks to consider bailing out bond insurers.

Posco, Asia’s third-biggest steelmaker, added 4.5 percent to 510,000 won in South Korea. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., the world’s biggest shipbuilder, rose 4.8 percent to 358,000 won.

South Korea’s fourth-quarter economic growth of 1.5 percent accelerated from the previous quarter’s 1.3 percent, the central bank said in Seoul today. That beat the median estimate of 1.3 percent in a Bloomberg News survey of economists.

The report comes after China said yesterday its economy expanded more than 11 percent for the fourth straight quarter, supporting global growth amid a U.S. slowdown.
Excited About Asia

New Report
