Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Prema otresanju nervoznih, nestrpljivih, daytrejdera, slucajnih dijonicara koji su najcesce glavni razlog volatilnosti dionice.

Glavno je da ima kupaca koji spremni kupovati po 20 milja KN brodara dnevno.

Prema otresanju nervoznih, nestrpljivih, daytrejdera, slucajnih dijonicara koji su najcesce glavni razlog volatilnosti dionice.

Glavno je da ima kupaca koji spremni kupovati po 20 milja KN brodara dnevno.

Na brodarima su oni samo jedan dio negativnih stvari,nemoj zaboraviti da su daytrejderi dobra stvar……dizu likvidnost ……..Ovi koji kupuju su djelom i mirovinci koje boli ku.. dal ce gore za godinu ili vise[wink]

Ako me nema ,znaci da nisam tu.

Ma nije mislio na daytradere, nego je mislio na novopečene opijene brzom zaradom dijoničare.

skužio sam te markko što si htio reći, ali sam se malo htio našaliti u ovo tmurno vrijeme

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Evo ga dečki da razmišljate o sutra

16 January 2008

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) -421 6915

BDI – 5,74 %
BPI – 3,74 %
BSI – 2,62 %

Ledena berba.

DRYS 52.00 -4,92% [cry]


Sad mi je zapelo za oko. Razmisljao sam o padu BDI-a odnosno na kolikom prometu se on dogodio….Zanimljivo, u najmanju ruku….

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Rio Tinto to Lift Ore Prices
Friday, 18.01.2008, 12:15am (GMT)

In a move that could boost its profit but raise costs for its largest customers, mining titan Rio Tinto plans to charge steelmakers higher market prices for some crucial raw materials, despite long-term price contracts. The move marks an effort by the mining company to capture higher spot-market prices for iron ore, a key steelmaking ingredient. It illustrates the clout mining companies have amassed during the four-year boom in commodities. Rio Tinto’s move would affect 10% of the iron ore it supplies to long-term customers. Those customers, who currently pay about $75 to $85 a metric ton, could pay the same prices as on the open spot market, where iron ore is fetching about $180 to $190 a metric ton due to rising demand.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Baosteel, Rio Tinto say iron ore talks still underway
Friday, 18.01.2008, 12:16am (GMT)

China’s largest steel maker Baosteel and Australia’s Rio Tinto said Thursday they were still holding talks on future iron ore prices, denying a report that negotiations had ended. “The negotiation is still going on. It hasn’t stopped,” a Baosteel company official told AFP. Baosteel is leading Chinese mills in the talks. The Australian Financial Review reported Wednesday on its website that Baosteel had left the negotiating table, blaming high prices asked by miners. The Chinese official, who declined to be named, did not provide any more details. The world’s three largest miners — Anglo-Australian groups BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, and Brazil’s CVRD — were expected to hammer out the annual contract prices for iron ore with a Chinese representative.
“We don’t comment normally on pricing negotiations, suffice to say that negotiations are continuing,” Rio Tinto spokesman Gervase Greene told AFP when asked about discussions. In 2006, China was the world’s first major steel producer to settle with the three mining firms, agreeing to a relatively modest hike of 9.5 percent for the year starting April 2007.
That followed a 19 percent rise in 2006 and a 71.5 percent spike in 2005.
Analysts have said they expect Chinese steelmakers to pay a significantly higher price for iron ore from April 1 this year. Estimates of the increase range from 35 percent to more than 100 percent.
Source: AFP

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !


ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

@ sakai

Kako stoje Handysizeovi?

New Report
