O cca 2.900 mil tona dry bulk tereta koji će se prevesti morskim putem u 2007. nekih 52% je učešće velike trojke (željezna rudača i ugljen (steam i coking coal) ). Udio rudače i ugljena u ukupnom prometu se je povećao za neznatan 1 (jedan) postoni poen u odnosu na promet u 2006. Dakle, rast prijevoza rudače i ugljena od nekih 6-7% yoy je pratio i znatan rast prometom žitaricama, cementom,… što je po meni odličan podatak s gledišta vlasnika manjih brodova. Industrijalizacija novih velesila (tzv. BRICK zemalja) nije samo rudača i ugljen.
Uf, tek sam to sada vidio. To znaci da onaj moj graf sa produzenim crvenim crtama ne smije ici pod tolikim kutem vec lagano-lagano gore.
Da, nekako mi se cini da su Handy-ljupci u pravu. A sad znamo i zasto [thumbsup]
China turns coal net importer in Nov-Demand for 2008 to rise 6-8%
Wednesday, 12.12.2007, 12:42am (GMT)
China’s coal demand is expected to rise 6 to 8 pct next year, driven by its robust economy and expanded power generation, the China Coal Industry Association said. The association said China will be a net coal importer through most of 2008. This is mainly due to high demand from power plants in China’s eastern and southern provinces.
………….”Chinese iron ore imports in November climbed to 35.5 Mt, the second-highest monthly total, according to preliminary customs data. If confirmed, November imports would be up 5.7 Mt on the previous month, with the year-to-date total of 349.5 Mt running some 17% above last year’s level.
Meanwhile, the preliminary data indicate that soyabean imports in November were the highest for 17 months. The YTD total is now 27.9 Mt, up 2 Mt year-on-year.”…………..
Mali OT ali ima dosta pomoraca na temi…
Svi pomorci u zdravstvenom, mirovinskom i poreznom sustavu od 1. siječnja
Rijeka,12. prosinca 2007. (Hina) – Na javnoj tribini o socijalnoj reformi za pomorce, na kojoj se danas u Rijeci raspravljalo o uvođenju svih pomoraca u hrvatski zdravstveni, mirovinski i porezni sustav od početka 2008., sudjelovalo je oko 200 pomoraca.
Izmjenama i dopunama Pomorskog zakonika iz lipnja 2007. svi hrvatski pomorci, bilo da plove na domaćim ili stranim brodovima, bit će od 1. siječnja 2008. izjednačeni u odnosu na obvezno mirovinsko i zdravstveno osiguranje te na porezni sustav.
Pomoćnik ministra mora, turizma, prometa i razvitka kapetan Mario Babić rekao je da će pomorci u međunarodnoj plovidbi plaćati doprinose prema osnovicama u nacionalnoj plovidbi, bez obzira na to kolika su im primanja, a visinu osnovice utvrđivat će ministar. Po prijedlogu, najviša osnovica osiguranja za zapovjednika broda bila bi 6480 kuna, a najniža, primjerice za mornara, 2441 kunu.
Pomorci u međunarodnoj plovidbi, bez obzira na to pod čijom zastavom plovi brod, neće plaćati porez na dohodak ostvaren plovidbom ako su plovili 183 ili više dana u godini, a za pomorce koji su plovili manje od 183 dana primjenjivat će se tzv. pomorski dodatak, odnosno porezna olakšica od 400 kuna za svaki dan proveden na brodu u međunarodnoj plovidbi.
Mirovinsko i zdravstveno osiguranje obvezni su samo za vrijeme plovidbe, od ukrcaja do iskrcaja, ali će se pomorci moći koristiti i produljenim osiguranjem, s kojim će im, ako nastave plaćati doprinos i dok nisu na brodu, teći i mirovinski staž. Ako se ne odluče za produljeno osiguranje, lučke će kapetanije prijaviti pomorca na zdravstveno osiguranje na osnovi privremene nezaposlenosti ili privremene nesposobnosti za rad s pravom na naknadu plaće.
Prijave i odjave za pomorce u međunarodnoj plovidbi podnosit će mjerodavne lučke kapetanije, bez obzira na to pod čijom zastavom plovi brod, odnosno uvijek kad pomorac ima prebivalište u Hrvatskoj.
Pomorci će moći u sustav zdravstvenog osiguranja prijaviti i članove obitelji, koji nisu osigurani po drugoj osnovi, a svi će pomorci biti uvedeni u središnju bazu podataka o pomorcima i dobit će hrvatsku pomorsku knjižicu.
U raspravi je, među ostalim, istaknuta primjedba da će država pomorcima “zavirivati u novčanik”, odnosno da će pomorci koji plove više od 183 dana u godini morati prijaviti prihode, te da država za te prihode, zarađene u inozemstvu, ne bi trebala znati. Kapetan Babić odgovorio je da svaku državu zanimaju prihodi građana i da ih pomorci, kao i svi građani koji žive u Hrvatskoj, trebaju prijaviti.
Tribinu je organiziralo Ministarstvo mora, turizma, prometa i razvitka, a na tribini su, osim pomoraca sudjelovali i predstavnici Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, Hrvatskog zavoda za mirovinsko osiguranje, lučki kapetani, predstavnici brodara, sindikata i pomorskih udruga.
blistava budućnost za proizvođače željeznih rudača, a pritom i za naše brodare, treba to netko i prevoziti:
Freight & S&P » Commodity News
Rosy future ahead for iron ore producers
Thursday, 13.12.2007, 12:41am (GMT)
Iron producing (in all its forms) is expected to rise from 934 million tonnes in 2006 to 1224 million tonnes in 2011 – an increase of 31 percent. This is good news for iron ore mining companies. Demand [proud]
CEO Drybulk-a kaze da ne vidi neki veci razlog gospodarskog usporavanja ili recesije u USA-a koji bi utjecao na brodare jer na USA trziste otpada nekih 10% transporta.
Jedina stvar koja bi utjecala na odlicne prihode svih brodara je meteor velicine Texas-a koji bi pao na Kinu…[wink]
Iron ore dynamics put ocean freight rates in flux
Friday, 14.12.2007, 12:39am (GMT)
The demand for bulk commodities like iron ore and coal play a major role in dictating bulk ocean freight rates. The outcome of negotiations for a benchmark iron contract or the fate of mining giant Rio Tinto could dramatically impact demand and rates for bulk ocean freight in 2008. The biggest driver of demand of bulk ocean freight is China’s steel industry, which is currently negotiating its benchmark iron ore contracts. ]Iron ore prices could rise 25% starting April 1, 2008,[/u] according to a Reuters poll of 12 analysts, with some looking for a 50% hike in iron ore prices.
Great Glory (73,724 dwt, 14.00/34.00, 1997-built) delivery Taiwan 18/20 Dec, redelivery worldwide, 3/5 months $74,000 daily.
Eleranta (73,222 dwt, 14/34L, 1995-built) delivery Huangpu 23/25 Dec, redelivery Skaw, $65,000 daily.
Marlera (56,024 dwt, 14.5L(A), 2004-built) delivery Map Ta Phut 23/28 Dec, redelivery PMO, $74,000 daily.
Nicolaos A (53,806 dwt, 16.5/28.00, 2003-built) delivery Houston 28 Dec-2 Jan, redelivery Turkey, $105,000 daily.
Navios Apollon (52,068 dwt, 14.5/32L, 2000-built) delivery Aughinish 24/26 Dec, redelivery Singapore-Japan, $77,000 daily.
Sea Maple (45,710 dwt, 14/25L(A) 14.5/23B, 2000-built) delivery Fos 14/18 Dec, redelivery Singapore- Japan, 2 laden legs $62,000 daily.
Handymaxi na Pacifiku definitivno stigli Panamaxe u vozarinama.
A onaj Nicolaos je stvarno ubo……..
Australia Rejects Newcastle Port Coal Export Allocation Plan
Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) — Australia’s competition regulator rejected plans by the operator of Newcastle port and two rail companies to change the way export capacity is allocated at the world’s biggest coal-export harbor.
The proposal, backed by Xstrata Plc and Rio Tinto Group, based export allocations on rail transportation contracts. It raised “significant concerns” that competition would be reduced, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, or ACCC, said in a statement.
A shortage of rail and port capacity at Newcastle, which accounts for a third of Australia’s coal exports, has contributed to Asian prices for thermal coal rising to a record. The bottleneck has led to a build-up in the line of ships waiting at the port to load coal, boosting costs for mining companies.
“Significant concerns have been raised with the ACCC that the proposed Vessel Queue Management System could have an immediate and permanent detrimental impact within the industry, including reduced competition in the provision of rail services in the Hunter Valley, and reduced production levels at certain mines,” Graeme Samuel, chairman of the regulator, said in the Dec. 13 statement.
………..Demand from coal mining companies for port capacity in 2008 is 116 million metric tons, while ……..95 million tons will be available. ……
Čini mi se da ni ovo nije loša vijest za vozarine.
S http://www.fearnleys.com/index.gan?id=561&subid=0; iako par mjeseci star članak, čini mi se da ovo nije postano:
To carry one´s age nicely!
During the past three years, deletion (read: scrapping) of bulk carriers has dried up almost completely. This has resulted in a significant change in the age structure of the bulk carrier fleet. So far this year, more than 40 mdwt of bulk carrier orders have been placed at shipyards and quite a few wonder whether this will result in an “over-tonnage” situation in a few years.
We have had a look at the age structure of the bulk carrier fleet in order to shed some light on whether the expected fleet expansion, following the delivery of more than 100 mdwt the next 3-4 years will prove to be too much for the tonnage balance. We have looked at the oldest part of the fleet, 25 years of age, or more, and see a clear trend. The share of “oldies” is going to increase substantially in the coming years despite a strong fleet expansion.
As can be observed from the chart, the share of vessels 25 years or older was relatively stable during the 1990s. The only exception was in 1997/98 when the ratio more than doubled.. This was a result of the quite large volumes delivered during the shipping boom in the early 1970s. The next rise was in 2001/02 when the extraordinary vintages of 1976/77 reached 25 years of age.
During the 1990s and early 2000s sthe scrapping activity was reasonably strong, but since 2004 very little has been scrapped. In the current market environment it is unlikely that we will see any scrapping of any significance, hence, the fleet is set to increase considerably in the coming few years.
25 years ago, in 1982, the share of old bulk carriers were less than 2% and the ratio was maintained at this level for about 10 years. In the last five years this ratio has hovered around 14%. In the coming three-year period we will, however, see a new wave of bulk carriers entering the 25 years plus, bracket. In the coming period the large vintages from the early 1980s will become 25 years old. On the assumption of no scrapping the share of bulk carriers 25 years or older will reach almost 23% at the start of 2011. Is this sustainable?
We don´t think so. Even with a continuation of current market earnings for the next three years we expect scrapping to increase. The main reason behind this standpoint is that it will become less and less acceptable for charterers to use such vessels for transportation of their commodities. From an insurance, operational, and not the least, a public point of view. In addition; as long as there is limited, if any, discrimination on age in the dry bulk market (unlike, e.g., the VLCC market) we believe charters in most cases prefer to charter modern vessels. Hence, as the fleet expands strongly, the older units will become more and more marginal.
In a longer term perspective the fact that the share of the old vessels increases this much is quite positive for the market. As long as the market is as strong as it is today (high utilization) the old ships are needed in order to cope with demand. In the future, assuming a steep downturn in market conditions, the aged fleet provides a safety valve balancing the supply side of the market – quite similar to what we observed when the large 1970s vintages of tankers were deleted around the turn of the century. Hence, a substantial “over-tonnage” situation looms, but we expect such situation to be short-lived.