Zato da krenu gore. Zato.
ima da odvale naši
ima da odvale naši
Odvalit će i naši, ali ne prije sredine prosinca… i ako bi volio da nisam u pravu i da se to dogodi već ovaj tjedan.
Evo frontline na 28 dolara na ogromnom prometu, ATH je 70 ( nejveći svjetski tankeraš )
Mislim da je General Maritime bolji izbor.Koliko znam imaju puno bolje ugovore od Frontline-a koji je dosta na spotu
GMR je sličniji tankerskoj, Frontline jest na spotu. Bit će jako zanimljivo krajem slijedeće godine, ako se potrefi oporavak gospodarstva s odlaskom single hullova i kašnjenjem brodova, moglo bi bit ludilo na tankerima. Vidjee ćemo rekli su slijepci.
Znaš kako će bit. Onako kako odluče veliki igrači. A kako stvari stoje nisu zainteresirani za brodare u nas. Tj. još uvijek je očito da na otvaranju i prilikom objave bdi-a na prodaji se gomilaju veliki nalozi sve dok euforija ne splasne i tada ruše cijenu. Ajde atpl i jdpl su nešto i narasli a tnpl i ulpl praktički ništa sa dva jača naloga vrate se na početak gdje su bili pred 10dana.
I svi koji smo vjerovali brodarima smo u biti popusili jer u bilo kojoj drugoj dionici se dalo zaradit u posljednja 3mj. Puno puno više…
China coal price rises on demand, snow disruption
China to be largest construction market by 2018
Copper Jumps to 14-Month High in Shanghai as Contango Widens
The outlook for oil demand, both near- and long-term, has improved on the back of greater levels of economic confidence in developed countries as well as robust performance in the developing world. This would suggest that tanker rates will moderate in 2010 from the 2009 lull whilst the loaded orderbook will ultimately prevent rates from entering more viable levels until 2013 as oil demand starts to post sufficiently high rates of growth to soak up the excess tonnage.
With the largest percentage of the single-hull fleet expected to be removed from service next year, the timing of the removals will play a significant role in determining rates; if owners wait until the end of 2010 to scrap, the number of newbuildings being steadily delivered over the course of the year will have a negative affect on rates. On the other hand, if scrapping levels accelerate at the start of the year, providing a more even distribution of demolitions over the course of 2010, then the demolitions would essentially negate the deliveries, to the benefit of rates. Regardless of what happens in 2010, the reality is that tonnage will grow disproportionately to world oil demand between 2011 and 2013.
Razlog pada DRYSa u aftermarketu…