Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Tjah – IMHO 4q 2009 i 1q 2010 uopće ne mora biti bolji za bulkere nego za tankere, evo za 10 mjesec aframaxi an mediteranu su se jako digli. TNPL dobija 4 nova bulkera u idućih 8 mjeseci.

– dobra rasprava je vrijedna i rijetka na forumu, tako evo ti 100.

slobodna piše…
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Ispričavam se cijenjenom pučanstvu na forumu na ovoj pogriješci. Jednostavno nisam vidio datum (jučer 4. 10 a članak 4.09.)
Pa još nisam tako nisko pao da bi tako blesavo druko [lol]

Jel ovo bilo sve od strane bdi-a?
Jel opet na redu pad?
Kako stoje brodari vani?

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

7.1 Million of Deadweight Scrapping Versus 22.2 Million Of Delivery Means New Supply Lowers Upside For Shipping Companies According To Cantor Fitzgerald Award Winning Stock Picker

TWST: What names do you like in the space at this point?

Ms. Boyden: We like Diana Shipping (DSX) a lot, a company that has mostly long-time charters, has very little debt, virtually no debt, and has about $230 million in cash on the balance sheet. We would expect them to probably start being very interested in acquisitions over the next quarter or two.

The other name that we really like is Navios (NM). We like that because a lot of the fleet is long-time charter, but Angeliki Frangou who is the Chairman and CEO has been particularly proactive in working with the banks. NM is really one of the only names that we’ve seen that is getting a financing, which is also from several convertibles, stock offering deals, which have not been diluted to current shareholders versus deals that we’ve seen from other companies that have been highly diluted. Navios certainly has enough financing to really do what they want to do and buy distressed assets.

TWST: That’s a good name. Is there another one or is that really the prime one on the space?

Ms. Boyden: I think those two are really are our top two picks at this point.



Jel ovo bilo sve od strane bdi-a?
Jel opet na redu pad?
Kako stoje brodari vani?

Kolega BDI je danas lijepo rastao i prema FFA na balticexchange trebao bi rasti ovaj i sljedeći tjedan.
Naravno to su procijene, mi koji pišemo realistično i optimistično ako pogriješimo svi nas odmah napadaju, a drukeri pišu stalno katastrofično i kada se dogodi obrnuto svi su sretni da oni nisu pogodili i nema odgovornosti, a to što su neki radi takvih napisa prodali i izgubili lovu nikom ništa.

vidi se da brodari imaju malo jacu podrsku zadnjih dana……
mozda je doslo vrime za njih da odrade malo rasta.
samo da izdrzi zeleno koji dan.

Skepticizam u odnosu na održivost indexa…
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Brodari traže povećanje vozarina zbog sve težeg pokrivanja dnevnih troškova u tankera, priskače se u pomoć otkazivanjem ili reprogramiranjem novogradnji, prodajom vlastitih dionica itd…. bla, bla…, pitanje je dokle tako ?

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It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job. It’s a depression when you lose yours. Harry S. Truman

Jel tako former ? [lol]

It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job. It’s a depression when you lose yours. Harry S. Truman

Jel tako former ? [lol]

Tako je, neki se još nisu osvrnuli oko sebe !

Global iron ore still oversupplied by 2010

The world’s iron ore supply next year will still exceed the overall demand, said Shan Shanghua, secretary general of China Iron and Steel Association.
"It will be hard for steel production in the United States and the European countries to fully recover next year when the financial crisis is not really ended yet," Shan said.
An industry insider also indicated that although the global demand might grow next year, it would still be less than the supply.


Steel Demand to Rise 9.2% Next Year, World Steel Says

The global steel market has bottomed and will grow by 9.2 percent next year as demand rebounds in the U.S., Europe and Japan, the World Steel Association said.
“There are clear signs that the bottom has been reached in the market,” Director General Ian Christmas said in an interview in Beijing today. Consumption may rise to 1.2 billion metric tons next year, the association said.


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