poštovani lopina, cijenim vaš trud, ali to je sve uzalud. brodari su totalno "out", dionice im dnevno gube po -25%, pa i više !!!!
ni tankeri ne stoje bolje, većina je pala oko -15%
užas, pa što je ovo??? u par dana većina brodara izgubila je preko 50% vrijednosti dionica!!
Kod stranih brodara po zakonu spojenih posuda svi padaju,ali ipak postoji šarenilo.Najviše padaju
nelikvidni, jer su se preinvestirali i neki će u bankrot.Međutim,oni koji su se držali pravila da za
novu kupnju treba imati barem 30% vlastitih sredstava imaju šanse da se i izvuku.
Naši brodari su tu bili konzervativni kao TNPL ili tromi kao JDPL.Tromost Jadroplova koliko god je
bila mana prije tri četiri mjeseca jer nisu kupovali nove brodove,u ovom trenu velika sredstva
na računu su garancija opstanka u ovoj krizi.
TNPL je kao konzervativan ulagač u ovom trenutku krize sigurna radi likvidnih sredstava i relativno
malu zaduženost u odnosu na operativnu flotu.
Nažalost,na našem tržištu to nema nikakvog značenja.TNPL je vezana uz ATPL iako te dvije kompanije nemaju ništa zajedničko osim onog manjeg dijela handyflote.Lani kada su tankerske vozarine bilo nisko TNPL je rasla ako je rasla ATPL.Ista stvar sada u padu ATPL vuće i TNPL.
Ali to treba prihvatiti iako rezultati i poslovanje uvijek neku firmu dovedu na njenu fair vrijednost.
Treba biti strpljiv i ne zaboraviti da je fundamentalna analiza vrlo bitna zbog opasnosti bankrota.
Ne radi se o tromosti nego o birokraciji vlasnika,tako funkcioniraju državne tvrtke kod nas nažalost.
U većini se slažem,situacija se promjenila i to jako pa i redoslijed za investiranje.
ne zaboraviti da je fundamentalna analiza vrlo bitna zbog opasnosti bankrota.
Ne radi se o tromosti nego o birokraciji vlasnika,tako funkcioniraju državne tvrtke kod nas nažalost.
U većini se slažem,situacija se promjenila i to jako pa i redoslijed za investiranje.
Da ovaj redoslijed je logičan jer se u ovom trenutku ne postavlja pitanje tko će više zaraditi,nego
tko ima veće šanse preživiti.
Međutim,u obzir bi trebalo uzeti i strukturu flote.
TNPL ima i dalje odlične tankerske vozarine,dovoljno velike da posluje sa dobitkom.A nije ni prezadužena.
ULPL je najzaduženija,ali njena tri tanker/pola flote/ također dobro zarađuju ,a za bulkove ima
dugoročne TCT,ali ti ugovori se mogu lako revidirati na manje vozarine.Ista stvar i za TNPL za
handy flotu,ali ipak manja šteta jer se radi od 14% flote.
ATPL je bila u odličnoj poziciji prije kupnje cape-a.
Upitna je pozicija LPLH.Oni su na spotu.Brodovi su prosječno najstariji od svih naših brodara.A
cijena takvih brodova u ovoj krizi najviše pada.Mislim da ih treba svrstati na četvrto ili peto mjesto.
ATPL je bila u odličnoj poziciji prije kupnje cape-a.
Upitna je pozicija LPLH.Oni su na spotu.Brodovi su prosječno najstariji od svih naših brodara.A
cijena takvih brodova u ovoj krizi najviše pada.Mislim da ih treba svrstati na četvrto ili peto mjesto.
Kao što si vjerojatno saznao, ATPL je odustala od cape-a. Nemamo još 100% provjerenu info, i nemamo još "cijenu" raskida, ali sama činjenica da razmišljaju u tom pravcu me obradovala jer ja već mjesec dana razmišljam kako bi to bilo jako dobro. Puno je to love koje ostaje unutra.
Ako i kad vozarine krenu prema BDI 2000, a prema FFA na to neće trebati puno čekati, ATPL momentalno postaje best buy od ovog društva, a i JDPL ne bu zaostajao. A dotada će nas plašiti krvavi pir Drys-a i zadužene kompanije preko bare.
ovo se rijetko viđa kao dansa u nyse :
drys +cca 50%
exm + cca 40%…………….
svaka čast!
Vale denies VLOC order cancellations
Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian iron ore producer and transport giant Vale denies that it is cancelling its $1.6bn order for 12 Very Large ore Carriers (VLOCs) from the Jiangshu Rongsheng shipyard (pictured) in China.
Despite some reports in the international media suggesting that Vale had cancelled the order, signed with Rongsheng on August 3 of this year for twelve 400,000 dwt iron ore carriers, the Rio de Janeiro based company has robustly denied such a claim.
A Vale spokesperson told Seatrade Asia Online: “This information is baseless and has no grounds. We re-affirm our long-term policy is to move a substantial share of our ore to Asia using our own fleet. I repeat again these stories have no grounds and are baseless.”
Because of the fall in iron ore prices and difficult negotiations with Chinese buyers for their ore, there has been strong market speculation that Vale will cut back its investment plans for the next few years, starting with the Jiangshu Rongsheng order.
Vale only last week announced job cuts of 1,300 �" out of its workforce of 62,000 worldwide �" and has also declared it will put 5,500 workers in Minas Gerais on Mandatory Vacation for various periods over the next three months.
On top of this Vale has stopped production at four pellet plants, heightening pressure on the drybulk sector. In a statement filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission, Vale stated that it has now “idled” production a total of six plants with overall capacity of 29.3m tonnes of pellets per year.
The mining company added that it suspended operations at these plants �"including two pellet plants at the port of Tubarao �" because of the “the unprecedented contraction of the global demand for iron ore and pellets”. [11/12/08]
Imarex Brief 10th December 2008
Dry Bulk FFAs
Contract Close Current Diff
BDI Dec 825 850 +25
BDI Q1 1525 1550 +25
BDI Q2 1925 1950 +25
CS4 Q1 $11,063 $12,000 +$937
CS4 Cal 09 $16,469 $18,000 +$1531
PM4 Q1 $9,765 $9,650 -$106
PM4 Cal 09 $12,109 $12,250 +$141
SM6 Q1 $8,406 $8,350 +$56
SM6 Cal09 $10,148 $10,000 +$148
Volumes are still light, though the price surge continues. Seems that a lack of short sellers has allowed
rates to jump on limited activity – but, a lack of sellers is an indication in itself that optimism is increasing
(or at very least that pessimism is decreasing). If you have any doubts – a quick look at DRYS, EXM and
the other dry bulk names should confirm that the outlook is infinitely different from last week.
Gale i Economou su brata dva…tralalala la:
DryShips Cancels Acquisition of Four Carriers – What Does it Mean for the Stock?
Saturday, 13 December 2008
George Economou is keeping his toys but getting paid for them. DryShips this week said it agreed to cancel the acquisition announced in July of four Panamax dry bulk carriers from companies beneficially owned by George Economou, DRYS Chairman and CEO. This because the purchase price of $400 mn would have represented a significant cash outflow from DRYS reserves since no bank finance was obtained for the acquisition. The DRYS Audit Committee concluded that due to the deterioration in the dry bulk market since the agreements, it would not be in the best interest of DryShips to consummate the transaction. In fact, DRYS is aiming to amend contracts for bulk carrier acquisitions and new building to save capital.
Mr. Economou and his clan get to keep the deposits totalling $55 mn for the 4 ships. Moreover, DryShips paid for an agreement with the Economou family selling companies to give DryShips an exclusive option to eventually buy the 4 Panamax vessels for $160 mn by next Dec. 9. For this it paid each selling company (4 of them!) $26.25 mn.
How comforting that the agreement was negotiated and approved by a committee of the independent board of directors of DRYS!
Also the previously announced sale of the M/V Lacerta, a 1994 built 71,862 dwt Panamax drybulk carrier for a price of about $55.5 mn, will not close due to the Buyer’s decision to not perform its obligations under the MoA. DryShips will pursue all legal remedies against the Buyer.
I continue to recommend retaining half your previous holding of DRYS because this amounts to an option on the recovery of the Chinese economy, fed by iron ore pellets, coal, wheat, fertilizer and other dry bulk carrier cargo. Mr. Economou characterized the present collpase of the Baltic Dry Index (of bulk charter rates) as something like "a nuclear explosion."
Mr. Economou, an MIT educated self-made Greek millionaire is a practitioner of what the Attic Greeks called hubris. But he is also a brilliant strategic investor in sea-borne vessels who always seems to be ahead of the rest of the gang in Piraeus.
While obviously he is interested in protecting his own assets, perhaps on the backs of shareholders, he had begun to seriously prepare for the downturn in freight rates, by switching DRYS to long-term from day charters, roughly half completed; and by a strategic investment to acquire a Norwegian company renting out ultra-deep water drilling rigs.
The latter deal (as always with Mr. Economou) included his personal purchase of the Norway stock before the company big, front-running his shareholders for his own pocket. His fleet modernization since DRYS went public in 2005 have frequently involved the company buying ships that his family already owned. Self-dealing is the price you pay for going along with George Economou in the shipping business.
Because DRYS is incorporated in the Marshall Islands, do not expect much in the way of stockholder rights, despite a lot of pretty verbiage the company puts out.
Even after the fall coming with lower Chinese growth figures and Mr. Economou’s latest ploy, the stock is up about 200 percent in the last 7 weeks. It fell to under $4 when an analyst who had long recommended DRYS downrated it for fear of financial collapse and a possible failure to meet loan covenants.
rekoh ja Economou bu prezeo Drys preko tvrtke Navigator d.o.o.
rekoh ja Economou bu prezeo Drys preko tvrtke Navigator d.o.o.
[lol] [lol] [lol]
Ovaj Economu je izgleda visoke skole u Hrvatskoj zavrsio…
Ti nisi znao da je Economou diplomirao sa izvrsnim (5) na VUG (Visokom ucilistu Galinec)?