Sad sam tek pročitao kako ste me oprali zbog članka! Pa ja sam ga samo prenio doslovno iz novina, ako vam se ne sviđa što piše udrite po direktorima brodara koji su dali takve izjave ili po novinaru, a ne valjda po glasniku!?
ma super da si ga prenio, ja osobno nemam naravno ništa protiv tebe, naravno da treba prenositi sve vijesti do kojih se može doći, bez obzira kako kvalitetne bile
očito je CHINA dala lekciju cijelom svijetu!
pomamili se financieri i ulagali u pomorski prijevoz, kao da će CHINA ići konstantno naprijed ….
rezultat….ostati će mnogi brodovi na navozima..mnoge će banke propasti…
jedno je sigurno…..ovo je bila lekcija br.1., što li slijedi dalje?
Ako sad dno nije blizu , ne znam kad će biti !
It seems that there is no sale & purchase market currently for any type of bulkers as the freight market continues its drop. We close the week with the BDI standing at 1,102 points and we can not see where the bottom of this drop will be. The credit crunch is affecting all of the shipping segments and apart from the sale of the ULCCs for conversion into FSO we are hardly reporting any interesting deals.
Dry bulk ships which have not been delivered yet are either cancelled ( i.e. buyers loosing their deposits and "walking" away ) or they are subject to sharply lower price negotiations by the buyers.
On the new building front, we have only rumors of several cancellations and nothing more. The order book is shrinking rather than growing.
On the demolition market which used to be the last resort and a safety pillow for owners of older tonnage, we have experienced an unprecedented fall in prices during the last couple of weeks, which have brought cash buyers in some pretty difficult positions. These buyers have found themselves buying high and by the time the vessels arrive in the subcontinent, they were forced to re-negotiate at much lower prices with the end users. In some cases we hear rumors that price reductions involved even up to US$ 200-250 per lt. So, with many cash buyers in the red due to the sudden fall in the steel prices, the increasing supply of older vessels offered for demolition and the problems that the end users encounter in obtaining letters of credit, the near future prospects look indeed very gloomy.….."[/b]
skoro….pa je pogodio..ha..ha
upravo je obrnuto od onoga što je pisao, tankerske vozarine su 2008. za preko 50% više nego u 2007., dok su vozarine za rasute terete drastično pale [lol]
očito je CHINA dala lekciju cijelom svijetu!
pomamili se financieri i ulagali u pomorski prijevoz, kao da će CHINA ići konstantno naprijed ….
rezultat….ostati će mnogi brodovi na navozima..mnoge će banke propasti…
jedno je sigurno…..ovo je bila lekcija br.1., što li slijedi dalje?
Mislim da je ovo totalno pogrešno razmišljanje, da Kina ikome daje lekciju!? Brodari su samo kolateralne žrtve u ovoj cijeloj igri! Mislim suprotno, a to je da je Kini održana dobra "lekcija", i ne samo Kini od strane Amerikanaca. Jedina opcija da Ameri povećaju svoju dominaciju u svijetu je bila kleknuti i otići 5 koraka nazad, dok će svi ostali otići 10!
Ovo je samo jedno razmišljanje, bez čvrstih argumenata- vidjeti će se na kraju tko je najbolje prošao!
Japan’s largest shippers post rising profits on higher freight
Japan’s three largest shippers all reported Monday significantly higher profits for the first half of fiscal 2008-2009 (April-March). Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, also known as the NYK Line, reported a 66% year-on-year rise in net profit to Yen 91.274 billion ($971 million); Mitsui OSK Lines, or MOL, reported net profit of Yen 124.003 billion, up 43.1% from a year ago, while Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, or K-Line, reported a 16.1% rise to Yen 51.156 billion. NYK Line’s revenue rose to Yen 1.42 trillion in the first half of fiscal 2007-2008, up 13% year on year on higher freight rates for container vessels and dry bulk carriers.
Odlični rezultati,bili bi i bolji da ih yen nije zahebo
Besides, the appreciation of the yen pulled down its profits. The yen averaged 105.66 against the US dollar over April-September 2008, while the average was 119.64 a year earlier.
posao na grčki način: Curious George
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