BLSC (Belišće d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BLSC (Belišće d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Gle, neću tvrditi ništa. Jednostavno sam pogledao krivulju trgovanja s blsc u posljednjih 6 mjeseci na službenim stranicama zse i vidio veće promete od 24.02.(4799 komada) do 26.ožujka.
Pri tim prometima je prosječna cijena varirala od 508,6 kn 24.02. i 498,9 kn 26.03. po komadu a između tih datuma još i više, sve do 575,91 kn (22.03.).
Sveukupno u tom razdoblju prosječna cijena je bila odokativno 525 kn. Recimo.
E sad ja bih rekao da je prosječni Hr špekulant ušao u blsc u tom razdoblju dok su iskusniji ili spretniji tada izišli.
Pa se pitam što će ta većina sada napraviti s obzirom na ulaz skuplji od službene ponude,jednostavno prodati uz gubitak od 5% ili čekati povoljniji razvoj događaja?
Jer trenutnih 26,96% dionica nije ni blizu dovoljno za Duropackovu kontrolu nad blsc
a time ni unpp ni blkl.
Znači da bi po isteku ponude cijena morala rasti minimalno do onih famoznih 600 kn s koliko su fondovi rekli da se mogu zadovoljiti?
Sve opaske su dobrodošle,mene sada zanima samo što je pametnije – prodati odmah na burzi ispod 500 ili prihvatiti ponudu i čekati (koliko?) isplatu od Duropacka ili čekati još (koliko?) do kraja preuzimanja i rasta cijene zbog dogovora Duropacka i fondova?

Moje je mišljenje također da su pametni izlazili po 570. Ja sam se riješio polovice Belišća na 550, a polovicu sam zadržao, da raspodijelim rizik. Sad mi je jasno da sam se trebao riješiti svih dionica, jer je na toj cijeni Belišće definitivno pregrijano, ali eto, nismo čarobnjaci da predvidimo budućnost.

Zanimljiv prikaz premije na ponuđenu cijenu iz Duropack-ove objave…

As consideration, the shareholders of Belišće are offered HRK 500 (ca. €68.5) per share in cash. The offered share price represents a premium of 10/32/44% over the 3/6/12 – month weighted average share prices of Belišće prior to the announcement of Duropack’s intention to launch a takeover offer on February 24, 2010.

Rok trajanja ponude iznosi 28 dana od dana objave u dnevnim novinama (JL) – dakle do 19. 05. U tom roku teku pregovori s glavnim stakeholderima. Uprava Belisca u narednih 10 dana treba odluciti sto ce uciniti s dionicama.

Zanimljiv prikaz premije na ponuđenu cijenu iz Duropack-ove objave…

As consideration, the shareholders of Belišće are offered HRK 500 (ca. €68.5) per share in cash. The offered share price represents a premium of 10/32/44% over the 3/6/12 – month weighted average share prices of Belišće prior to the announcement of Duropack’s intention to launch a takeover offer on February 24, 2010.

Da, argument je zanimljiv. Ali meni je još zanimljivije da je Belišće u godini dana poraslo za 110 posto, dok je Crobex porastao "samo" 44 posto.

Ne radi ni moj link… [undecid] Evo cijelog teksta.

Duropack AG publishes Takeover Offer for Croatian Belišće d.d.

On April 19, 2010 Duropack AG, a 100% subsidiary of publicly listed Constantia Packaging AG, announced a takeover bid to acquire all outstanding unencumbered ordinary voting shares of Belišće d.d. and its subsidiaries Bilokalnik-IPA d.d., Unijapapir d.d. after obtaining the approval of Croatian Takeover Commission.

As consideration, the shareholders of Belišće are offered HRK 500 (ca. €68.5) per share in cash. The offered share price represents a premium of 10/32/44% over the 3/6/12 – month weighted average share prices of Belišće prior to the announcement of Duropack’s intention to launch a takeover offer on February 24, 2010.

As consideration, the shareholders of Bilokalnik and Unijapapir are offered HRK 90 (ca. €12.3) and HRK 1,690 (ca. €231.5) per share in cash, respectively.

The acceptance period for the takeover offers will start on April 22, 2010 and will last for 28 calendar days through May 19, 2010.

Belišće is a company in the paper and corrugated board industry in South Eastern Europe with ten production sites in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia. Belišće is listed at the Zagreb Stock Exchange since 2003. In 2009 the company reached sales of HRK 924 million (ca. €138.3 million) and a net income after minorities of HRK 2 million (ca. €0.3 million).

Duropack intends to rely on the existing management and the highly qualified workforce of Belišće, which helped to build up Belišće to its current regional market position. From the current perspective, Duropack also does not expect large changes in the employment policy as a result of this Takeover Bid, as long as this is allowed by the macroeconomic and business developments.
In order to strengthen Belišće’s equity base and to lower Belišće’s debt level, Duropack as the largest single shareholder intends to propose a capital increase of up to €20 million at the upcoming annual general meeting. Duropack plans to fully participate in this capital increase. Duropack intends to retain future Belišće’s earnings in order to repay liabilities and lower Belišće’s debt level. Over the next years these two measures may significantly improve Belišće’s debt level and together with a stronger balance sheet will help to secure the necessary funds required to further modernize and expand the existing operations in the current volatile economic environment.

Duropack AG is a leading corrugated board producer in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2009, the company sold 502 million square meters of corrugated board and produced 167,000 metric tons of base paper. It generated sales of €262.4 million with 2,105 employees.

The Constantia Packaging Group operates in the "aluminum", "corrugated board" and "flexible packaging" businesses. Approximately 7,800 employees in 19 European, Asian and American countries produce raw aluminum, semi-finished aluminum products as well as packaging solutions from aluminum, plastic and corrugated board packaging for the food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, automotive, aviation and other industries.

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ponuda na stolu,74750.html

ponuda na stolu,74750.html

Vidiš, vidiš. To ti je internet danas, za čas ti je ponuda na stolu!

I Uprava je danas rekla da će prodati svoje dionice po 500 kn i preporučila svima da to sito učine.

Odakle ti to?

I Uprava je danas rekla da će prodati svoje dionice po 500 kn i preporučila svima da to sito učine.

Je li ovo službeno ili je inside info iz Belišća?

Službeno rečeno na sastanku poslovodstva održanoj danas.

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