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Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Na pitanje hoće li priznati da je Hrvatska u recesiji, Šuker je odgovorio da se to pitanje previše mistificira, budući da je jasno definirano da je recesija tromjesečno kontinuirano smanjenje gospodarskog rasta.

Upitan je li Hrvatska u recesiji, odgovorio je – Hrvatska već nekoliko mjeseci bilježi smanjenje gospodarskog rasta

Pa dobro kaže čovjek


pa dobro, gdje je to jasno definirano što je recesija? nedajte da živim u neznanju, molim vas.

Never pay the slightest attention to what a company president ever says about his stock. Bernard Baruch

„Premijer nije znao odnosi li se prohibicijski zakon i na vip ložu.“
Glasnogovornik Vlade Zlatko Mehun komentirajući Sanaderovo konzumiranje alkohola za vrijeme utakmice.

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones

Europska unija je na popis terorističkih organizacija Europske unije uvrstila EU 2003. godine.

When speculation has done its worst, two and two still make four.

Euro stabilan, funta skočila
05.02.2009 15:11

Euro se u četvrtak stabilizirao prema dolaru nakon što je Europska središnja banka zadržala ključne kamatne stope na važećoj razini, dok je funta snažno poskočila nakon što je britanska središnja banka snizila kamatne stope za pola postotnog boda.
Euro je tako prema dolaru ojačao neznatnih 0,1 posto, na 1,2844 dolara, te oslabio prema jenu na 115,08 jena.
Dolar je pak bio u blagom plusu prema jenu, ojačavši 0,1 posto na 89,64 jena.

Stvarno su majstori ti novinari! [smiley]

Zašto moraš zagledati naokolo ako svoj svjet nosiš u sebi?

Bruno Bušić, 1975. :

Kad se oslobodimo srpskog ropstva i stvorimo državu, vidit ćete kako tek naši kradu.
Svak nas je stoljećima krao i potkradao, a najteže će i najgore biti kada nas naši budu krali te prodavali svjetskim jebivjetrima i makro lopovima. Navalit će na nas kao velike ptice grabljivice. Tada će biti najveće i neriješivo pitanje – kako nas tada spasiti od nas samih?"

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones

Merrill Lynch CEO Thain Spent $35,115 For Commode On Legs

Extravagance has no bounds for some of the CEOs now being shown the door. Inquiring minds are looking into how Merrill Lynch CEO Thain Spent $1.22 Million On Office
When John Thain became Merrill Lynch’s CEO in early 2008, he hired Michael S. Smith Design to revamp his office suite, spending approximately $1.22 million according to documents.

* Area Rug $87,784
* Mahogany Pedestal Table $25,713
* 19th Century Credenza $68,179
* Pendant Light Furniture $19,751
* 4 Pairs of Curtains $28,091
* Pair of Guest Chairs $87,784
* George IV Chair $18,468
* 6 Wall Sconces $2,741
* Parchment Waste Can $1,405
* Roman Shade Fabric $10,967
* Roman Shades $7,315
* Coffee Table $5,852
* Commode on Legs $35,115

Thain also paid his driver $230,000 for one years work, which included the driver’s $85,000 salary and bonus of $18,000, and another $128,000 in over-time pay, documents show. Drivers of top executives are often paid about half that amount.

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones

"Ono što je danas rekao kolega Rohatinski, ja govorim već nekoliko mjeseci."
Ivan Šuker, ministar financija Republike Hrvatske, govoreći o jučerašnjem obraćanju javnosti guvernera HNB-a

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones

"skupiti glave " jedino pametno što je rekao BIGBRKO .

na ATPL u zadnja dva dana vratili smo se u kanal,ovo nam je bilo treci put da se spustamo na donju liniju kanala i do sada smo se odbijali od gornje linije takodjer tri puta.dva puta smo probili liniju kanala prvi put je to bilo 22.1 na 845kn i probijen je kanal za 12kn ili 1.5%,jucer i prekjuce takodjer smo se nalazili izvan kanala za 11kn ili 1.7%.MACD bi se mogao prekrizit u sljedeca 2-3 dana a SS je na 20 a RSI je u sredini.bollingerov pojas je probijen sa donje strane i sljedi odbijanac.dali je ovo sto se dogodilo u zadnja dva dana odbijanac ili ce se nastavit prema gore.sto se dogodi 2 puta vjerojatno ce se dogodit i treci,a sto se dogodi tri puta sanse su jos vece da se sve ponovi jos jednom.
dali se ovdije radi o horizontalnom trendu ili zastavici ili je ovo samo odbijanac zbog bolla.

To se zove analiza….

Iz prošlosti se može izvući samo pouka, da ljudi nikad neće izvući pouke iz - prošlosti. wb

19 minutes ago
Why Warren Buffett Isn’t a Hypocrite
Posted By: Alex Crippen
Topics:Warren Buffett
Companies:Goldman Sachs Group Inc | General Electric | Procter & Gamble Co | Johnson and Johnson | Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Warren Buffett is getting some heat from CNBC’s Jim Cramer for Berkshire Hathaway’s sales of big chunks of stock last fall, including billions of dollars worth of Johnson & Johnson.

On a CNBC Special Report Tuesday, Cramer advised investors not to follow Buffett’s lead this time around.

Then Cramer wrote on his site,, that Buffett was "selling America" even as he was writing an op-ed piece titled Buy American. I Am. for the New York Times.

Last night, on his Mad Money program, Cramer revisited Buffett as he listed what he sees as the 10 biggest myths and misperceptions in the market today.

Cramer is not only accusing Buffett of making bad decisions, he’s implying that Buffett has been hypocritically ignoring his own public call in the Times to buy U.S. stocks, misleading all those investors who ‘copy’ Berkshire’s buys and sells.

But there is another way of looking at it.

Buffett was clear in his Times piece that he was buying U.S. stocks for his personal account. For himself, and for many investors, he saw cheap equities as the best way to put cash to work.

But Berkshire has other opportunities to make money that simply aren’t available to everyone else. Most notably it can become a lender of last resort to solid companies going through a difficult time, and it can collect a very hefty interest rate for those loans.

Last fall, Buffett wasn’t "buying American" for Berkshire, but he was "loaning American." A total of eight billion dollars went to General Electric and Goldman Sachs. Those loans pay 10 percent a year, guaranteed. The major risk is a collapse of these enormous icons of American business, a risk small enough for Buffett to accept.

And those billions of dollars of loans may very well have come from stock sales. After all, Buffett always wants to have a base level of cash on hand and resists borrowing money to finance investments.

Even if Buffett thought Johnson & Johnson would ultimately generate a solid return, it seems unlikely to expect that return would be 10 percent a year.

Buffett is not just looking for good investments for Berkshire, he’s looking for the best investments he can find, that carry as little risk as possible.

Loaning billions to GE and Goldman at 10 percent over a few years could easily be a better use of that money than letting it ride in the stock market. (It does imply that he saw the stocks he sold as less likely to move higher than other equities in the portfolio.)

Buffett does not encourage anyone to replicate his Berkshire investments. He wasn’t necessarily trying to send a "sell" signal on J&J and P&G, or U.S. stocks in general.

He was probably raising money to take advantage of GE and Goldman’s need for quick cash, an opportunity unique to Berkshire Hathaway.

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