Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BEZ CENZURE – OPĆENITO

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Nismo prvi u rukometu, odbojci,košarci i nogometu ali zato jesmo u konzmiranju žestica

Časopis Forbes: Hrvati prvi u Europi u alkoholizmu

Iako je Hrvatska tek na petom mjestu po konzumaciji alkohola po glavi stanovnika (prva Češka), na ukupno su je prvo mjesto svrstali "odlični rezultati" u kategorijama riskantnih obrazaca pijenje alkohola i oboljenja od ciroze jetre (drugo mjesto iza Mađara). Odmah do Hrvata na ljestvici su susjedi Slovenci, pa zatim slijede Estonci, Nijemci, Mađari, Česi, Austrijanci, Slovaci, Rusi i Litavci.


i ja imam frenda u cevapcnici pa nedobivam najbolje cevape…. [kiss]

ebes takvog frenda [lol]


Ruske devizne rezerve narasle na blizu 600 milijardi dolara

Rusija je, uprkos osjetnom padu cijena nafte na svjetskom tržištu, prethodnog mjeseca uspjela povećati devizne rezerve koje su se približile sumi od 600 milijardi dolara.,22371.html

U Kalinovici se gradi toranj od 30 katova

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

U Kalinovici se gradi toranj od 30 katova

Želio bi se bookirati za luksuzni-stambeni prostor.
Kako da to učinim?
Kome da se javim?

U Kalinovici se gradi toranj od 30 katova

[lol] [lol] [cool]

Pessimism Is Your Friend

U Kalinovici se gradi toranj od 30 katova

Želio bi se bookirati za luksuzni-stambeni prostor.
Kako da to učinim?
Kome da se javim?

kupi 1000 dionica VERN i javi se brki … šifra ‘bager’

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

U Kalinovici se gradi toranj od 30 katova

Želio bi se bookirati za luksuzni-stambeni prostor.
Kako da to učinim?
Kome da se javim?

kupi 1000 dionica VERN i javi se brki … šifra ‘bager’

Jeftino se Brko prodao.
Nekada je dao samo ljudima u Bossovom odijelu

to je samo za kavu … detalje ćeš ipak s brkom morati raspraviti … [thumbsup]

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Zanimljiva rasprava na INGR-i, fond menađeri se tuku ispod pojasa, ma treba i to prljavo rublje jednom izvjesiti he, he ,heeee….

Jel mi se čini ili moderatori koji odobravaju postove uglavnom idu spavati prije 23h? [rolleyes]

Ajmo nađite par “noćnih” moderatora! [cool]

hehe, rano su se sjetili početi proizvoditi efikasnije motore……….. [tongue]

GM offers more fuel-efficient pickup trucks, SUVs
Tuesday August 12, 12:11 am ET
By Dee-Ann Durbin, AP Auto Writer
GM releases more fuel-efficient versions of its trucks and SUVs as sales falter

DETROIT (AP) — General Motors Corp. is releasing new, more fuel-efficient versions of its full-size pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles later this fall.

The XFE — or extra fuel economy — versions of the 2009 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra trucks and Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC Yukon SUVs will get one mile per gallon more in both city and highway fuel economy than non-XFE versions. The boost will give them a total of 15 miles per gallon in the city and 21 on the highway.

On XFE models, GM improved the aerodynamics by extending the front lower air dam, lowering the suspension and revising the chassis tuning. The automaker also reduced the mass with aluminum parts, including an aluminum spare wheel and 17-inch aluminum wheels, gave the vehicles low rolling resistance tires and powered them with a 5.3-liter, ethanol-capable V-8 engine that has an aluminum cylinder block and heads.

GM stressed that the vehicles still have the same towing capability.

The XFE pickups and SUVs will be available in the fourth quarter of this year. GM spokesman Brian Goebel wouldn’t say how much more they will cost than non-XFE versions.

GM began offering an XFE version of its Chevrolet Cobalt small car earlier this year. The automaker said it sped development of the XFE trucks and SUVs because of consumer demand for more fuel-efficient vehicles. GM’s truck and SUV sales fell 23 percent in the first seven months of this year.

GM also offers hybrid versions of the Tahoe and Yukon and plans to bring out hybrid versions of the Silverado and Sierra in the first half of 2009. The company said last week that about 4 percent of its Tahoe and Yukon sales have been hybrids so far this year.

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

New Report
