Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BEZ CENZURE – O DIONICAMA

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

A kaj si ti Josip Broz Tito da pozivaš ljude kaj da čine !
Ovo je domokracija i ljudi čine ono kaj hoće !
Jel tako Šefe !!??


Burza je kocka, ma koliko mi šutjeli o tome........

A kaj si ti Josip Broz Tito da pozivaš ljude kaj da čine !
Ovo je domokracija i ljudi čine ono kaj hoće !
Jel tako Šefe !!??


pofuk,joj pardon DRUG TITO


Da za tebe luki 007 i drug Tito ako tako hoćeš [thumbsup] Za kojega su tvoji roditelji radili i tebe školovali te zaradili mirovine. Danas su ovi lopovi pola firmi uništili uveli u stečaj radnike otpustili mirovine pokrali, a na redu je javna otimačina i pljačka dionica od malih dioničara [angry] ako je to tebi sve u redu onda normalno da i ti imaš prste u tome i nisi mjerodavan da nama ostalima govoriš kako je u redu da nas naši fond menađeri pardon lopovi pljačkaju. [lol] [angry]

DELUX,Brankica,Croman.Rekvijem,Lyux,vatreni,valentine,vodavoda,fajrunt,kanabis,lanicaCroman,=ista osoba

Pozivam sve dioničare INE i Žitnjaka da ne poklanjaju dionice po ovim cijenama bilo kome.Ako stvarno žele naše dionice neka povise cijenu otkupa ili neka čekaju. [angry]

ja sam danas donio čvrstu odluku na koju se spremam već nekih 15-ak dana..
prodao sam sve svoje dionice koje su ionako ušle u totalni minus i poželio da si ih novi vlasnik gurne duboko u š….
a moje novce više nebu ova burza videla, bar ne u ovome životu..
moja preporuka svim malim dioničarima je; prodajte im svi sve svoje dionice pa neka ih razni fondovi preprodajeju jedni drugima dok ne pocrkavaju svi odreda..
..evo im krv moja, neka se napiju..
evo im tijelo moje, neka se naždereju..

12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77809/08-P, 28 kom. DLKV-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77812/08-P, 20 kom. IGH-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77814/08-P, 115 kom. ATPL-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77821/08-P, 1 kom. LCDS-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77825/08-P, 114 kom. PTKM-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77862/08-P, 350 kom. OPTE-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77866/08-P, 137 kom. OPTE-R-A
12.9.2008 PRODAJA 77877/08-P, 650 kom. SUNH-R-A [angry]

"Oprosti tvojim neprijateljima, ali ne zaboravi nikada njihova imena" John F. Kennedy

Jedan od prvih dioničara koji je izgubio gotovo sve i to je katastrofa na Hrvatskom tržištu [angry] žao mi je gospodina mada ga osobno nepoznam. Zato mislim da je krajnje vrijeme da se dogovorimo da prekidamo prodaju na mjesec dana. [thumbsup]

DELUX,Brankica,Croman.Rekvijem,Lyux,vatreni,valentine,vodavoda,fajrunt,kanabis,lanicaCroman,=ista osoba

Da za tebe luki 007 i drug Tito ako tako hoćeš thumbsup Za kojega su tvoji roditelji radili i tebe školovali te zaradili mirovine. Danas su ovi lopovi pola firmi uništili uveli u stečaj radnike otpustili mirovine pokrali, a na redu je javna otimačina i pljačka dionica od malih dioničara angryako je to tebi sve u redu onda normalno da i ti imaš prste u tome i nisi mjerodavan da nama ostalima govoriš kako je u redu da nas naši fond menađeri pardon lopovi pljačkaju. LOL

E oprosti Šefe, nisam znao da će jedan moj post koji je trebao biti skroz bezazlen i malo šaljiv izazvat tolke polemike.
Evo javna isprika od lukija.

Burza je kocka, ma koliko mi šutjeli o tome........

Dobro kad si kulturan isprika prihvaćena i opraštam ti :)) [thumbsup]

DELUX,Brankica,Croman.Rekvijem,Lyux,vatreni,valentine,vodavoda,fajrunt,kanabis,lanicaCroman,=ista osoba

Pa jesmo si na listi prijatelja ili nismo haha… [cool]

Burza je kocka, ma koliko mi šutjeli o tome........

E oprosti Šefe, nisam znao da će jedan moj post koji je trebao biti skroz bezazlen i malo šaljiv izazvat tolke polemike.

Šefe, ostavimo nervozu za crnu zimu…..vidi kako kolega Pofuk sve to stoički podnosi, kao da mu je Nadbiskup učitelj i mentor:)

evo da ne mislite da smo samo mi mali dioničari zabrinuti……….. [bye]

In Tough Times, Even the Billionaires Worry
by Christine Haughney
Thursday, September 11, 2008

provided by
The New York Times

Do you have millions of dollars in the bank and still worry about filling up your gas tank? Do you fear that the housing slowdown may mean your sprawling beachfront property will face the auction block?

As the economy has soured, Lee Hausner, a psychologist at IFF Advisors Inc., in Irvine, Calif., who works primarily with wealthy families, has noticed rising anxieties about spending.

She has a test for such clients: she asks them to calculate their monthly expenses — from Botox shots to country club fees — and their monthly income from work and investments. Then she has them cut 10 or 20 percent off the income figure. If they can still afford their lifestyle, she tells them that they have enough of a cushion to protect them from a troubled economy. In most cases, she finds that her clients are fine.

"You control the wealth," she said. "The wealth does not control you."

But the combination of depressed financial investments and declining real estate values is a formidable burden, even for those who have accumulated the most. "Almost everybody is worrying, including people who are billionaires," said Dennis Pearne, a psychologist in Framingham, Mass., who works with wealthy patients. He says lately he has noticed that "the worry increases with the size of the holdings."

The bigger the amount, the more patients have to worry about losing, and these losses prey on their deepest fears about money, Dr. Pearne said. Either they feel that they did not deserve the money in the first place, or they feel entitled to their wealth and are angry when it is gone, he said. Dr. Pearne advises such patients not to make major decisions about their investments until they have a team of trustworthy financial advisers to guide them. Then he counsels them on their specific issues.

"To the extent that they have shame, then the shame multiplies with the size of the fortune," he said. "The more they have, the more they’re afraid they’re going to act out with it." This could include taking their children out of private school or selling homes at losses.

Kenneth Mueller, a Manhattan psychotherapist who counsels many wealthy people, agreed that patients can become overwhelmed by the magnitude of the numbers. For example, he said, their income may have shrunk to $2 million in 2008 from $20 million in 2007, or their $10 million in stocks may have lost 10 percent of its value. These declines can stir up insecurities, he said. "They remember any form of deprivation, physical or emotional." He counsels that these are "old worries" to be worked through, not present realities.

In fairness, worrying about money is natural. It stems from the primal need to have enough food to survive through winter, says Robert A. Kenny, associate director of the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College. "We have been worrying about having enough for thousands of years," he said. Mr. Kenny is working on a survey of people with an average net worth of $50 million, and he said that about half of them think they have "enough" money.

Some worriers are learning a valuable lesson. Advisers like Anthony J. Guinta, the client service director at the wealth management firm Homrich & Berg in Atlanta, said he had clients who assumed that their stocks would appreciate endlessly. After warning them for years about spending, he is now watching them cut back on luxuries. "Even though we told them they should rein in their spending a little bit, their portfolio was covering that ove

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

Bošnjak: INA je precijenjena, ali kupuje se njezina budućnost
Autor/izvor: Oriana Ivković Novokmet
ZAGREB – Krajem tjedna u organizaciji Hrvatske udruge financijskih savjetnika održao se seminar «Koliko zaista vrijedi dionica INA?» koji je vodio Slaven Bošnjak, portofolio manager Hrvatskog mirovinskog investicijskog društva. Uz teoretski dio tamo su prezentirane različite tehnike vrednovanja domaće naftne kompanije.,25098.html

New Report
