BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

samo 4%..FFAs rally ?->Capesize +25% to $5,267?

i..štrukle su pekli (već oko 12h), a nisu nam rekli.

Danas porast na stranim brodarima od 10 do 20 %


Takodjer preporuka strong buy za Genco Shipping, upside potencijal 120%


Genco Shipping, Inc. (GNK)

Next up is a small-cap shipping company, Genco. The company boasts a market cap of $207 million, along with a major asset: a modern fleet of dry bulk carriers. These ships, varying in size from 34,000-ton Handysize freighters to the giant 175,000+ ton Capemax vessels, are wholly owned and modern, with a majority of the fleet build in the past decade. Genco transports essential dry bulk cargoes such as coal, grain, iron ore, and steel around the world.

The coronavirus pandemic, with its heavy impact on trade and travel, hit Genco hard in Q1. The company saw earnings plummet, and EPS registered a 17-cent loss per share in the first quarter, a sharp turn from Q4’s 7-cent profit. At the same time, the company was able to continue streamlining its operations, including selling off three of its least profitable vessels, and took action to improve its cash position. Genco finished the quarter with $134.3 million in unrestricted cash on hand, and is negotiating a further $25 million in collateralized credit from its main lenders.

Despite the recent struggles, one analyst argues that the $4.94 price tag is a solid deal for investors.

Writing on GNK stock for Evercore ISI, Jonathan Chappell said, “GNK still retains the strongest balance sheet in the dry bulk industry… GNK should be able to build upon its cash balance, enabling it to return to the prior dividend run rate once there is more clarity on the global economic backdrop and the timing on an eventual dry bulk market recovery, while its liquidity could also render it as the market consolidator if other less-well-capitalized owners fall victim to a prolonged global recession.”

Chappell’s numbers are upbeat, too. The $9 price target suggests a robust 82% upside potential, and fully supports his Buy rating on the stock. (To watch Chappell’s track record, click here)

Chappell’s bullish stance on Genco Shipping is in line with Wall Street’s view. GNK has a Strong Buy consensus rating, based on 4 Buy ratings and single Hold set in recent weeks. Meanwhile, the average price target of $10.80 leaves a room for nearly 119% upside from current levels. (See Genco stock analysis on TipRanks)

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Kejpovi u Kini danas rastu preko 20%

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Pa GNK je cista suprotnost od ATPL po vecini ovdje navedenog. Starost i struktura flote, a o usporedbi financija bolje da ne govorimo.

Bilanca im je neusporediva s ATPL, samo razmisli o cashu i cijenu duga. Druga stvar njima je Q1 revenue cca 100 mil USD, a  ATPL 9 mil USD. Znaci 11 puta manje. A MCAP samo 5 puta veci od onog ATPL. Dakle ovih 100 porasta cijene s ovih razina bi ga priblizilo razinama po kojim se ATPL umjetno odrzava sada…


BudFox3, 03.06.2020. u 21:48

Danas porast na stranim brodarima od 10 do 20 %


Takodjer preporuka strong buy za Genco Shipping, upside potencijal 120%


Genco Shipping, Inc. (GNK)


Next up is a small-cap shipping company, Genco. The company boasts a market cap of $207 million, along with a major asset: a modern fleet of dry bulk carriers. These ships, varying in size from 34,000-ton Handysize freighters to the giant 175,000+ ton Capemax vessels, are wholly owned and modern, with a majority of the fleet build in the past decade. Genco transports essential dry bulk cargoes such as coal, grain, iron ore, and steel around the world.


The coronavirus pandemic, with its heavy impact on trade and travel, hit Genco hard in Q1. The company saw earnings plummet, and EPS registered a 17-cent loss per share in the first quarter, a sharp turn from Q4’s 7-cent profit. At the same time, the company was able to continue streamlining its operations, including selling off three of its least profitable vessels, and took action to improve its cash position. Genco finished the quarter with $134.3 million in unrestricted cash on hand, and is negotiating a further $25 million in collateralized credit from its main lenders.


Despite the recent struggles, one analyst argues that the $4.94 price tag is a solid deal for investors.


Writing on GNK stock for Evercore ISI, Jonathan Chappell said, “GNK still retains the strongest balance sheet in the dry bulk industry… GNK should be able to build upon its cash balance, enabling it to return to the prior dividend run rate once there is more clarity on the global economic backdrop and the timing on an eventual dry bulk market recovery, while its liquidity could also render it as the market consolidator if other less-well-capitalized owners fall victim to a prolonged global recession.”


Chappell’s numbers are upbeat, too. The $9 price target suggests a robust 82% upside potential, and fully supports his Buy rating on the stock. (To watch Chappell’s track record, click here)


Chappell’s bullish stance on Genco Shipping is in line with Wall Street’s view. GNK has a Strong Buy consensus rating, based on 4 Buy ratings and single Hold set in recent weeks. Meanwhile, the average price target of $10.80 leaves a room for nearly 119% upside from current levels. (See Genco stock analysis on TipRanks)





Baltic Dry Index Rises 6.76% to 632 #Capesize +17.28% to $6,177 #Panamax +0.86% to $6,000 #Supramax 58k tons +0.92% to $5,485 #Handysize +2.98% to $3,25

Baltic Dry Index Rises 7.44% to 679 #Capesize +18.29% to $7,307 #Panamax -0.2% to $5,988 #Supramax 58k tons +1.7% to $5,578 #Handysize +2.43% to $3,331

palindrom, 04.06.2020. u 13:35

Pa GNK je cista suprotnost od ATPL po vecini ovdje navedenog. Starost i struktura flote, a o usporedbi financija bolje da ne govorimo.

Bilanca im je neusporediva s ATPL, samo razmisli o cashu i cijenu duga. Druga stvar njima je Q1 revenue cca 100 mil USD, a  ATPL 9 mil USD. Znaci 11 puta manje. A MCAP samo 5 puta veci od onog ATPL. Dakle ovih 100 porasta cijene s ovih razina bi ga priblizilo razinama po kojim se ATPL umjetno odrzava sada…



BudFox3, 03.06.2020. u 21:48


Danas porast na stranim brodarima od 10 do 20 %


Takodjer preporuka strong buy za Genco Shipping, upside potencijal 120%


Genco Shipping, Inc. (GNK)


Next up is a small-cap shipping company, Genco. The company boasts a market cap of $207 million, along with a major asset: a modern fleet of dry bulk carriers. These ships, varying in size from 34,000-ton Handysize freighters to the giant 175,000+ ton Capemax vessels, are wholly owned and modern, with a majority of the fleet build in the past decade. Genco transports essential dry bulk cargoes such as coal, grain, iron ore, and steel around the world.


The coronavirus pandemic, with its heavy impact on trade and travel, hit Genco hard in Q1. The company saw earnings plummet, and EPS registered a 17-cent loss per share in the first quarter, a sharp turn from Q4’s 7-cent profit. At the same time, the company was able to continue streamlining its operations, including selling off three of its least profitable vessels, and took action to improve its cash position. Genco finished the quarter with $134.3 million in unrestricted cash on hand, and is negotiating a further $25 million in collateralized credit from its main lenders.


Despite the recent struggles, one analyst argues that the $4.94 price tag is a solid deal for investors.


Writing on GNK stock for Evercore ISI, Jonathan Chappell said, “GNK still retains the strongest balance sheet in the dry bulk industry… GNK should be able to build upon its cash balance, enabling it to return to the prior dividend run rate once there is more clarity on the global economic backdrop and the timing on an eventual dry bulk market recovery, while its liquidity could also render it as the market consolidator if other less-well-capitalized owners fall victim to a prolonged global recession.”


Chappell’s numbers are upbeat, too. The $9 price target suggests a robust 82% upside potential, and fully supports his Buy rating on the stock. (To watch Chappell’s track record, click here)


Chappell’s bullish stance on Genco Shipping is in line with Wall Street’s view. GNK has a Strong Buy consensus rating, based on 4 Buy ratings and single Hold set in recent weeks. Meanwhile, the average price target of $10.80 leaves a room for nearly 119% upside from current levels. (See Genco stock analysis on TipRanks)








Vani cijeli tjedan rastu brodari i brodarski indeksi, ali to nema utjecaja na našeg brodara ATPL, jer on ionako ništa ne vrijedi, kako kaže uvaženi kolega palindrom..



Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

ispravak netočnog navoda 🙂

nisam rekao da ATPL NIŠTA ne vrijedi nego tvrdim da trenutno vrijedi puno previše u odnosu na peer grupu uzevši realno stanje tvrtke (flota, financije, korporativno upravljanje). pogotovo jer sam uvjeren da je stvaro stanje daleko gore nego sto brojke iz f.i. to pokazuju jer nerealno visoko vrednuju imovinu.

vezano uz rast brodara vani zadnjih dana ima jedan zgodan odnos koji se vec par godina neobicno poklapa, a to je cijena DSX i ATPL (naravno odnos x100 i u Kn). Naravno da ne znaci fundamentalno nista ali je zgodan za pracenje odnosa vrijednosti dosta slicnog brodara DSX (ali i daleko kvalitetnijeg po svim parametrima) i ATPL. Korelacija njihove cijene po tom odnosu je nevjerojatna vec par godina (odkad je na djelu umjetno odrzavanje nerealne cijene), a odstupanje najcesce ne prelazi 10-15%. Gotovo kao indeks za pracenje cijene. E pa sad baci malo pogled na cijenu DSX u H1 2020 i vidi koliko su doista vani brodari rasli/pali u odnosu na ATPL. iznenadit ce te koliko su bio u krivu s tvrdnjom da ATPL rastom ne prati brodare vani. samo je ranije malo ubrzala s oporavkom…

BDI 764

Bdi 839

Promaklo ti danaa staviti link s brodarima pa cu ja onaj tvoj


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