BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

hvala… usput centrala u Kini upucava hrpu nove love za:

Infrastructure spending is set to be ramped up in China, much to the joy of the world’s dry bulk shipping community:

“With more infrastructure projects, I think it will eventually drive up commodity and shipping demand, however, we still need to see how will the local governments allocate these funds..” 


Today’s $667bn stimulus announcement – while not being as large as the $1trn some analysts had predicted – is still larger than the $564bn package Beijing unleashed in December 2008 in the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a stimulus that resuscitated dry bulk fortunes 11 years ago.

Baltic Dry Index Rises 1.61% to 506 Capesize -0.48% to $4,120 Panamax +4.34% to $4,572 Supramax 58k tons +1.87% to $5,450 Handysize +5.71% to $2,665

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

BDI -2.6% 489


Capesize  -14.7% $ 3,228


Panamax +5.9% $ 5,147


Handysize +3.2% $ 3,843


Supramax +0.3% $ 5,520

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Baltic Dry Index +3,1% 504


Capesize +4,4% $3,369


Panamax +6.0% $5,453


Supramax -0,3% $5,505


Handysize +2,3% $2,909

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Baltic Dry Index Rises 3.17% to 520 Capesize +8.28% to $3,648 Panamax +3.7% to $5,655 Supramax 58k tons -0.73% to $5,465 Handysize +2.03% to $2,968


BDI +5.0% to 520

Capesize +15.5% to $ 4,213

Panamax +2.8% to $ 5,815

Handysize +3 percent to $ 3,056

Supramax -0.3% to $ 5,448

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

BudFox3, 02.06.2020. u 14:49

BDI +5.0% to 520

Capesize +15.5% to $ 4,213

Panamax +2.8% to $ 5,815

Handysize +3 percent to $ 3,056

Supramax -0.3% to $ 5,448


Omaška, ispravan BDI je dolje, a ostalo je ok:

Baltic Dry Index Rises 5.0% to 546







Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

O boze, atpl ne samo da nije smanjila vrijednost brodova, nego ih je povecala za skoro 3 mil kuna. Ja cu se ranit ahahaha.


China “makes America great” again :).

Očekuje se da će se sveukupni kineski uvoz željeza povećati do 2020., ali će se smanjiti rast na 6%, u odnosu na 19%-tnu projekciju rasta prije pandemije koronavirusa.

Zalihe željezne rude u kineskim lukama pale su na 109,5 milijuna tona na dan 29. svibnja, najniže razina od studenog 2016.

The Brazilian miner said its production and operation have not been impacted by the pandemic:

China’s first quarter crude oil imports were about 10.2 million bpd, up 5% from the same period a year earlier.

China sold $8 billion of U.S. government bonds in March, when overseas investors and central banks got rid of $300 billion of Treasurys that month to raise dollars. That leaves China’s overall holdings at $1.08 trillion, down from its high of $1.32 trillion back in November 2014.


Indeksi?moglo bi postati zanimljivo danas..

rakam, 03.06.2020. u 15:47

Indeksi?moglo bi postati zanimljivo danas..

BDI + 8,4% 592



Freight futures am update


Capesize up ~4%


Panamax up ~1

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

New Report
