BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

696 US goods qualify for tariff exemption – China

According to Beijing, just under 700 types of products, 696 in total, include soybeans, pork, beef as well as crude oil. The exemptions granted for the aforementioned goods will be effective for a year.

Last week, Chinese tariff cuts took effect, as the country decided to further reduce the levy placed on $75 billion of American imports.

BudFox3, 19.02.2020. u 10:05

Kolega budfox3,

ipak je rast capeova 31%, a ne 23,6%.


brodolomac, 19.02.2020. u 11:35


Volim kada sam tako u krivu 🙂

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

U kini sve raste preko nekoliko posto 🙂

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Danas je webcast brodarskog sektora za analiticare. Besplatan. Pricaju ceo najvecih firmi gdje vide sektor i ostalo. Ali kako su ti tipovi za vas seljaci onda nema nit smisla da pratite

Čemu takav ton, kolega percepcija…Mene zanima taj webcast.

Imate link?

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

možes slusati reprizu.

trebas se registrirat, ali je besplatno



jel se mezi?

Itekako, jer ovo je prilika godine, a možda i veća!

Proljeće je tu, virusi nestaju s dolaskom toplijeg vremena, vozarine počinju žestoko rasti…

Plakati će jedino oni koji su sada prodali, pa će morati kupovati po nekoliko 10-aka % skuplje!

Freight futures am update Capesize down ~8% Panamax flat

New Report
