I danas zelenilo vani
Sub-zero Baltic capesize benchmark sparks index overhaul at exchange
Kinesko vodstvo će učiniti sve što je u njihovoj moći da gospodarski rast u 2020. ne padne ispod 6% te da ispoštuju trgovinski sporazum s Amerikom. Uz to, jesti se mora. Trenutno usporenje rasta morati će nadoknaditi ubrzanim rastom tijekom godine, što će između ostalog značajno povećati zahtjeve za prijevozom rasutih tereta, posljedično i vozarine.
Older Ships Are Being Rushed to the Scrapyards
Od Stare godine u vječna lovišta otišlo je bulkera ukupne nosivosti od oko 2 milijuna dwt. Za očekivati je nastavak u sličnome tonu.
Trade war: China announces tariff cuts as part of phase one deal despite coronavirus outbreak
China will cut a 10 per cent tariff to 5 per cent, and a 5 per cent tariff to 2.5 per cent in efforts to implement the phase one deal signed with the United States
The products covered include automotive and agricultural goods including pork, chicken, beef and soybeans, chemicals, crude oil, whiskey, and seafood
“China hopes both sides can follow what have been agreed in the deal and make efforts to implement relevant parts of the deal to boost market confidence, to promote bilateral relations, and to help world economic growth,” the statement said.
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Čini mi se da se u ponedjeljak Kinezi vraćaju na posao, produžili
su blagdane do 09.02. radi Corona piva/virusa
China tells producers outside Hubei to work regularly
China tells producers outside Hubei to work regularly
China told producers in all provinces other than Hubei, which is the center of the coronavirus outbreak, to continue working as normal, local media reported. Authorities went on to stress there is “no need for unnecessary panic” around the country.
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