BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Vozarine brutalno pale opet

Vozarine brutalno pale opet

pa stavi % da vidimo…

na ignore: retard "nabiduasku", plankovic, tizian, pific, barbosa....

Trump: Had good talk with Xi on ‘giant’ trade deal
President Trump and his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping discussed on Friday the trade accord the US and China have struck, according to the US president. Trump dubbed the phase one trade agreement “giant” and claimed that Beijing had already begun “large scale purchases” of American farm products. However, he gave no update on the date and venue of the document signature, apart from noting that it is “being arranged.”
“Had a very good talk with President Xi of China concerning our giant Trade Deal. China has already started large scale purchaes of agricultural product & more. Formal signing being arranged. Also talked about North Korea, where we are working with China, & Hong Kong (progress!)” the US president wrote on his personal Twitter account.
Trump’s Treasury Seretary Stephen Mnuchin claimed earlier that Beijing’s farm purchases would double as a result of the trade deal and reiterated that it would be signed in early January.

Zanima mekad će se ovo China has already started large scale purchaes of agricultural product & more. Formal signing being arranged odraziti na vozarine

Xi: US meddled in China’s internal matters
Chinese President Xi Jinping told his United States counterpart Donald Trump that he sees the recent measures by the US government against Beijing’s officials regarding the situation in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and Taiwan as interference in his country’s internal matters, Xinhua reported on Friday.
The government in Beijing is worried about the developments, Xi reportedly said during the conversation. He added that US intervention had a negative impact on the trust and partnership between the two sides.
However, Xi highlighted the phase one deal as an example of successful cooperation that would influence favorably on not just the two countries’ economies, but the global market as well.

potpišu li sporazum, a po svemu sudeći trebali bi, to će pozitivno utjecati na svjetsko gospodarstvo. Time se stanje u dry bulku strateški mijenja. Izravno kroz povećanje prijevoza rasutih tereta iz SAD u Kinu i neizravno kroz pozitivnu promjenu svjetskog gospodarskog okružja. Ne treba izostaviti ni psihološki aspekt. Sve te promjene ne mogu se odraziti trenutno na dry bulk kao paljenje električne žarulje, već trebaju vrijeme kao za promjenu smjera kretanja ogromne mase.

Hvala na odgovoru. Ma ja sam malo nestrpljiv iako znam da to ne ide preko noći osim psihološkog aspekta. Što se tice zitarica vjerojatno ce boom biti tek nakon potpisa kada ce se uistinu krenuti utovarati.. pozitivna vijest je da napokon imamo izgledan kraj trgovinskog rata

Panamax – 4,0% na 9.228

lijepo nema šta

Panamax – 4,0% na 9.228

lijepo nema šta

vozarine tonu kao kamen….već poduži niz dana…i to u velikim postotcima….

na ignore: retard "nabiduasku", plankovic, tizian, pific, barbosa....

To je takav dio godine…Ne treba se cuditi sezonalnosti brodarskih indeksa…Pocetkom ove godine je BDI bio na 600 i nesto bodova, pa je otisao na preko 2500 bodova na ljeto… Pa sada opet pada, do novog rasta…

595.00 – 2,518.00

Sentiment na brodarima je dobar zbog prve faze trade deala

Meni se čini da vozarine padaju jer se nikome sada na kraju godine ne žuri ugovarati nove ture zbog neizvjesnosti koje nas čekaju od 1.1.. Jednostavno rezultat trenutnog supply/demand. Na koga će pasti teret povećanih troškova zbog novog goriva? Koliko će novo gorivo biti uopće dostupno? U kojem smjeru će vozarine? Svi čekaju novu godinu.

You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

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