BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Lighthizer: Phase one deal is totally done
United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Sunday that the “phase one” of the US-China trade deal is “totally done” and noted that the US exports to China will almost double in the next two years.
Speaking on CBS Lighthizer said that text will go through some general “scrubs” but that “this is totally done, absolutely.”

Sporazum će vjerojatno u siječnju potpisati Robert Lighthizer i Liu He.

Trump – Kina – pozitivan novi tjedan .

Čini mi se da će danas svi segmenti u minus.

halfte trinken, halfte Šarcu geben

BDI? cape, pnmx?

budapest !

kakva je ovo tisina? zasto nitko ne posta BDI i vozarine po tipovima brodova?

na ignoriranju: ljudska bijeda "nabiduasku" (dno dna)

Što se bojite da vam cijena ne pobjegne prema gore?

ne nego da se neko ne iskrca ako indexi odu u minus pa da zatuce cjenu na 350 kn

na ignoriranju: ljudska bijeda "nabiduasku" (dno dna)

Slobodno raspali do 350, ako imaš s čim :-))

a zasto ti pametujes i ne zelis staviti danasnje vozarine jer tema ovdje nije tko ce kupiti ili prodati ATPL nego kretanje BDI-a i vozarina!

na ignoriranju: ljudska bijeda "nabiduasku" (dno dna)

Nisam ih još pronašao na standardnom forumu, a imam i pametnijeg
posla od traženja po netu svaki dan…Slobodno ih potraži i izvjesi, ako
te zanimaju…

Našao sam samo ovo danas, ako tko nađe BDI, molio bih da ga objavi

Freight futures
Capesize down ~2%
Panamax flat — China stays mum on the reported U.S. trade deal offer, as analysts see Beijing afraid of getting caught in a trap. The pound and U.K. stocks soar after a convincing election victory for Boris Johnson’s Conservatives that paves the way for a formal withdrawal from the EU by the end of January at the latest. And Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO) promises a better year ahead after suffering from the U.S. ban on exports of sensitive components to Huawei. Here’s what you need to know in financial markets on Friday, 13th December.

1. Radio silence from Beijing

China kept an awkward silence as it digested the reported offer by the U.S. to roll back some tariffs and cancel those due to come into force at the weekend, in return for guaranteed annual purchases of U.S. farm goods.

Chinese authorities and official media so far haven’t given any information on China and the U.S. are close to a deal,” Hu Xijin, editor of the English-language Chinese publication Global Times, said via Twitter. “As the U.S. side released optimistic information through various channels, the Chinese side has basically kept silent. This is a delicate situation.”

Analysts argue that the offer by the White House may be perceived as a trap, saying that Beijing will resist being drawn into an agreement where its compliance can be easily and reliably measured.

Analysts argue that the offer by the White House may be perceived as a trap, saying that Beijing will resist being drawn into an agreement where its compliance can be easily and reliably measured.
..“As the U.S. side released optimistic information through various channels, the Chinese side has basically kept silent. This is a delicate situation.”

New Report
