BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Panamax raste 3,4 posto, na 11.559 dolara.
Handysize i Supramax porasli su za 0,1 posto, na 7 409 dolara, odnosno 9 542 dolara.

I netko ruši cijenu našim brodarima iako BPI raste svaki dan ???

a ti budi lukav pa zezni "rušitelja" i poskidaj sve do 400 kn (227 komada) 😁

sad je vec 580 komada do 400 kn

Čekaj da se poslože pa da pokupimo 200-300.000 kn,, zašto bi platio više kad možeš uzeti za manje :))))

TC vozarine su OK, trenutno i one rastu i garantiraju zaradu, tako da svakom na volju 😉

Panamaxi i Supramaxi u Kini i danas rastu, ali zato Capeovi rock & roll…

Trump: Getting very close to big China trade deal
United States President Donald Trump said on Thursday Washington is nearing a “big deal” on trade with China.
“Getting VERY close to a BIG DEAL with China. They want it, and so do we!” Trump tweeted.
The comments come after reports that Trump was meeting his trade and economic advisors today to discuss the trade dispute with China and whether to go ahead with imposing additional tariffs on Chinese products on December 15. Earlier media reports claimed China and the US are set to delay the tariffs set to take effect this weekend. Meanwhile, China has insisted that any potential trade agreement must include a tariff rollback.

US offers Beijing 50% cut in tariffs – report
United States negotiators reportedly offered to cut Chinese tariffs by 50% and cancel the one due to take effect on December 15. According to a Wall Street Journal report, tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods would be cut in half if the proposal is accepted.
This reduction offer was made during the last few days and in exchange, Beijing was asked to pledge to purchase large amounts of US agricultural and other products, protect US intellectual-property rights and allow wider access to China’s financial-services sector.

u USA indeksi fino potegli u plus, a brodari rone:

US reaches deal in principle with China – report
The United States has reached a trade deal in principle with China, the media reported on Thursday. The agreement awaits the signoff by US President Donald Trump.

U.S. negotiators have reached the terms of a phase-one trade deal with China that now awaits President Donald Trump’s approval, according to people briefed on the plans, Bloomberg News reports.

Trade advisers are set to meet with the president at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the agreement. An announcement could come as soon as this afternoon, the people said. A White House spokesperson declined to comment.

Trump signs off on China deal, tariff delay – reports
United States President Donald Trump signed off on the phase one trade deal with China presented to him by trade negotiators during a meeting at the White House on Thursday, media reported.
The agreement includes the delay of tariffs which were set to take effect on December 15, Bloomberg said citing sources familiar with the matter.

Kad se oni dogovore, onda ce cijena se srokati… pa uz svo natezanje, cijene su vani na ATH …. mi smo neuracunljivi kako god okrenes, ovdje bilo tko sa malom kolicinom $$$ moze sve srusiti -50% ili natuci +100%

pnmx futuresi?

New Report
