Danas okreću Cape-ovi u plus, a sutra svi ostali
Cape -0,3% 25031$
Dobro ide vama to pogađanje (prije bih rekao stručna procjena) od kad kreće rast BDI-a. Jako zanimljivo za pratiti. Evo ja kažem da od sutra kreće panamax rasti. Ako ne bude sutra bit će prekosutra. A ako ne bude prekosutra ili ovaj tjedan onda sljedeći. E sad, ako se nešto izvaredno dogodi i ne bude ni sljedeći onda za tri tjedna sigurno. Niz nastavite sami. Zaista me fascinira kako vas par ovdje pogodi to točno u dan. Bez problema bi gigic i budfox s ovim znanjem mogli raditi u Morgan Stanleyu ili GS. No, kako vjerujem da te banke obavezno prate ovaj forum, sigurno su ih već kontaktirali. Učinite nas ponosnima decki
Pa u Kini su Cape-ovi već danas okrenuli u plus…
Cape / Pmax / Supra +2,21 / -1,01 / -0,00%
Pa znam da si ti, kad si govorio da cape okrece danas, govorio o Kini. Sutra će ovaj pravi. I gigic je rekao da krece rast, pa je naraslo jedan dan, a od onda pada 7 dana pomalo. Ali on je to mislio kad je rekao da kreće rast. Taj dan. Samo nije naveo da će biti poslje pad, ali to se podrazumjevalo. Potpuno ja vas dvojicu kuzim. Ne kuze vas ovi sta pojma nemaju
pa već su svi oni u plusu finom, sad koji % više ili manje svejedno :)))
Bit je u ovome!
BDI -0.49%, 1.846
Capesize -0.34% to $25,031
Panamax -1.12% to $14,586
Supramax 58k tons -0.15% to $13,574
Handysize -0.4% to $9,377
Budfox, nisi mi odgovorio. Zbog čega mislis da bi od sutra cape trebao rasti? Ili tebi i deckima ovdje uopce ne treba razlog zasto će rasti, nego ste vi došli do te razine razumjevanja financijskih tržišta da jednostavno osjecate promjenu, odnosno postali ste jedno s tržištem. Ajmo sad ozbiljno. Ne osjecate li se glupavo bubati takva sra.nja i onda misliti da zaista nešto znate?
@gklemenc, evo isjecak iz jednog clanka koji lijepo i sazeto opisuje sto se trenutno dogadja na trzistu dry bulka. Sve ide u prilog brodarima, jos samo da se Trump i Kina dogovore i eto ti perfect storm.
The future will likely see continued “generally tight market conditions” with freight rates supported by the switch to more expensive low-sulfur fuels. That will, in turn, likely lead to a slowing-down of the world fleet (going faster consumes disproportionately more fuel) which will reduce supply, Pacific Basin says.
Cereal volumes into China fell owing to the Washington-Beijing trade war and soybean volumes fell owing to a widespread outbreak in Asia of African Swine Fever. The fever, native to sub-Saharan Africa lives in ticks and wild-pigs. Infected pigs lose their appetites, fall into a coma, and die. The mortality rate for domesticated pigs is close to 100%. An outbreak of African Swine Fever broke out in China in August 2018. By October 2019 millions upon millions of pigs have been culled in an attempt to halt the virus.
Pacific Basin added that “tighter supply” also led to stronger rates and this was driven by global fleet inefficiencies and ships preparing to comply with new ballast water requirements and IMO 2020.
Ships draw in and expel large volumes of seawater as ballast to maintain stability and reduce stress on the hull. Unfortunately, the practice can result in micro-organisms being sucked into the tanks, transported around the world and then expelled into new environments. The foreign organisms may then out-compete, out-breed, or predate upon local organisms which can cause local ecological collapse. One example is the European Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas), a voracious feeder, which is native to north-west Europe but has spread around the world.
Countries have decided, through the International Maritime Organization, to issue a new, more strict, global standard for ship’s ballast water discharge.
The other major regulatory change is the IMO 2020 regulation which radically reduces the amount of sulfur that can be emitted by a ship as a result of combustion.
Pacific Basin reports that “a large number of ships have migrated eastward” to have new ballast water treatment systems and sulfur scrubbers installed in Asian shipyards. This has resulted in “stronger freight market conditions in the Atlantic,” Pacific Basin says.
The subsequent squeeze on shipyard capacity has further reduced the supply of ocean shipping services as ships wait for slot space – both for compliance with the new rules and for regular dry-docking.
Meanwhile, the company reports, the appetite for ordering new ships “remains restrained, discouraged by the continued gap between new building and second hand prices as well as uncertainty over upcoming environmental regulations (to meet the IMO’s ambitious C02 reduction strategy) and their impact on future vessel designs”.
Kudlow hints US could drop December tariffs
If phase-one talks with China go well, the United States could take off the tariffs scheduled for December, Director of the National Economic Council Larry Kudlow told Fox Business on Monday.
He described the state of play in the ongoing trade negotiations between the two nations as “looking pretty good” and stressed that the issues of human rights form an “important part” of the talks.