BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Donald Trump says ‘substantial phase-one deal’ reached in China trade talks, new tariffs delayed
US President Donald Trump said his negotiators have reached a “substantial phase-one deal” that will delay the implementation of more US tariffs on Chinese imports after two days of high-level trade negotiations that aimed to move the two countries closer to a conclusion of a bruising bilateral trade war.
Speaking in the Oval Office, Trump touted a deal that includes intellectual property protections and purchases of US agricultural products worth as much as US$50 billion after US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He for two days in Washington.
The “phase one” deal would take three to five weeks to write and work on a second phase deal would begin as soon as the first was signed, Trump said, adding that it might be ratified by himself and Xi during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders’ meeting in Chile in mid-November.

Trump says struck ‘hell of a deal’ with China
Trump stated the agreement will be “great” for energy, banks and farmers, noting he hopes the farmers will be able to produce goods enough goods as China pledged to purchase between $40 billion and $50 billion worth of American agricultural products.

China deal greatest, biggest ever for our farmers – Trump
“The deal I just made with China is, by far, the greatest and biggest deal ever made for our Great Patriot Farmers in the history of our Country. In fact, there is a question as to whether or not this much product can be produced? Our farmers will figure it out. Thank you China! Other aspects of the deal are also great – technology, financial services, 16-20 Billion in Boeing Planes etc., but WOW, the Farmers really hit pay dirt!

Ova tema, kao i tema ATPL, je prepuna zanimljivih analiza iz kojih zbilja možeš mnogo toga naučiti o ovom sektoru. Stvarno je teško ne biti zahvalan svima onima koji su mukotrpno stjecali znanje i ovdje ga nesebicno dijele. Kad samo pomislim da ovaj odmah ujutro, nekad i dan radnije, stavi Cape i Panamax futurese, pa ovaj ode do foruma i u podne postavi BCI, a u 1 objavi cijeli BDI index, i to za sve 4 sastavnice tog indexa, prođu me trnci. Najžalosnije je što i na drugim temema nema tako dubokoumnih rasprava i analiza pa i da tamo možemo nešto naučiti kao ovdje. Keep up the good work boys

haha, bravo, odlično kako ste oprali ove drukere!

Kolega @gklemenc, nije mi jasno kako je to drukanje ako decki svakodnevno postaju indexe koji su cinjenice. Ljudi koji se slabije u to razumiju i pokusavaju nesto nauciti mogu ovdje dobiti svakodnevno svjeze informacije.
Slicno kao sto si ti prije 10-ak godina svakodnevno molio da ti netko posta k/p jer nisi imao svoju potrebnu infrastrukturu (sto je skroz u redu, i ja sam se svojevremeno tako informirao a kasnije sam i sam postao k/p), meni ovo nije nimalo drugacije. Korisno je i neka tako ostane.

You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

China already ordering US food products: Trump
“My deal with China is that they will IMMEDIATELY start buying very large quantities of our Agricultural Product, not wait until the deal is signed over the next 3 or 4 weeks. THEY HAVE ALREADY STARTED! Likewise financial services and other deal aspects, start preparing,” he wrote. The president noted he has suspended the rise in import tariffs on a large batch of merchandise from the world’s second-largest economy.

“The relationship with China is very good. We will finish out the large Phase One part of the deal, then head directly into Phase Two. The Phase One Deal can be finalized & signed soon!” he added.

Cape / Pmax / Supra -2,13 / +1,59 / +0,07 %

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!


Rastimo zajedno...

VLCC rates hit an all time high: The TD3 time charter route (Arabian Gulf to China) was marked today at 300,391, which is an all-time high. The previous high was in December 2007. the roundtrip lasts ~40days, netting a profit of more than $12m on a single trip.


p.s. Tema je naravno BDi, ali što ako……….Kako će onda NEKI… .

Veliki pozdrav glavnom kreativcu foruma Woodironu, My Moonu, ali ne manji Bubimiru. AJMO PROMATRAT 😀😎✌🤘🤙🖐👌👍🤚👋👋

“Daily” new price target from several brokerage houses in FA last week, last Saturday, where the nickname VLCC = Very Large Cash Carrier was brought up again :-)))

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

BDI -0.42%, 1.916

Capesize -1.2% to $26,065
Panamax +0.65% to $15,455
Supramax 58k tons +0.3% to $13,643
Handysize -0.3% to $9,497


p.s. Priprema terena za …..

Veliki pozdrav glavnom kreativcu foruma Woodironu, My Moonu, ali ne manji Bubimiru. AJMO PROMATRAT 😀😎✌🤘🤙🖐👌👍🤚👋👋

New Report
