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Koliko sam kratko uspio vidjeti danas BDI raste, a Panamaxi su u plusu oko 1%
Kudlow: Open to anything China may bring to trade talks
China wants partial trade deal now, broad one later – report
China wants to reach a partial trade deal with the United States soon, while it hopes to discuss concluding a full trade agreement next year, Fox Business reported on Monday citing the Chinese Commerce Ministry.
According to the report, Beijing is willing to strike a deal on the “parts of the negotiations both sides agree upon” and “set out a timetable for the harder issues to be worked out next year.”
Trump: Good possibility of trade deal with China
President Donald Trump said on Monday that there is a “good possibility of a trade deal with China” at the upcoming round of trade talks scheduled for Thursday.
Dry Bulk Market: Chinese Iron Imports a Bright Sign
Despite the trade wars and the contraction of the Chinese economy’s growth rate, dry bulk owners could rejoice in the knowledge that the dry bulk market remains largely unaffected.
In a recent monthly report, shipbroker Banchero Costa noted that “China’s iron ore imports increased again in August 2019, to the highest level in 19 months, boosted by rebounding supplies from the major miners and mills replenishing inventories. In August, China imported 94.9 mln tonnes of the steelmaking material, according to Customs figures, up 4.2% monthon-month from 91.0 mln tonnes in July 2019, and up 6.3% year-on-year compared to 89.2 mln tonnes in August 2018”.
Low import volumes in the first half of the year were primarily due to shortages in supply, which resulted in a 40 mln tonnes decline in stockpiles at Chinese ports between March and July of this year.
Meanwhile, another market for dry bulk carriers, could be on the mend. Banchero Costa said in a recent note that “South Korean coal imports were running significantly below expectations in the first half of 2019, but now appear to be recovering quite strongly in the third quarter of the year.
Capeovi +1.9%, 24.128$
Cape / Pmax / Supra +13,55 / +2,35 / +0,04%
Jel ja to dobro vidim da Capeovi u Kini rastu +13,55%?
BDI +1.75%, 1.801
Capesize +1.85% to $24,128
Panamax +3.18% to $14,453
Supramax 58k tons +0.04% to $13,426
Handysize -0.56% to $9,611
p.s. Jedna slika gpvori više od 1000 ……..
Freight futures
Capesize up ~2%
Panamax up ~3%