BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

nikad više u te raznine brodari nece otić ….na to možemo zaboravit
volio bih da griješim


Tako su govorili i za Kraš još prije 2 tjedna, pa pogledajte kako perje leti na sve strane :-))

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

bravo!! 🙂 …..

Ispravak, u peak-u je ATPL bila 3897,99 kn, uz dnevni promet od
11 367 860 kn, pa nek ostane zabilježeno

16.10.07 3.789,00 3.783,99 3.799,42 0,24% 0,83% 2.992 11.367.860 3.730,00 3.897,99 3.751,00 3.783,99

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

nikad više u te raznine brodari nece otić ….na to možemo zaboravit
volio bih da griješim

Nikad ni bilo da nekak ni bilo,
ja se nebi kladio da i prođe te razine… ne za godinu, dvije, ali tko zna šta nosi vrijeme,, kroz 10-20 godina svašta se može izokrenuti od bankrota zbog urušavanja svih država do nekih ludih visina

Even now, the Baltic Dry Index is down 50% from where it was in 2010. It’s down 80% from the giddy days of 2008 — just before the financial crisis struck — when shippers thought the global economic expansion would have no end, and that there was virtually limitless demand for the shipping of raw commodities.

But after more than a decade of tough times, the shipping industry has finally rebalanced itself.

Shipowners scrapped a record number of vessels in response. Not just dry bulk ships, but vessels of all kinds — tankers, container ships, you name it. Just in the dry bulk category, more than 500 vessels roughly 5% of the world’s fleet — were beached and cut up for scrap between 2015 and 2018.

The second factor is a mandated switch in fuel. Right now, most ships burn low-grade oil known as “bunker crude.” By January 1, 2020, ships can only burn oil with a sulfur content of 0.5% (compared to as much as 3.5% now).

The new regulations, brought forth by the International Maritime Organization, compel shipowners to send even more vessels to the breakers’ yards or pull them out of service to install expensive sulfur-removing “scrubbers.”

Put these two factors together, and you have a good combination for the BDRY ETF to climb higher still: a smaller number of available ships, alongside demand for raw commodities that may not be growing much, but is not collapsing either.

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

Trump: China trade deal could happen ‘sooner than you think’
Speaking to reporters, Trump said that trade talks between the world’s two largest economies were going “very well.” When asked about the timeframe for a potential deal, he replied that it could happen “sooner than you think.”

US, Japan sign ‘first phase’ of trade deal
United States President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (pictured) formally signed on Wednesday what Trump called “the first stage of a phenomenal new Japan trade deal.”
The US president added that the first phase will open up the Japanese market to $7 billion of US agricultural products, including pork, beef and corn which potentially means “big dollars for US farmers”.
Abe noted that the new agreement covers industrial, agricultural and digital trade as well.

nisam danas puno gledao li ovaj najveći današnji nalog (144*430) išao po bidu ili po asku? letvica je bila blago spuštena…a rezervoar likvidnosti na ZSE je konačno malo ohladio zadnja dva dana..ajmo promatrat :))

Isao je po asku.

You can't stop the waves. But you can learn how to surf.

BDI opet ispod 2000
-4,4 pct. til 1963

Oni koji rastu zadnji rastu najviše.

Može li netko staviti link na stranicu sa svakodnevnom objavom bdi-a….bila je ona stranica “rubrika” bors & finanz ali tog više nema, odnosno neke su izmjene napravili pa link na bdi tamo ne radi…


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