Bio bih ugodno iznenađen da danas Capeovi imaju predznak +.
Ali zato očekujem da su Panamaxi +, samo je pitanje koliki će taj + biti.
Shipping Quarterly (3Q19): The Tide Has Turned
July 6, 2019
Dry Bulk: The segment has re-emerged from the abyss created by various black swan demand shocks, including the Brazilian dam collapse and cyclone Veronica. A July-loading supply glut in the Capesize market has seen spot rates surge and sentiment shifting. Although we believe the supply situation could change in the near term, we are firm believers of gradual improvements for dry bulk owners, and forecast one of the longest cyclical expansion since the 1740s. We reiterate our BUY rating & expect our Dry Bulk share index to increase 47% over the next year.
Panamax očekivano, prijevoz žitarica ide punom parom. Kinezi kao narod će sve više i više u budućnosti jesti proizvode od žita s obzirom na rastući srednji sloj i mijenjanje prehrambenih navika..
Capeovi -2.4%, 25.822$, ocekivana lagana korekcija.
Cekamo panamaxe..
BPI je stvarno predobro potegao (više od duplo za par tjedana), za naše brodare to je odlično i ovaj kvartal bi trebao biti žestoko u plusu..
Pamanaxe očekujem u plusu danas!
Mislim da je porast Panamaxa od skoro +10% prošli
četvrtak najveći dnevni porast u zadnjih 3 godine
BDI -0.86%, 1.725
Capesize -2.35% to $25,822
Panamax +1.8% to $13,534
Supramax 58k tons +1.01% to $9,530
Handysize +1.18% to $6,673
p.s. Ajmo promatrat
Lijepo, Panamaxi su prošli 13500 $!!!
Panamax +1.8% to $13,534
Supramax 58k tons +1.01% to $9,530
Handysize +1.18% to $6,673
Pazi ovo sa norveskog foruma 😁
Today at 22:04
Iron ore prices staged in the last 12 hours,
closing up 6% for the day. Capesize futures
also rebounded, up ~ 10% from early morning
lows, on news of higher Atlantic fixtures and
tight vessel availability.