Trump agrees US, China will reach deal in 90 days
United States President Donald Trump agreed with the statement made by China’s Commerce Ministry that the two world’s biggest economies will reach an agreement on trade in the next 90 days.
“Statement from China: ‘The teams of both sides are now having smooth communications and good cooperation with each other. We are full of confidence that an agreement can be reached within the next 90 days.’ I agree,” the president tweeted.
kejp +5,1%
čeka se novi val. dole ili gore će da vidimo.
BDI ide gore, slijedeća stanica 1579, a ako to prođemo odosmo ohoho
Tako nešto spominju i na norveškoj stranici, pa ako tko razumije norveški:
Fine tall i fra Kina nå. Da brytes BDI 1339 i dag. 1579 neste 🙂
BDI ide gore, slijedeća stanica 1579, a ako to prođemo odosmo ohoho
ma i da malo poraste, kakvog to realno utjecaja ima na brodare na zse? …da nema IB, ATPL bi i dalje bila ispod 200 kn
BDI ide gore, slijedeća stanica 1579, a ako to prođemo odosmo ohoho
ma i da malo poraste, kakvog to realno utjecaja ima na brodare na zse? …da nema IB, ATPL bi i dalje bila ispod 200 kn
Da bar ima 20 IB na zse, sve bi bilo puno bolje…dlkv bi npr. bio preko 10, a ne na 6.7 kn
BDI ide gore, slijedeća stanica 1579, a ako to prođemo odosmo ohoho
ma i da malo poraste, kakvog to realno utjecaja ima na brodare na zse? …da nema IB, ATPL bi i dalje bila ispod 200 kn
da si ti kupovo na 150kn, mogao si nam sada uvaljivati na 400kn
Ja to gledam ovako: ako je SZAIF-u ATPL bila dobra na 350 jer su uzeli
oko 10000 komada, bit će pojedincima dobra i na 800 sredinom ili krajem
iduće godine…ili na 1000 za koju godinu..promatrajmo!!
Čini mi se da je BDI porastao na 1372, ako je ovo vjerodostojno:
Da ble kjøpssignalet gitt og BDI endte i dag på 1372. Ser ut som flere fikk med seg dette signalet 🙂
Ubrzano učim Norveški :-))))
Trump says talks with Beijing are going ‘very well’
United States President Donald Trump stated on Friday that “China talks are going very well.” Trump’s comments come after the Chinese Commerce Ministry issued a statement that Trump’s talks with President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires were very successful and that it is confident the two sides will be able to reach a consensus on trade.
China to Announce Resumption in U.S. Soy Purchases Soon
China intends to announce this month the first batch of U.S. soybean purchases where most, if not all, will be destined for state reserves, according to government officials.
The final decision will be made by the State Council or cabinet, said the people, who declined to be identified as the matter is confidential. Details to be decided include whether the volume should be 5 million tons or 8 million tons and if commercial companies should buy a further 2 million tons and be reimbursed for the 25 percent tariffs, the people said.