BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska BDI – Indikator budućnosti

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

“Berge Bulk chief has a bullish read of the dry cargo market for 2018 and 2019.

Berge Bulk chief executive James Marshall sees huge potential for capesize earnings and is backing the market to spring into life in the second half of 2018.

Marshall, who heads up the world’s fifth-largest owner of capesize vessels, told the TradeWinds Shipowners’ Forum in Singapore that rates could reach $50,000 per day before the close of this year.

He expects them to remain strong into 2019.
“It is still a seasonal market so I am positive about the second half of the year,” he said. “The ridiculous over-ordering has ended, which should reduce the oversupply of ships.”

BHP Billiton freight guru Rashpal Bhatti expressed surprise at the soft performance of the capesize sector so far this year, given a very healthy picture on the demand side.

The Australian mining giant’s vice president of marketing and freight said China’s bid to boost iron ore production by 5% should add 60 million tonnes to the total seaborne iron-ore trade this year.

And yet capesize bulkers were only earning an average of around $13,000 per day during the first quarter of the year.

Overcapacity on the supply side and market cyclicality were cited by Bhatti’s panel peers, who all held out hope the market should enjoy a more robust second half.”

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

Ali za sad i dalje roni
cape -9.2%

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

Grčki vlasnik dry bulkera Diana Shipping sklopio je novi ugovor o vremenskom najmu s tvrtkom Koch Shippingom iz Singapuru za jedan od svojih Capesize brodova za suhe rasute terete, M/V „P. S. Palios“.

Bruto cijena najma je 17.350 dolara dnevno za razdoblje od oko trinaest do maksimalno petnaest mjeseci.

Brod koji je izgrađen 2013. trenutno je u najmu iste tvrtke po bruto cijeni od 10.550 dolara dnevno.

Dianin bulker nastavlja raditi za Koch Shipping

Pa BDI i pada samo zbog Capeova.
BPI i BSI stoje na mjestu već dugo vremena, tako da tu nikakvog problema nema.
A znamo isto tako i da su Capeovi prije tjedan-dva rasli 10-20% dnevno i to iz dana u dan. Sad se samo vraćaju malo na te razine, ništa bitnog.

Baltic Dry -4,6% – 1.109
Capesize -9,2% – 11.848
Panamax -1,6% – 9.692
Handysize -0,2% – 8.607
Supramax -0,2% – 11.011

Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
24.05.18 1.109 11.848 9.692 8.607 11.011
23.05.18 1.162 13.052 9.854 8.627 11.031
22.05.18 1.199 13.867 9.987 8.612 11.053
21.05.18 1.239 14.833 10.018 8.623 11.050
18.05.18 1.273 15.712 10.009 8.604 11.038
17.05.18 1.305 16.511 9.993 8.594 11.002
16.05.18 1.403 19.001 9.977 8.568 10.954
15.05.18 1.468 20.646 9.971 8.552 10.959
14.05.18 1.476 20.801 9.994 8.535 10.996
11.05.18 1.472 20.684 10.034 8.527 10.997
10.05.18 1.453 20.190 10.034 8.527 11.033
09.05.18 1.465 20.469 10.089 8.530 11.025
08.05.18 1.432 19.568 10.116 8.545 11.125
04.05.18 1.384 18.308 10.176 8.592 11.149
03.05.18 1.376 18.126 10.185 8.629 11.151
02.05.19 1.346 17.349 10.223 8.716 11.136
01.05.18 1.327 16.890 10.223 8.772 11.143

"Berge Bulk chief has a bullish read of the dry cargo market for 2018 and 2019.

Berge Bulk chief executive James Marshall sees huge potential for capesize earnings and is backing the market to spring into life in the second half of 2018.

Marshall, who heads up the world’s fifth-largest owner of capesize vessels, told the TradeWinds Shipowners’ Forum in Singapore that rates could reach $50,000 per day before the close of this year.

He expects them to remain strong into 2019.
“It is still a seasonal market so I am positive about the second half of the year,” he said. “The ridiculous over-ordering has ended, which should reduce the oversupply of ships.”

BHP Billiton freight guru Rashpal Bhatti expressed surprise at the soft performance of the capesize sector so far this year, given a very healthy picture on the demand side.

The Australian mining giant’s vice president of marketing and freight said China’s bid to boost iron ore production by 5% should add 60 million tonnes to the total seaborne iron-ore trade this year.

And yet capesize bulkers were only earning an average of around $13,000 per day during the first quarter of the year.

Overcapacity on the supply side and market cyclicality were cited by Bhatti’s panel peers, who all held out hope the market should enjoy a more robust second half."

kažu i za bitcoin da će do kraja godine na $50k…pa čak i na $100k…
to što netko kaže i očekuje…ne mora značiti da će tako i biti…

Ovo za ULPL nije tocno. Treba gledat konsolidirano.
ULPL ima vece prihode i izasla je iz gubitka u dobit.

je u pravu si…zabunom sam kod ulpl gledao nekonsolidirano…

ovako je za ULPL
2017. 1Q PRIHODI (DOBIT) 40.543.030 (-15.748.975)
2018. 1Q PRIHODI (DOBIT) 42.559.216 (3.675.057)

Znači naši su bolji kad su preživili povjesne minimume vozarina bez dokapitalizacije, splitova… tu i tamo su prodali koji brod i dalje plove napokon sa dobiti, kakvom, takvom. Ako ti to nesto ne govori, ti tigre gledaj i dalje jel čaša poluprazna ili napola puna. Neki od nas su skužili odavno jel se puni ili prazni 😎😎

ti i dalje bubo gledaj da je čaša napola puna….a market te demantira…ne moraš mene uvjeravati da li je napola puna ili prazna…

A jos jednom se dokazala uzrečica sell in May 🙂
nista neocekivano, dapace nisam ocekivao onakav rast pocetkom mjeseca, ali ovdje je klasika ili zestoko gore ili dolje 🙂

cape novih -5.7%

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.


Ovaj tekst nije nagovor na kupnju/prodaju predmetnih dionica.

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