Počeo 19. kongres komunističke partije. Oni će više nego itko drugi odlučiti smjer u kojem brodarstvo ide. Baš kao nekada.
Capeovi +363$ 😃
bdi +0.9% 1566
pnmx -0.3%
supre +1.7% 11626
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+14, 1566
relativno dugo nije bilo fejkića na nižim klasama,morat će i to doći.
capeovi su u punoj formi i spremni amortizirati.
a fejkić ko fejkić,kratko traje pa opet po starom.
tako to ide od kraja srpnja i razine 9xx.
do kad će?
tu smo da popratimo + držim da to i nije od presudne važosti
s obzirom na više puta ponovljeno,ono što je najizglednije za očekivati do 2H2019
i kako sada stvari stoje sa odnosom orderbook-demand.
a do tada ima vremena da se potencijalno dogodi puno lipih stvari
o kojima nećemo na glas da nekoga nešto ne strefi
a nijedan novac nije toga vrijedan zar ne?
Evo najave nečeg novog što bi gotovo trenutačno značajno podiglo vozarine za sve sektore u slučaju primjene:
The findings will be discussed by the IMO next week when it meets for the second time to develop its initial 2018 greenhouse gas reduction strategy. The UN discussions in London will concentrate on a global emissions reduction target and potential measures for the sector. Regulating ship speed is one of the short-term measures on the table that can be implemented immediately. The IMO is under huge pressure to deliver an effective and adequate response to the Paris agreement and global climate efforts.
It takes on average 22 days to transport oilcake from Buenos Aires to Rotterdam via bulk carriers. With slow steaming the journey would take up to 9 days longer, leading to additional expenses (associated with additional sailing days) by up 0.31%. The impact of these additional costs on Argentinean GDP would be insignificant, amounting to no more than a tenth of a percent of the GDP of South American countries. It is unlikely that other countries would experience higher impacts. However, since slow steaming would also reduce fuel costs, net additional expenses could be zero or negative for shipowners. Similarly, if these savings were passed on to the price of exported oilcake sold in Europe, slow steaming would lead to an insignificant impact on Argentinean GDP.
Regulating ship speed could cut emissions by a third – study
Evo najave nečeg novog što bi gotovo trenutačno značajno podiglo vozarine za sve sektore u slučaju primjene:
The findings will be discussed by the IMO next week when it meets for the second time to develop its initial 2018 greenhouse gas reduction strategy. The UN discussions in London will concentrate on a global emissions reduction target and potential measures for the sector. Regulating ship speed is one of the short-term measures on the table that can be implemented immediately. The IMO is under huge pressure to deliver an effective and adequate response to the Paris agreement and global climate efforts.
It takes on average 22 days to transport oilcake from Buenos Aires to Rotterdam via bulk carriers. With slow steaming the journey would take up to 9 days longer, leading to additional expenses (associated with additional sailing days) by up 0.31%. The impact of these additional costs on Argentinean GDP would be insignificant, amounting to no more than a tenth of a percent of the GDP of South American countries. It is unlikely that other countries would experience higher impacts. However, since slow steaming would also reduce fuel costs, net additional expenses could be zero or negative for shipowners. Similarly, if these savings were passed on to the price of exported oilcake sold in Europe, slow steaming would lead to an insignificant impact on Argentinean GDP.
Regulating ship speed could cut emissions by a third – study
Sudeći prema ovome izgledi su dobri, samo je pitanje kada i u kojoj mjeri. To im je gotovo bezbolan način za hitno ublažavanje problema s puno drugih pozitivnih posljedica, a uz današnju tehnologiju jednostavno je primjenjivati ga. Štetio bi jedino naručiteljima prijevoza i ponešto onim brodarima koji su već značajno ulagali u novije eko brodove kako bi stekli prednost na tržištu jer se u tom slučaju ta prednost donekle gubi.
Global shipping emissions rise as IMO meets to discuss climate action
Kad bi to postalo regulativa podiglo bi stopu utilizacije na preko 100%.
Da, dobro ste pročitali, preko 100%. Što je teoretski nemoguće, ali bi dovelo to toga da neki tereti naprosto ili ne bi bili prevezeni ili bi značajno kasnili s isporukom.
Utilizacija bi onda pala na 100% kad bi recimo penalizirali dodatno ispuštanje CO2 za brodove koji bi plovili brže iliti regularnom brzinom.
A vozarine bi za Cape-ove otišle u debeli overhoot iznad 100 k USD.
Za ostale možemo isto samo nagađati.
S tim da bi i brodati ipak morali popustiti oko dijela dnevnog najma, ali svejedno ovo bi ispalo zastrašujuće.