Ostale vozarine? Ima li tko što?
bdi +2.8% 1332
pnmx +1.8%
supre +0.9%
handy +1.1%
Dakle, Panamaxi nam prešli 11.000$. Najs!
Joj divote majko moja :-))
Idući tjedan se sinergija nastavlja, a cijene brodara će naravno reagirati kad tad..
Dakle, Panamaxi nam prešli 11.000$. Najs!
Po uptrendu trebali bi dotaknuti vrh na 14-15 tisuća.
Vidjet ćemo…
Ako skrolate stranicu dolje…vidite drastičan rast dugoročnih vozarina
Ako budu vozili po 14 000-15 000$ pa koliko će tu paretina biti, ako može neki stručniji izračun, biti će tu i pršuta sa šlagom
Great expectations – watch that orderbook
Drybulk demand and share price momentum remain firm into what is
expected to be the strongest second half to the year since 2012. We
remain optimistic in the near term, with the Chinese steel industry
enjoying booming margins and coal inventories remaining at low levels.
Longer term, the growth pace will at some point come down, and
ironically this could coincide with higher fleet growth again as a surge in
Q4 rates and “attractive newbuild prices” will result in increased ordering
activity. As long as focus remains on the next 12-18 months – where we
expect strong markets though – we believe values and share prices will
continue to move up, and reiterate BUY on the sector
Sretno i berićetno svim moreplovcima, djelatnicima i dioničarima.