Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,36 | 15.420 | 364 | 42,30 | 44,50 | -0,47% |
Kaj niste mogli zaokružiti sve skupa na 2800,00 i gotovo ….. ???
Tankerska nema veze sa bulkerima i tamo se nemojte zaletavati
Misljenje znalca[thumbsup]
GERONIMO: ” Tankerska nema veze sa bulkerima i tamo se nemojte zaletavati ” Do sada sam mislio da znaš što pričaš, iznenađen!
Tvrtko trebas jos puno uciti o pomorskom trzistu i pratiti analize istoga.
Bravo Jozo još jedna potvrda da će 30% novogradnji biti otkazano u 2009 Jer Tchman je napisao da se špekulira o otkazivanju 5% do 30%
Upravo zavrsio sastanak sa STX. Na kraju pitao o otkazivanju. Puni su do 2011 (izbacuju 20 brodova godisnje) i postoji lista cekanja za eventualne otlkaze. Mojima nije bilo jasno zasto me to interesira jer je agenda bila nesto drugo. [wink]
Evo taze vjesti:
Market on another roll
DRY bulk rates have been surging over the past 24 hours, with trans-Atlantic rounds hitting $180,000/day.
THE dry bulk market has gone slightly mad today. The Capesize index has risen by nearly six percent in the past 24 hours. A trans-Atlantic round has gone up by more than $25,000 per day to nearly $180,000. A Pacific round has shown a bit more decorum and has only risen by $2,500 per day, while the fronthaul Capesize assessment has increased by $14,000 per day to more than $215,000.
One of the benchmark voyages in the Baltic Index selection is the C4 – 150,000 tonnes of coal from Richards Bay to Rotterdam. RWE, the German utility company, has relet one its Capesize vessels for such a voyage at $41 per tonne to Kleimar for loading in the second half of May. The last time this voyage rate sat above $40 per tonne was Christmas time.
The Panamax market has also firmed and its Baltic index has gone up by 1.4%. The average of the four timecharter trips in the Panamax sector is now approaching $75,000 per day.
The Supramax sector is also firming fast. Brokers report the fixture of the 2005-built, 52,544dwt, Topflight, taken by Noble for a trip delivery Visakhapatnam redelivery China, at $61,000 per day.
Sutra opet veselica. [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
unatoc rastu bdi-a,drys -3%
Obrnuto proporcionalan NASDAQ-u. Ajmo sad svi drukeri u pogon i drukat da Ameri bankrotiraju jer ce to donijeti pozitivan pomak brodarima.[rolleyes]
Mr.Wiseguy: ” unatoc rastu bdi-a,drys -3% ” Obrnuto proporcionalan NASDAQ-u. Ajmo sad svi drukeri u pogon i drukat da Ameri bankrotiraju jer ce to donijeti pozitivan pomak brodarima.[rolleyes]
dok je Geronimo s nama nema briga.vise je skocila atpl u ova 2 dana kako on pise na forumu,nego u 3.mjesecu kad je barba Ante objavi da je zarada u 1Q oko 60M$[lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
Mr.Wiseguy: ” unatoc rastu bdi-a,drys -3%” ma kako to? [lol] [lol] [lol]
Geronimo se iskrcava, seli u Hr brodare