Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 74.725 | 1,525 | 47,60 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
[kiss] Nisam pratio temu od 12 h,sada sam sve procitao..Pa decki vi ste je..ni orkestar..Ovakvu sinkroniziranost nisam skoro pa nikada vidio,svaka cast…Kada sam ja govorio do kraja 5 mjeseca ce biti na 3000 kn,bilo vam puno…sve se vraca sve se placa.Onaj tko ne kupi ovaj tjedan,neka ni ne kupuje,jer u ovoj godini ,tada nece moci zarditi cca 50-tak % na atpl-u,kao mi.
Moram i ja malo,pomoci kolegama.
Jucer sam napisao da je ocito nestalo goriva na brodarima pa je iskrcaj poceo i na drugim kvalitetnim dionicama. Spomenuo sam KODT-RA. Danas se iste protrgovalo 392 komada sta odavno nije vidjeno. Pocimam biti optimista po pozicioniranju brodara na zasluzene nivoe.
kolega ŠPANCIR:”A evo neki dan objavljene vijesti vezane uz 2.Q :
“JARDAN” 71,229/82 – CROATIA – SUL 13,600 – 7HH
Vessel inspectable in Haldia, where ETA 23th April.
Iako je krivo napisan , naš brodić “Jadran” je stvarno u Haldiji.
E sad – kažu da je Zagreb (80,300/08), koji izlazi za mjesec-dva , plaćen 36,6 mil USD.
Mislim da je realno da se za ovaj brod dobije otprilike toliko , jer je krajem prošle godine za ovu priliku uređivan u doku 73 dana.
I eto nam još cca 160 mil kn prihoda”
SV.VLAHO-prodaja dogovorena u 12.2007. nosivost oko 40000 tona,izgraden 1984.BDI je bio oko 9000 sa izrazitim padom od 11000(zaustavio se na oko 5500).cijena 32M$
JADRAN je 2 godine stariji ali ima 70000 tona nosivost,nije opterecen nikakvim dugorocnim T/C,BDI je sada isto oko 9000 ali sa snaznim rastom ka novom ATH,usput i dolar je oslabio nekih 15% zato mislim da je realnija sijena jadrana oko 45-50M$
Jel to opet plovimo skupa?
ako je tvoja informacija,Noxx,iz prve ruke onda je valjda ova moja iz nulte[wink] Kad ne znas tocno sto se dogodilo i ako ne znas o cemu pricas nemoj sirit dezinformacije.Ovo “zamalo poginuo” zvuci kao naslov s Indexa ili 24Sata.Momak (taj tvoj prijatelj,3.casnik)je potpuno zalutao u ovaj posao i kako sam priznaje strojarstvo definitivno nije za njega.Bavi se muzikom,pjeva u nekoj rock grupi,a brod i makina su za njega spanska sela.Stvarno nije lik koji moze pricat o kvaliteti broda,a pogotovo ne ocjenjivat cjelokupnu kinesku brodogradnju. Brod nije ostao bez 1.casnika stroja i upravitelja stroja (ili glavnog,kako ti kazes) jer bez njih dvojice (ili samo jednog od njih) jednostavno ne smije isplovit.Ljudi su se iskrcali poslije Paname (Houston,istek ugovora),dosla su druga dvojica i to je to.Inace,to je brod kao i svi ostali.Neki je malo zahtjevniji,neki malo vise zahtjevan ali na svakom treba radit i odrzavat ga.Atlantska jos ima brodova kineske gradnje(npr. “Orsula”) gdje nema bas nikakvih problema i ljudi rado idu tamo na ukrcaj. Noxx,reci prijatelju da se drzi muzike jer brod definitivno nije za njega.
A evo za naseg muzicara-brodara prigodan muzicki broj [lol]
Nagradno pitanje za danas: na koliko otvaramo sutra ?
The VLCC market in the MEG continued its ascent with rates reaching ever higher
levels. It is believed that there is still considerable upside potential in this
market as there is little double hull tonnage left for the first three weeks of May.
VLCC activity in the Atlantic also continued to be brisk with plenty of inquiry and
with rates around ws160 from WAF to the USG and ws145 to the Far East. Suezmax rates
in both WAF and in the Med/Bsea firmed once again in the face a hectic market
The bad times for shipowners in the east of Suez market continued unabated with rates
softening further this week. MRs trading Spore/Japan were recently reported to have
been fixed at ws170 basis 30,000 m/t; this is down ten wspoints from last week and
sets a new low for the year. LRs trading MEG/Japan were also under duress with LR1
rates dropping 5 wspoints to ws155 basis 55,000 m/t and with LR2 rates also dropping
5 wspoints to ws135 basis 75,000 m/t. Cargoes traded from the MEG to the UKC al…
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All the rates moved up, especially in the Continent and Usgulf. Far East have also
improved although the rates there were heavily imbalanced with west hemisphere. They
were lower by usd 20000/40000 comparing to Cont to Far East voyages and USG to
Continent route. As a result short period deals with East deliveries have remained
discounted by about usd 10000 by the comparison to similar fixtures in…
The Panamax market kept its strong trend from last week, where the BDI numbers
started at 66,716, and ended at 73,673! Owners kept their interest for short periods;
an LME fixed usd 84,000 for 4/5 months delivery Med, and a 12 months LME fixture were
concluded at usd 74,500 delivery cont. Best seen in the Atlantic was a vsl which
fixed usd 89,000 for round trip. Fronthaul business really kicked of…
Capers enjoy sharply improving rates as the spot scene comes out extremely tight on
tonnage, especially in the Atlantic. There is no sign of short-term correction, as
fundamentals for May also appear very healthy. Fronthaul trips for 170,000-tonners
have jumped a good 15%, and now stand at in excess of usd 200,000. Similarly for
Atlantic and Pacific rounds, where usd 155,000 respectively usd 151,0…
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This week has seen more activity and increasing spot rates. As many as 5 spot sales
have been done from Saudi Arabia and owners have pushed the rates up in the mid/low
USD 40/mt for the standard voyage MEG/Japan. The first resale of a VLGC newbuild has
been reported at USD 85-86 mill which is a bit down from previous discussions. Buyer
is a j/v bet…
Read more here:
Yet another week with solid VLCC activity. Two weeks ago we saw 11 VLCC newbuildings
contracted, this week another 6 is added. Could this be the start of a new bull run?
Four of these large tankers were placed at Dalian Shipbuilding while 2 were placed at
Hyundai Heavy. Pricewise, the market remains firm, however, activity is lower and
shipyards ar…
Read more here:
ako bude sriće i pameti sutra bi mogli do moga ulaza tj.2650…..Neka bar negdje ne budem u minusu[lol]
ako bude sriće i pameti sutra bi mogli do moga ulaza tj.2650…..Neka bar negdje ne budem u minusu[lol]
a šta si čekao kad se jedno 3-4 puta spustila ispod 2300?!
mogo si bit već u dobroj zaradi
U par dana izbacilo dejtrejdere, sad se moraju opet ukrcavati…[lol]
Znam i to me ljuti[angry]