ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Kolega Governor u pravu ste, u potpunosti.

bit će bolje na jesen[thumbsup]

utješno !

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

-M3-: ” bit će bolje na jesen[thumbsup] ” utješno !

Koji pesimizam !
Kao da su se na forumu ostali javljati samo daytraderi.

Nije što moraju pretovarati, nego što očito kao da moraju ispucati neku dnevnu kvotu sa prodaje, kako god, glupardija najveća.

Nek se postave na višim razinama i opet dobro.

jel mislite da bi ovo moglo opet dobrano dole
negdje na 2200

semper fidelis

auuuuuuuu metla na 2450

semper fidelis

Što smo mi mali dioničari, budale!?

mali pušioničari.


Opet 400 komada u zadnjih par minuta.
Netko veliki (obzirom na rel. mali promet sumnjam da ih ima više) postavio koridor na 2.400 – 2.450 i kontrolirano skuplja.

Pametno skuplja na ovim smješnim razinama, i ja bi da imam još streljiva. Nego, ako će dividenda za 2007 biti oko 11 dolara, znači li to da bi za 2008 morala na cca. 35-40, obzirom da će dobit biti 3-4 x veća.

je li ovo u usa 1 aprila,ili ……?


Možda jedan od razloga zašto pada BCI zadnjih dana:
THE annual iron ore contract price increases kicked in yesterday – but BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are still battling with Chinese customers over prices will rise for 2008. Although Rio is fending off a $150 billion hostile takeover bid from BHP, the mining giants have presented a united front to Chinese steel mills in this year’s talks. Both companies are pushing for contract prices to reflect the cheaper price of shipping iron ore from Australia comparedwith other major suppliers such as Brazil.
The cost of shipping ore from Brazil to China has averaged $US64 per tonne this year – more than twice the $US27 it costs to receive ore from Australia.
For this reason, BHP and Rio are holding out for a higher contract price increase for Australian iron ore than Brazil-based Vale’s agreed price range of 65 per cent to 71 per cent.
But the Chinese steel industry has so far played hard-ball, even going so far as to ban Australian iron ore from trading on the lucrative spot market.
Once the miners and steel industry agree on the 2008 iron ore contract price, the increase will be backdated to April 1.
DJ Carmichael analyst James Wilson told BusinessDaily that BHP and Rio would probably end up extracting a higher iron ore contract price from the Chinese than that agreed to by Vale.
“The retort from the Chinese of blocking BHP and Rio iron ore shipments seems to be a face-saving exercise,” he said.
“There’s only certain things the Chinese can do — if they stop BHP and Rio shipping it in, it will make the market even tighter.
“The spot market is going to get even crazier, so there’s nothing they can really do apart from giving in to them.”
The spot price for iron ore is trading at about $US200 — more than double that under contract.
Mr Wilson said the iron ore talks could be “a thorn in the side” for both BHP and Rio if they drag on much longer — especially given the takeover battle.
“It still keeps the jury out on the valuation of Rio, because you don’t know what the benchmark price increase is going to be,” he said.
“It makes things more difficult for BHP too, because the last thing you want is constant negotiations.”

čudni se ovdje sveci slave....

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