ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Goran8: ” gyges: ” ubo po 2130 ” Vrijeme će pokazati da li je to bio dobar ili loš potez. ” danas se pokazao loš mogao sam puno bolje

U ceki na 2000 sa pola lovuse a ostatak lovuse ceka razvoj. [thumbsup]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

ovako radi prava firma, zašto u atlantskoj ne naprave nešto takvo?

ovako radi prava firma, zašto u atlantskoj ne naprave nešto takvo?

naši prodaju.
taj postupak mi nikako nije jasan, pred izvješće po nikakvoj cijeni, kad izgleda da sve ide kvragu, oni prodaju.

ok znamo za jerkovića i druge privatnike da prodaju jer im trebaju sredstva za jeftinije, ali zašto uprava nešto slično ne poduzme? sojaprotein je danas skočio 10%.

iako si mogu zamisliti da bi ovdje, a obzirom na to kakvi su ljudi kukavice, neki fond menadžer brzo viknuo “bu” i svi bi se poslušno maknuli s kupnje pa bi dionica još završila u minusu.

pa prodavali su članovi uprave. o čemu ti

Baltic Indices 20/03/2008 BDI 7684 (-117) BCI 9982 (-264) BPI 8006 (-93) BSI 5267 (-35) BHSI 2518 (0) Copyright Baltic Exchange Ltd. (2008) BCITCavg $114152(-2844) BPITCavg $64536(-758) BSITCavg $55072(-369) BHSITCavg $37135(-10)[bye]

hvali more, drž se altantske plovidbe.....

pa prodavali su članovi uprave. o čemu ti

!?!? a ti misliš da će tamo dionice kupovati zoran mitrović? neće nego će a.d.

Dry bulk owners say the future is bright

Richard Meade Stamford – Thursday 20 March 2008

SOURCES of funding may well be temporarily difficult to come by for the shipping industry, but asset values will remain high and rates firm, according to a bullish panel of dry bulk owners and analysts speaking at the CMA 2008 conference being held at Stamford this week, writes Richard Meade.

“If you get seasick then dry bulk is probably not the market for you, but in general we have seen a new floor set in terms of rates that is higher than some of the previous peaks,” said Louis Dreyfus Commodities director Peter Sandler.

riječi mu se pozlatile, ili poplatinile


Baltic Indices 20/03/2008 BDI 7684 (-117) BCI 9982 (-264) BPI 8006 (-93) BSI 5267 (-35) BHSI 2518 (0) Copyright Baltic Exchange Ltd. (2008) BCITCavg $114152(-2844) BPITCavg $64536(-758) BSITCavg $55072(-369) BHSITCavg $37135(-10)[bye]

Da li si se zapitao zasto BDI pada???

China stops spot iron shipments
BEIJING 18 March – Spot shipments of iron ore from Australia to China are being blocked by Beijing, seemingly as a tactic to minimise the rise of ore costs, says a Bloomberg report. The move is designed to prompt Australian producers to settle contract prices at less than the 71% hike that China has agreed with CVRD of Brazil. Around 300,000 tonnes of spot shipments from BHP Billitona and Rio Tinto that have arrived in China are going nowhere because of unsigned documentation. The move reflects the feeling in Beijing that spot shipments are having a big effect on the prices of contract rates. Rio is reported to have sold iron ore shipments to China at $195 a tonne compared with the contract rate of $85 a tonne.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

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Zanimljivo, nisu stavili Uljanik plovidbu na popis.

[color=blue]Dell to buy $52 bln components from China[/color]

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